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TENS Electrode Placement

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:16 pm
by sleepdancer
If TENS is supposed to interfere with signals to the problematic area, it seems reasonable to me (very much a novice with this) placement at the point of the problem might be "too little too late". I had no success with using them on my legs, any I tried just about every inch of my thighs, calves and feet - front, back and sides - in various combinations. That's why I settled in on the 4 corners of my lower back, to try to prevent the signals from making it back and forth between the legs and the brain. My machine had instructions with warnings about where NOT to place the electrodes. The instructions included placement for carpal tunnel and I'm sure it's used for other arm issues, so maybe those placements would be a good place to start. Ideally one would be working with a physical therapist so as avoid experimenting and/or making mistakes or violating some principles of placement.

TENS Electrode Placement

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 3:29 am
by sleepdancer
Just noticed I had not updated this thread. I continue to have pretty good (though not perfect) results with using the TENS to make my legs calm enough for me to sleep. For some weeks now I've settled on placing the electrodes from each lead a few inches to either side of the spine, very low on the back/buttocks. When I started this experiment about 6 months ago, I was sleeping only a couple hours most nights, and those few hours were still miserable. In the past few months I've been getting 7-9 hours a night. Still have some wakeups due to unrelated issues, but the sleep I do get is usually quite good. Might have 1 restless night a week, but still not to the point of being miserable. Just an update.