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Post by bradyferguson »

Last edited by bradyferguson on Thu Mar 17, 2005 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Post by umpwidow »


So sorry you're going through this now. Sounds like it's time to call in the IG or the Surgeon General.

Just throwing something out there. I know you're exhausted, but could you make one more phone call? Write one more letter? Get the ball moving so that you can get to a doc who can actually help you?

Are you able to change docs?

I hope this works out for you soon.


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Post by ViewsAskew »

Brady, I figured something was up when you were gone for so long. I knew you were having a tough time of it, but kept hoping that something would happen to turn things around. If you need to be here, we're still here. It's one of those take what you need and leave the rest kind of things.

Since you're military, I'm assuming you're going through regular military channels. I doubt the Canadian health care would take you because you're military. How far are you from the US? Could you see someone here, get a script in the US and fill it in the US? Probably wouldn't work longterm, though. Just thinking while typing. . .


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Post by nephriticus »



Are you sure of that spelling? :lol:

Hang in there guy.
Currently RLS free. Symptoms stopped almost abruptly after my long term, full time care giving duties ended with passing of wife. No stress, no RLS.

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Dear Brady

Post by becat »

You know your missed and thought of often. Understand that we care and we support your journey.
I so wish we all had the chance to talk to your doctors. Maybe, a mass email would open their eyes. Ignorance is simply one of the larger rocks in our path.
I was hoping you would have better news for us. Seems that some in the medical community are still living in the dark ages. Let's hope they don't bring out the leeches.
It's stories like yours that make me see more clearly what a job ahead of us this foundation has. I hope that I never forget what the goal is, what mark we have to make.
My thoughts are with you. My prayers as well.


Post by Guest »

The Idea of a mass E-mail sounds like a brilliant idea.

What I would be interested in is how many people who have a history of past addiction weather that be with drugs or alcohol are using pain medication to treat there RLS with success.

This is my doctors greatest fear... I think he believes that not treating my RLS carries less of a risk than treating me with pain meds.

I also believe that if he knew that torture that I go through on a daily basis he would reconsider his course of treatment. I’m planning on video taping myself while i sleep and when i am dealing with the daily torture of RLS and bringing it into him. My wife will be going to my next appt on the 9 march as well. IF this does not work I don’t know what will.

This is another example of the ridiculous measures that we have to go through to justify an illness that is already recognized as serious to the medical community. All my doctor would have to do is a little reading.

by the way Neph the spelling for ARRRRRGGGHHHHH was taken from the Charlie Brown dictionary.

So if any of you are using pain meds and have had a past addition to either drugs or alcohol I would love to hear from you.

Brady Ferguson


Post by cornelia »

Brady, would it be an idea to contact the RLS Foundation. Maybe they can help you in one way or the other, like giving you a letter for your doc in which is stated that it is possible to help patients with pain meds, regardless of the fact that they were abusers in the past.



Post by cornelia »

Brady, I forgot one thing. Why not send an email to dr Buchfuhrer of the Cal. supportgroup. Within 1 or 2 days you will get an answer, which you could take to your dr and tell him that dr B is on the board of the RLS Foundation?
Just another thought.


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Post by lyndarae »

OK BRADY where the **** have ya been. I heard about a little webcam action going on in the chat room I was sorry I missed that one I miss all the fun. Is there anyway you can go to a sleep doc on your own???? Even if ya have to pay out of pocket it is worth it. Your plate is full and I wish there was something more I could do to help ya out. I have missed you alot. And here the pain you are going through. Im done messing with General practioners and neurolagist. Im going right to the top man a sleep specialist!!!! I might not have any food in the house but I need to loose some weight anyway. GOD BLESS YOU brother and hang in there ok~~~~~~~~~Lyndarae

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Post by IanFraughton »


Sorry to hear you have to go through this pain for nothing. Perhaps your CO could help you. Get him to pull some strings to get you a doc that will help you not hinder you. If not write to your MP if you have to, don't give up man. I am exhasted from 35 yrs of sleep deprevation and depression but I'll be damned if I'm going to give up battling this disease. I'll visit every doctor in the world if I have to.

Don't get mad, get even!

Good luck,

I call my pacing the "Waltz of the Damned". Anyone care to dance...?

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