doc apt

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doc apt

Post by sugar1 »

Well I am going to a Rheumatologist tomorrow. I am getting older by the day. LOL.

Becat, I haven't talked to you in a while. I am sorry, I have been soooo busy, finals coming up, sick dad( his lung is now collapsing and full of pneumonia) and now sick father in law. What a mess. It's no wonder I'm tired. Anyways I am kind nervous to see what the new doc says. but it's better than not knowing right? How are you doing? How are the kids? Have you been able to make any more trees? They sound great.

Has anyone else been dx'd with Fibro also? I have been reading alot about it and my primary doc says it's possible but she wanted to get my RLS under control first, well it's getting worse and I am getting more and more fatigued. Maybe my life is just meant to be horrible. Who knows. I keep thinking someone put a curse on me sometime in my life. What else can expain it? Ok I'm done feeling sorry for myself. Gotta go study some more Biology, Fun huh?

I hope all is well with everyone.
Sorry I cannot remember my login password so I have to be guest today

Luv Ya Sugar

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((((((((hugs to Sugar)))))))

Post by becat »

(((((((((Sugar Hugs)))))))
You are not cursed......there are just times that life happens. You had a plan for school and life happened at the same time. I spent several years thinking that if one more thing came my way uuuuuuufffffaaaaa.....I'd crawl under a rock and just defend myself. And it's not so much feeling sorry for yourself, honey, you've got some valid issues right now. Feeling bad about them seems proper. But know that I am still sending good thoughts and prayers your way.
No, I haven't been given a Fibro diagnosis, that's not to say I haven't mentioned it. Just don't think I have it. Some others that know me think it's possible, but I love them anyway.....LOL I know there are several here that have it.....Rubyslippers and Jan come to mind first. It's been talked about tons around here though.
I'm sure your ready for this appt., but nervous is ok. I still get that way with my sleep doc.. You'll do fine, you know your issues and the ones you want dealt with. And if the doc says fibro, you'll learn about that too. We're still going be here cheering for you. Deep Breathes!
Sorry to hear about your dad, I just wish the best for you all. Now your father in law, OMgosh girl. Tired is an understatement for sure. Don't forget your math grade was awesome......your going to do great on midterms. Counting on you to lead the nurses you know.
My hugs and love to ya. Hang in there and let us know whats going on. I'll email ya later after dinner.

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Hi Sugar

Post by jan3213 »

It's Jan

I just happened upon on post. I'm the Jan Becat is referring to. I was dxed with Fibro last November. I've probably had it a long time. However, honey, that doesn't mean YOU have it. You may have it, you may not. A lot of people who have RLS do eventually get Fibro. BUT, a lot of people with RLS NEVER develop Fibro. You sound like you've had a rough time. We've all been there. I've just been through one myself (and am not really all the way through it, if you know what I mean). You have a right to be tired, to feel "bad". Like Becat said, just take a deep breath, try to relax so those muscles don't tense up. Do some stretching. Slow stretches. Use a heating pad if need be. Take a hot bath. These are things that might help you. Pamper yourself. And, don't give up, honey. Sounds like you've found a great friend--Becat! She's the best! I know!

You're in nursing school? WOW! That's great! We need people EXACTLY like you fighinting for ALL OF US!

Bless your heart, Sugar!

No one is alone who had friends.

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Post by lyndarae »

Hey Ladies, oh my gosh our plates are full.We really need to pat ourselfs on the back for the good job we are doing handeling all this stuff. It sure would be nice to catch a break huh!!!!!!!
My sleep doc was right my cocktail is not working anymore. So back to the drawing board. My pain is alot better but the bugs are out of control. That could be stress too. Went back to swing shift and am busy putting the apartment back in order. Seems like so much is going on that I need to ask everyone to slow down so I can catch up***GRIN***

I dont know ladies but I know Jan has the right idea we need to pamper ourselfs. And have our bad days, but we will get through this together. And thank GOD we have each other to do that. One day at a time!!!!!!
((((((JAN)))))) hey girlfriend so good to see your name...... november is getting closer hows your piggy jar looking????? cant wait to give my girls big (((huggys))))) GOD BLESS~~~~~~~~~~Lyndarae[/i]

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Post by SUGAR »

I went to the rheumy yesterday. I was pleased. He listened to every word I said! He knew exactly what I was talking about. He didn't make me feel dumb at all. He took some blood which my family doc didn't take these tests, he did several x-rays of my back and neck because it has really been bothering me and I just about fell off the table when he put some pressure on my neck.

So I go back in two weeks for results. I am hopefull and a little nervous. He did take me off the Amitryptaline because it made me gain 10 pounds and did nothing for the pain. I also told him all the anti-inflammatories I have had did nothing. So we will see what the outcome of all this is.

How is everyone here today? Thanks for the replies.

Luv ya

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