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Up all night

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 5:58 am
by Polar Bear
OMG, what a night it has been, I can't recall the last time it was like this. Right leg was driving me mad, both arms going a bit also! I had dosed for about 1 hour and it was 1.30am so I walked a bit and tried again having taken a second Ambien, (I had already taken my usual regime of medications) extra .25 requip. At 3.30 Iwas till thrashing about, up and down, in and out of bed, so took 4mg diazepam (haven't taken it in ages), came downstairs to the couch and thrashed around some more. Its now 5.45 am, and I have been awake all night, both legs are going mad, my alarm goes off at 7am.There is no way I can have today off work, and I have a xmas work function tonight that I really must go to.

What a week, first I feel on black ice a week ago, and I am purple/yellow all down my left hip and leg, it looks like I've been mugged with a baseball bat.

Then on Tuesday I was on a bus trip with the church (50 of us)..... following lunch I felt a bit poorly (only me) and ten minutes into the return bus trip home .... wow...projectile vomiting, into plastic bags. Had to stop the bus 3 times to be sick at the side of the road. Then got to my car to complete the journey home and was sick in the car park (I must have looked like a festive drunk). Dumped my ruined coat and sweater into the trash bin. Drove the half hour journey home with a plastic bag on my lap. Made it home and straight to the bathroom where pratically the neighbours heard me heave into the toilet pan. Whole thing lasted violently for about 5 hours and then just passed leaving me with sore ribs from all the effort.

Its like ..... just wipe me out and start again.

Actually..... I can just... nearly.... feel my legs calming dowm. It is 6am. Can I grab an hour before the alarm goes off, lets try.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:03 am
by mardi
oh u poor thing - u've been to hell and back lately. guess one good thing is that things can only get better from here.

hope ur sleeping peacefully - till 7am at least.

take care polar bear and stay away from black ice


Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:28 am
by ViewsAskew
Oh my - that sounds like food poisoning to me. It usually takes a bit longer than a few hours, but it depends on the problem if I remember my food service training correctly.

The legs sound awful! I will be looking forward to reading your post to see how tonight went. You should be getting up soon based on our time difference.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 7:06 am
by sardsy75
Betty my dear friend

What a horrid time you've had! First with the falling on the ice and then with the porcelin king worshiping; and now a night fighting with your legs ... I DO hope you got that one hour of sleep! Same thing happened to me the nigh before last. First time i've had problems since I went off the Ropinirole last Thursday. Took my usual bedtime meds but my brain just wasn't co-operating and I ended up taking another sleeping tablet.

Sometimes I think bruises are the worst kind of injury because, unless you put arnica or another type of bruise liniment on the site, you feel like you've been hit by a mack truck. Unlike broken bones & torn ligaments, bruises dont get "special treatment" or plaster/bandages and the pain can become unbearable.

I've got a cricket ball size bruise on my upper left arm at the moment from where I crashed into the set of cupboards that are right next to our bedroom door. I was pretty zonked out on my bedtime meds at the time, but yeesh, every time it gets knocked I go through the roof!

As for your bus trip ... I'm with Ann ... sounds like food poisoning! Yuk! Nothing worse than being bruised and then having a mega-sore mid-section from all the heaving.

You poor thing! I've filled the moon with as much comfort, pain relieft, positive thoughts, extra zzz's and lotsa (((((huggles)))))

Take care of you!

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 7:30 am
by Polar Bear
Thanks all. Yeah, I thought it might be food poisoning but it was only me who was ill. Mind you I didn't see anyone else have profiteroles....

I got about a half hour sleep. No idea where this hell of a night came from.
Tonight is our company xmas dinner. I really need to go to it

Hmmm.... we'll see.

Thanks everyone, thank goodness for this board. :lol:


Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:54 am
by moonlight
Oh what an awfull time you've had!......they say things come in threes so hopefully thats your three, falling , being sick and not sleeping....

take care and enjoy your company dinner and hopefully a good sleepwhen you come home

moonlight xxx

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 8:48 pm
by ViewsAskew
Re the food poisoning...if I remember from my food service training, some food poisoning takes up to 70 hours to get you. The average is 24. Fast is like 3-6. This is a faulty brain, so that memory might not be completely accurate, but I think it's safe to say that it didn't have to be from that most recent could have been up to three days earlier...

