I'm gone for a while

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I'm gone for a while

Post by becat »

Ok, Here goes.
I'm going to be gone for a weekend, a week, who knows at this point.

For those that know me, you likely know that my Grandmother,88, is one of my lifelong best friends. She also suffers with RLS like I do. She is one of the reasons I stay so active with this board. I'm forever looking for something to be helpful to her, not to mention myself.

She had a stroke yesterday, and then another Last night. She can't speak and isn't really recognizing anyone right now. There was damage to her heart, but all is stable so far. So, I'm going to be with her and my family in N.M.. I'm better off being there, then at home with the what if questions. Also, regrets are hard to fix.

I know that many of you are sending good thoughts and prayers. And Thank you ahead of you saying to me. I take them with me. I won't have access to a computer. So, if you don't hear from me and care.....I'm just away for now. Sorry to post this, it's was the easiest way to get to the many people I talk to regularly.

As always Hugs to all, wishes of peace.

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Post by lyndarae »


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Post by ViewsAskew »

You may have gone already and will not see our responses, but I am sure you will feel them as our hearts and our thoughts are with you.

With love and faith,

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love ya

Post by SUGAR »

Becat, you are in our hearts. Do what you need to do, don't worry about us, we will be here.
Take care

Luv Sugs

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Home Again

Post by becat »

Well, Thank you to Lyn, Ann, and Sugar, for your warm thoughts and prayers.
I am finally home as of last night. I've learned so much in the past 17 days. About life, honor, love, and family.
As you know, if you read this thread, my very special, much beloved grandmother had a massive stroke the 2nd of Feb.. By the afternoon of the 3rd I was in N.M. and joined my family to be by her side. I'm known as the "enforcer" around my family when it comes to my grandmother. Her wishes, always my command. Unable to talk, I became her voice, much to my honor. My experiences of the past year here and with the medical community certainly made a positive difference in how things were done.
Our hopes were high that this stroke was one that she could come back from, not to be. With the guidence of one very loving and honest doctor we took my Grandmother back home to pass in peace and among family, in her home. With the help of Hospice, once a day, we cared and loved my grandmother with full hearts.
We lost my "Mammaw" on Feb 16th. It was an amazing 17 days filled with love, care, and yes, even laughter. We did as she would have wanted it. We cooked, told stories on one another, debated everything we could think of. We filled her home with family and friends.
What a world of love one person can create. She was more than my grandmother, she was a trusted friend and a gifted soul. The kind of woman that made each of us feel like her special favorite.
My Mammaw fought severe RLS for the most of her 88 years. Always supportive and interested in what we were doing around here and willing to put in her own thoughts. Last year she even filled out a survey for Jumpy, telling me that no one should live with this nasty stuff (RLS).
A wonderful peace of my heart and soul are silenced and saddened. However, her love is with me. Her spirit reminds me that what one person can do more than we think can be done.

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Becat, the torch has been passed

Post by jan3213 »

Dearest Becat

You have my deepest sympathy on the passing of your dear grandmother. I know how much she meant to you, and you to her.

You have told me about your grandmother. She was a remarkable woman. She was the matriarch of her family--a family she was very proud of. I know you and she had a special connection. What a wonderful gift you were given--to be with her at the end of her life here, but at the beginning of a new journey for her AND for you.

I believe she has passsed the torch to you, Becat. You have her spirit--even though I didn't know your Memaw, I know what you have told me, and I believe that you and she were more than grandmother and granddaughter. I believe you were soul mates. You will serve her proud!

I know you will miss her, but I know though she has passed, somehow she is still with you--and you know that too.

Much love to a dear, dear friend
No one is alone who had friends.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Dearest Becat,

My thoughts were with you often during the last few weeks. What a marvelous way your family honored your grandmother in dignity and love. What a great opportunity you had to spend that time together in mourning, love, sadness, joy, and in community.

My thoughts are still with you. Welcome home. We missed you.


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Post by lyndarae »

Hello Becat, My heart goes out to you and your family. What a gift for mammaw to have all her loved ones with her. I am a hospice volunteer and I have been gifted many times over by people passing on to the other side. She must be dancing a jog now that she is rls free. But it is painful for us left behind. With the connection the two of you had I know she will be by your side always. I have missed you very much and you have been in my prayers. Your mammaw taught you alot about grace and compassion and you have passed that on to many others myself included.I hope your sadness does not last too long because your memories will last forever. That is the gift she has left for you until you are together again. If there is anything I can do for you please let me know. Please take care of yourself and know that its not the end. Just a new begining for mammaw and I wish her GOD SPEED!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I love you Lyndarae

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Post by nephriticus »

She was more than my grandmother, she was a trusted friend and a gifted soul. The kind of woman that made each of us feel like her special favorite.


Having met you, I suspect it must have something to do with the genes.

Wish you the best.
Currently RLS free. Symptoms stopped almost abruptly after my long term, full time care giving duties ended with passing of wife. No stress, no RLS.

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Love and Hugs

Post by becat »

Love and Hugs just simply doesn't seem say to just what I mean to send to each of you.
Having all of you in my heart of family is more blessing than one person deserves.
Again, the comfort and care this group brings is awesome and overwhelming.
Thank you all for your warm words and good wishes.
My hugs and love to each of you.

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Post by lyndarae »

Becat, WE ARE ROWING FOR YOU RIGHT NOW!!!!! You must listen to the new song by Tina Turner!!!!! OPEN ARMS Its my song for you. I miss ya girlfriend~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lyndarae

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