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magnetic pad

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:49 am
by demarko
Has anyone used magnetic pad to get relief?
Thanks for reply.

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:22 pm
by Betty/WV
Hi Dimarko: No I never used magnetic pads for RLS. But I did buy and wear a magnetic bracelet for my artheritis and didn't notice any difference in my artheritis. I had heard so many wonderful stories about the relief artheritis sufferers get from magnetic bracelets that I gave it a try. Disappointment!


Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:00 pm
by Polar Bear
I haven't heard of anyone using magnetic pads for rls.

Magnetic Therapy Treatment

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 3:15 pm
by demarko
I just red this and want to ask you have you heard about this?

Magnetic Therapy Treatment

[color=red][b]Since this condition is barely associated with medical physical findings, the disease is mostly one that is diagnosed by the history of the patient and the patient's bedmate. On occasion it may be associated with an iron deficiency in which case the source of the deficiency warrants investigation. Oral iron can be prescribed.

The term Restless Leg Syndrome was really first coined and introduced by the pharmaceutical industry who launched a campaign for the medical treatment of the syndrome. The drugs advertised at the time were those that increase the neurotransmitter dopamine, or act like dopamine, benzodiazepene such as Valium, and the anticonvulsant gabapentin. These medications are drugs that may well be associated with serious side effects, some of which might include augmentation or worsening of the syndrome and the symptoms thereof.

We have found that there is a drug free means of treating this syndrome, namely with the use of highly powerful magnets which are placed in a band around the leg below the level of the knee. These magnets must be unipolar, of sufficient gauss strength to penetrate the skin so that they can soothe the underlying effected nerves and muscles. They must have the negative field facing the body, which provides this soothing effect.

With the use of high-powered unipolar magnets placed around the leg at night these symptoms are ameliorated in approximately 80-90% of the people who use [b]the product faithful ly. It is important to recognize that in order for these magnet products to be effective, the magnets must be strong enough to produce a magnetic field, which can penetrate through the skin and reach the underlying
nerves and muscles. The negative pole tends to sooth these structures and is associated with considerable relief of the syndrome. People who have been using these magnet leg wraps have noticed a significant reduction in pain and discomfort of the legs after only one to two nights of use. It is something that should be seriously considered in people with this truly annoying and exasperating syndrome. It is a drug free means of controlling the symptoms of the syndrome. [/b]
[/b][/color]This is the adress ... &Itemid=85

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 6:41 pm
by Betty/WV
demarko: No I never heard of this. But then again, I am not a doctor etc.
My first thought was----if this is true, why haven't any of the sleep disorder doctors or ones who are doing or have done research in RLS said anything about this type of treatment. Like Dr. B, for instance! And I have read all kinds of so called "cures" for RLS. And I have had it for over 40 yrs.

And of course everything you read on the internet isn't true. People have their theories. But if you find something that works for you---Go for it. Different things work for different people. We are all the same yet different.

I have never found anything that worked until the last year or two when I started taking Mirapex and Clonopin. And they may have horrible effects. So far I am doing alright with them. Who knows what comes next. But at least now I am getting some sleep, first time in years. What ever happens next, I will deal with it when it happens.

It will be interesting to hear what others, more knowledgable than me, thinks.


Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:18 pm
by dogeyed
If you'll do a search, it's in the menu at the top of the page, and put in the word "magnet," you'll find some posts that refer to it. I have lumbar back pain, and I saw in a catalog a magnetic waist wrap that is supposed to help that pain, I actually thought about getting it. But I do not understand magnets and how they work to relieve pain.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 6:24 am
by badnights
I can't trust any informaiton in an article like that where I see blatantly wrong informaiton.
this condition is barely associated with medical physical findings
This wording implies it is not a real condition; absolutely wrong. Many real conditions, including RLS, fibromyaliga, and polymyalgia rheumatica, depend on a clinical history for diagnosis.
diagnosed by the history of the patient and the patient's bedmate
The bedmate is involved in the diagnosis of PLMS which also can be diagnosed with a polysomnogram. RLS cannot be diagnosed with a polysmonogram (which can however reveal the fragmented sleep associated with many disorders including RLS) nor are a bedmate's comments of any use in diganosis. The author here has confused the two disorders.
The term Restless Leg Syndrome was really first coined and introduced by the pharmaceutical industry who launched a campaign for the medical treatment of the syndrome.
Utter claptrap. The term "restless legs syndrome" was first used by Karl Ekbom in 1945 (Acta. Med. Scand. v158 n1 p1-122). The first neurologist to report that the disorder was a neurologial one and not a physchological or psychaitric one was H. Oppenheim in 1923 (from Yoakum, 2006). The Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation and a number of physicians and patients were advocating for more-effective treatment long before the pharmceutical industry started marketing trials for dopamine agoninsts to treat RLS. The first treatment of RLS with a dopamine agonist was by Dr. Akpinar in Turkey in the 1980's (Buchfuhrer, Hening & Kushida, 20007), long before big pharma got in the act. In fact, it was only because of Akpinar, and other real physicians and real patients who found dopamine agonists useful, that big pharma chose to do trials on this class of drugs.

Magnetic things might be useful but I would not waste my time trying them based on this article, because the mistakes and misinformation in the article make me mistrust everything the author says.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:22 am
by Betty/WV
Bethf: Good reasoning, I was thinking along the same lines as you. But then again, I'm sort of a mistrusting person anyway. :roll: