RLS and carbonated drinks

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RLS and carbonated drinks

Post by somnoguy »

I have had RLS for about 12 years. I am a diabetic and have drank diet soft drinks. Recently I stopped using soft drinks for a couple of weeks and noticed that my symptoms improved significantly. Has anyone else noticed the same? Does it have something to do with the phosphates in the drinks binding with calcium and interfering with the eletrolyte metabolism? I'd be interested if someone else has had similiar experiences.

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Your right

Post by becat »

Hi Somnoguy,
Yes, I'd have to say your right about this one. Caffiene has long been said to be a no no for us. Although, I'm not sure how I would stay awake somedays without some. The sugar is another thing most of us tend to notice problems with.
Your right about the "phosphates in the drinks binding with calcium and interfering with the eletrolyte metabolism".
Phosphates eat calicum like crazy. Calicum helps in our bodies as a natural relaxer. Calms the muscles and stomach, etc..
Not to mention what drinking sodas out of Aluminum (sp?) does to us. It's long been thought in the Holistic world that even cooking with foil leeches this toxin into food and carried into our body. Where it stores up and builds.
But Darn..........Life with out a Dr. Pepper, I'm not sure. I can go for a long time, then I gotta have one. Like most food allergies, I suppose one every so often won't drop me. So back to water........ugggghhhhhh

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Post by Sara »

Interesting discussion, Somnoguy and Becat--

I don't drink sodas, and haven't for years just because they disagree with my digestion. So drinking or not drinking them has had no impact on my RLS progression. However, I would not be surprised if sodas might not have a negative effect on RLS-- especially if you are consuming diet and/or caffienated sodas.

Caffiene and phosphates as you and Becat mentioned, as well as aspartame and some other artificial sweeteners (many of which they are now adding to "health" drinks and "non-diet" drinks and products and not "advertising" the way they used to always mark things proudly with Nutrasweet, so keep your eyes open for them-- especially sucralose/Splenda) have proven negative side effects on health, especially over long periods of use.

I can always taste artificial sweeteners, and have always been suspicious of them (since aspartame was introduced when I was a kid--it made me sick the very first time I tried it and every time since), so I never consume these products. But my mother consumed them for years before she was tested for food intolerances and found out that aspartame was HIGH on her test of things she should avoid.

I was just researching sucralose last month because of a negative experience my family had with it last summer, and found this page which discusses a number of sweeteners, and is quite interesting.


Glad you're feeling better, Somnoguy! Take good care, everyone.

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Post by lyndarae »

HEY ALL I am a cocaCola girl myself and I have cut way back but I dont notice a difference one way or the other. Since I gave up the booze I drink alot more coke but here in the last couple of weeks its water that I want. But you can't argue with the facts this stuff is not good for our bodys or minds. MAN LIFE IS TOUGH HUH CANT EVEN HAVE A POP WITHOUT FEELING GUILTY :shock:
I hope everyone is doing well I am very busy working on my recovery so please forgive me. OH YA AND MY NEW LOVE !!!!!(Gottca Becat))~~~~~~~~~~~Lyndarae

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Really miss my coca-cola!

Post by IanFraughton »

I LOVE coca-cola and a chocolate bar and was one thing I used to help my depression even though I didn't know I was depressed or atleast wouldn't admit it to myself or anyone else for that matter. Isn't denial a wonderfull thing! Anyways I started drinking decaf coffee but just isn't the same and I am tempted to try decaf cola but like Sara says these products usually contain Nutasweet and I hate the taste of that stuff. I am also suspicious of these chemicals and wonder what they are doing to us on a long term scale. I recently started writing letters to the cake and candy and ice-cream producers (but havn't sent them yet) to get them to put a warning label on their packaging for parents with children with RLS and also make a decaf alternative but am afraid they will have to use Nutrasweet. I'd rather have no chocolate for the rest of my life than have them make a buck selling that garbage to the public. Although I will definately try to get them to put the warning label but I know that will be a hard sell so if we all send them letters maybe they will listen to us. If not maybe we can get them to support our cause. What do you think?
I call my pacing the "Waltz of the Damned". Anyone care to dance...?

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