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Weather Change

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:16 am
by waterloo2
Hi all

Think this topic of conversation has been talked about before. But, anyways, does anyone else think that the Weather change makes your rls and especially my Artiritis worse. I am on pain killers so they help.



Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:06 am
by Sojourner
Definitely effects me. For me though it is the movement of the fronts that causes the most pain. I did some tracking a while back measuring barometric pressure etc to see if one level set my rls off. But, nothing consistent. Sometime the same pressure reading made it worse and sometime it made it better as long as it was stationary. However, when the pressure changed that is when I felt the rls kick in. Don't know if that makes sense.

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:14 am
by Eternityroad
We had unseasonably cold weather and even snow a couple weeks ago (I live in Las Vegas, Nv) I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. and the few times we get rain in Spring or Fall isn't a factor either.

Ken W.

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:28 pm
by dogeyed
Hi Waterloo
Oh, yes, husband and I both have arthritis and tore-up backs, and of course I have RLS too, and weather always makes us worse. I too remember that discussion on here a few months ago, about how cold fronts will set off aches and pains and RLS, lots of theories were discussed. Husband and I always ask each other, when some sort of storm comes through, if the other is hurting, and we always agree, if one is aching, so is the other.

And as the other poster said, we thought it might be high pressure systems or low, a barometric pressure deal, and have never quite determined what it is. One of the moderators was going to keep notes, and wondered if I would too, but I can't remember to do most stuff. I DO know that if the weather comes from the Northwest in the U.S. over to our East Coast location, it is worse than from the South. But that is only true in the warmer months. And as for high pressure systems, that also seems to affect us more than lows, but it's confusing to be sure, as we haven't made a record of it. It might be a combination, like if it's a high from the north that includes rain, we're miserable.

But I've heard lots of older people over many years, not just here, but in normal social situations, talk about how their bones are aching when a storm is coming, so I think it's true. I know in Great Britain, the weather systems are different than the U.S., but gosh you guys have a lot of weather, to be sure, lots of rain and clouds. Could be the human body swells or something, which makes us ache, depending on what's going on in the atmosphere.

Oh, Waterloo, how I wish you could get some better relief. I mean, it doesn't really ever go completely away, but good drugs can help so much. And often I will use a heating pad on my legs, it eases the pain, tho, so plez try that when you get real achy. And of course just finding out that other people ache with the weather hopefully helps you too.

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:17 pm
by waterloo2

I use a hot water bottle and of course the old pain killers.
Never ending on those at the moment.
When the weather changes it its me most of all, we're having
a cold snap at the moment that does not help at all 2 pain
killers this afternoon and bed. 0h yes bed too. Im riddled with Artiritis and the rls doesn't help either.
Am going to have to see another doc regarding to the rls next week. Im glad these holidays are over.
I can go out and spend spend and

love gill

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:45 am
by Sojourner
GG, I was the one keeping records on the barometric pressure. Did so religiously for quite 6 weeks or so. As I said, I really could not find a consistent pattern that I could document. Still, I know I felt it and like you can tell when a front is approaching sometime as much as a day or so ahead. Anyway, seems like from what I read other people can also feel it but scientific documentation or studies do not always bear our "premonitions" out. M.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 6:21 am
by Aiken
Changes in barometric pressure are pretty well noted for causing arthritis and other joint pain to flare up. That's a given.

I don't think anyone's sure yet if it's true for RLS, but I do know there are days when it has seemed so to me... days when nothing else has changed except the weather, and suddenly I'm going nuts. It could be barometric pressure, amount of daylight, humidity, ionized air, anything. Hard to know.

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 4:34 pm
by waterloo2
Hi Aitken

I agree with you there hon.
Want some warm sun somewhere?
Something like a cruise somewhere warm and sunny,
just the job I think I