How did the party go? Were you able to make it?

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:57 pm
by snowbound
My sympathies on your horrible experiences this week too...

This may sound dumb but could the sudden onslaught of your rls symptoms be some kind of aftermath of being so sick days before or maybe even the fall?

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 2:36 am
by Polar Bear
Hi Snowbound, I never thought of that.

Yes, I went to the dinner tonight, got home at 12.30 midnight, of course having forgotten to take my meds at 9pm. How stupid. Spent some time with hubby, who is now asleep and So now it is 2.30am, and I am up and about. Tired but not sleepy, arms and legs all dancing. Meds should have kicked in by now. You'd think after only sporadic sleep totalling maybe 2 hours last night, that I'd have no bother tonight.

I took my usual requip, tho late, took 30 mg codeine, 10 mg ambien. and 5 diazepam. Surely some rest must come soon.

RLS sucks.

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 2:45 am
by Polar Bear
Of course the sick/vomiting etc. may just have been a transient bug. However all it well on that score.

Tomorrow is another day. Our d-in-law will be at her family farm... its that time of year.... yaaayyy... turking plucking. Which very sore on the hands, the quills are very difficult to pluck, and no mechanical assistance is used as this can damage the skin of the bird, which the butcher's shops don't like.

Bonus is, we get grandbaby for the day,13 months old and a bundle of joy. Grandad has knee problems from an old injury on duty and has to learn that getting down on all fours to chase her around and through the furniture is doing those joints no favours.... ha ha.

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 8:20 am
by ViewsAskew
Enjoy that child...they are just so much fun at that age. Hope the meds eventually kicked in, Polar Bear.

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 12:44 pm
by dogeyed
Polar Bear,
While I'm sure you know all the tricks about getting to sleep when your legs are driving you nuts, I'll risk it and tell you what I do when worse comes to terrible. I put on support hose and it holds onto the legs just long enough for me to fall asleep.

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 7:18 pm
by becat
PB my love, blame it on the moon.
Last night was the closest it will be to the earth for another 10 yrs. It was huge and so pretty.

Not that it makes our RLS any better or worse for some, but that moon was huge. If it can't effect the tides and our bodies are what? 85-90% water, just think what it can do to us.

Don't worry it moves away and any effects of it in the next 2 days.

Now if that moon thing didn't work for you, I'll tell you this.

I have no idea why things happen this way. I suffer with all nighters about once every two months. If it goes past 3 days I'm on the phone or email with my doc... I use to let it go, but it's not the best idea for me, since the pattern we all want to create and stick to is all around bedtime.

I don't even know if you can do this, but hope you can if this keeps going on.

3rd part, I hate that you were sick that way. Yes, I would have acted sorta drunk and just said, "the holiday party thing, sure you all understand." LOL Ouch, been there and wish comfort for those ribs.
I took a trip ion Oct. (10 hours in the car one way) and coming home I got so lost, turned into a 12 hour drive. I kept having to pull over to find a loo. Tummy flu and the worse in public, the other end. It was just as horrible to have to find places I thought I could go, without needing a chem suit to go in. LOL

I sure hope that all is calm today.
My love and well wishes are with you.
I did fill the moon last night, might have gotten it too full.
Hugs girlfriend,

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 9:18 pm
by Polar Bear
Thank you everyone.

Well, in the end, I got nearly 5 hours sleep last night, which was pretty good. Yes, those all-nighters, Lynne, let's hope it was the moon, which was absolutely beautiful. I seem to get a couple every 3 or 4 weeks. Generally I manage about 5 - 6 hours altho broken with maybe 4 awakenings.

GG, thanks for your suggestion about the hose, but I simply cannot stand pantyhose/tights of any description. I hate the feeling of constriction. Not even the stockings... ... I cannot bare the feeling, and on 'occasions' when I need to wear them, they get torn off as soon as I get home. Hence I nearly always wear trousers or jeans.

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 10:21 pm
by ViewsAskew
There definitely seem to be two camps about the stockings - and no in between!

Like you, I cannot abide them. Not tight jeans, tights, leggings, etc. Ghastly terrible in my book. I wonder if these are actually genetic variances in the disease?

But, back to what's important! So glad you got some sleep. Let's hope tonight and the rest of the upcoming week will be RLS uneventful.