Sleep positions?

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Sleep positions?

Post by Sara »

Hey, folks--

I was thinking this morning, when I was lying in bed at 5 am reading a book and having moderate RLS symptoms, about the fact that we have RLS when sitting or lying down, but not when we stand or move. I was also thinking about the fact that some people find different heights of seats make a difference in their symptoms, and that personally, I have much less RLS when I lie down than when I sit, so COMPARATIVELY, it's mostly "gone", and I think that's why I can get to sleep.

But that made me wonder.... what's the mechanism or ? that makes sitting down, for example, trigger (or let us feel?) our symptoms????

And why do different positions.... or different places to sleep, since don't some of you sleep on the couch not JUST to save your spouses the "commotion"? and since some members have had at least a little relief from using memory foam, etc..... make a difference in the intensity of our symptoms????

Anyone care to comment on their sleep positioning? I remember someone (sorry, honey, I can't remember who you were) said they got relief from "indian style" legs akimbo in bed. I've tried that a couple times when just laying down wasn't enough of a relief for rest.

Generally I always sleep either on my side or half on my stomach, with one leg up (like a pregnant lady :wink: ) My husband (who shows more and more signs of RLS lately, and always was a nighttime "jerker") loves to sleep on his back, but if he's "really tired" he can't get comfortable on his back because he jerks more, so if he's really exhausted and wants to get into deep sleep fast, he'll sleep on his stomach.

Anyone else have comments on this? I don't recall us discussing it specifically before.


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Post by ViewsAskew »

Interesting, Sara. I'd say that the positions that reduce or stop the sensations for me are ones where I'm stretching/working the leg muscles. If my muscles are relaxed, RLS is the worse. If it's mild or starts shortly before the meds have started to work, standing, walking, stretching, lying stretched out on my stomach, lying on my back with my legs "Indian" style all can reduce or stop it. When it's severe, I can have RLS while standing and walking, so none of those things work.

I'll be interested to see what everyone else says.



Post by umpwidow »

Yep, I'd agree with both of you. I have to be stretching. Some nights, I'll start out on my back just to stretch the arches of my feet and rub them. Inevitably, though I always wind up on my side one leg stretched as far up as it will go and the other one stretched as far down as it will go. Hubby says I'll do a poltergeist-like off of the bed mid-air move to flip over and then lay in the same position on the other side. Then there is the occasional laying on my back again probably so I can stretch my calves, when the leg will fly straight up in the air and send my husband ducking for cover. Or I'l just lay on my back and move my feet all night (probably to stretch them out) so that the sheet is at the bottom of the bed in the morning.

But mostly, Sara, I sleep on my side in the pregnant lady form.


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Post by Sara »

Oh, Jamie, was laughing out loud reading your description of your nighttime pirouettes! Toooo funny!

Thanks to you both for commenting. Never hurts to compare notes; never know what we might discover. :wink:

Sara :D

Barb G
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Post by Barb G »

Laying down is always better than sitting. I was beginning to think it must be my couch that was cauing me problems. I'd go away for the weekend (I'm a Girl Guide Leader) and it wouldn't bother me at all. As soon as I got home and sat on my couch, symptoms. Before I knew what I had I'd lay on the bed on my stomach for some releif (didn't make it go away). If I'm wathcing tv and strart to feel restless I'll try sitting with my feet up on the couch. Sometimes helps.

I like to sleep on my side but have latley taken to laying on my back with a pillow under my knees. If i'ts really bothering me when I go to bed it doesn't seem to matter what position I'm in. Luckily I usually go to sleep without too much trouble.
Barb G


Post by umpwidow »


I've done the pillow under my knees thing too. That I usually reserve for when my neck is bothering me.


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