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restless feet

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:04 am
by Anonymous
I have restless feet, which I am sure must be a form of RLS. It is confined to the feet only, where I get intense tingling, have to move and rub my feet, but the only thing that resolves the problem is to cool my feet down. The problem only occurs at night or when I am trying to sleep, when severe I use ice blocks or similar, when not severe, it is sufficient to just sleep with my feet out of the covers. My brother - only sibbling, has exactly the same problem. Does anyone else out there have a similar problem or have heard of this?

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:42 am
by Penguinrocks
I do use the cool feet routine. I take my shoes off at work and sleep with me feet out of the covers usually with the fan blowing on them. Yes, even in winter. But my symptons are more than just my feet up my legs and into my arms as well.
Some times I put stress on the pressure points in my feet and it does help a little.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:42 pm
by squirmy
My mom has RLS just like you are describing. She also uses ice for relief. And my RLS is a little different than hers, and that is normal, because it might be a little different for everyone. Tina

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 2:08 pm
by Sara
Hello, "dougjess" and welcome to the forum.

My RLS has always been mostly in my feet, too. The "leg" in the name seems to be a general term. I figured when I first heard about RLS by accident that my feet were the extreme end of my legs.... close enough! :wink:

My RLS is progressing the last couple of years, getting more frequent and worse, and it's "spreading" a bit now, too. But even when I have symptoms in my calves, or now relatively frequently, in my knees, it ALWAYS seems to start in the feet for me.

I don't get the "hot feet" except very seldom. Actually, I tend more toward cold feet in general, but my auntie, my grandfather and my mom all get the hot feet and find it the most "obvious" (read that "troublesome") symptom they have.

If you check the older messages here on the forum, I think you'll find a couple of threads discussign this symptom. I know that Leonne and I have talked about it at some length, and a few other people as well.

Hang in there.

Sara :D

RLS in feet

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 6:47 am
by kittykat
I can't believe I finally found people that have RLS in their feet. I just realized a month ago that what I have is RLS. What a relief. I am 59 and have had this as long as I can remember. I allways called it my nervous spells. Drs acted like they didn't know what I was talking about. When I was little I would tell my mother it felt like worms in my feet. It seems to be getting worse as I get older and now my legs sometimes jerk too.
I am so glad I found this website and all of you. I'm finally not alone and I know I'm not crazy.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 1:07 pm
by Penguinrocks
Far from crazy Kittykat!

Welcome. I know exactly what you're talking about with the "pressing" on your feet! I lay down and press mine up against the wall. I pull my right leg up behind my back until i almost touch the top of my head with my foot, now being the size that I am, that alone is one awesome feat! LOL


I spend a LOT of days walking like I'm 98 years old. I'm 38. It seems to be creeping up into my lower back now and it's very hard not to be miserable.

Last night, one of my daughter's friends called and wanted us to go see the play that he's in. He's been working all summer with other kids from her school, so we went.

Let me set the stage. 80 degrees, school auditorium with no a/c, full of people (add the body heat) and auditorium seats. = OUCH!

Woke up today feeling like I have a knife stuck in my right hip.

Again, welcome, vent and share!


Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 7:52 pm
by Guest
yep, mines in my left foot and lower leg. so i would concur that rls is in feet too!!

I often 'callously' trap/wedge my foot between the mattress and the lower headboard and wiggle my toes and ankle crazily to obtain some sort of relief. the pain that builds up (?from the lactic acid build up when shaking my foot and leg for extended periods) is a relief from the feeling I get from the rls!! mad, i prefer pain to rls!

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 7:54 pm
by trevb
Anonymous wrote:yep, mines in my left foot and lower leg. so i would concur that rls is in feet too!!

I often 'callously' trap/wedge my foot between the mattress and the lower headboard and wiggle my toes and ankle crazily to obtain some sort of relief. the pain that builds up (?from the lactic acid build up when shaking my foot and leg for extended periods) is a relief from the feeling I get from the rls!! mad, i prefer pain to rls!

oops me again cant get the hang of logging in!! :oops:

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 8:28 pm
by ViewsAskew
Trev, I don't know what other people do, but I don't even log out! I just leave the site and when I got to my favorites to open it, I'm still logged in.



Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:28 am
by kittykat
I just read the article under Breaking News and it describes RLS but never mentions that it can affect any part of the body. Why is that? I'm going to tell my Dr about the new drug that the FDA has approved but I bet he's not going to believe that I have it cause its in my feet. I know thats what I have. The way I feel with my feet is exactly like I've heard it described here. I wish there were more articles about the feet and other areas too. Maybe in the future.

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:46 am
by Sara

I would think that RLS in the feet would be an easier "sell" to your doc than, say, RLS in the arms or torso like some folks have.

I'm like you, as I mentioned to the original poster in this thread. My RLS is primarily troublesome in my feet and sometimes ankles. Sure, I get it sort of "radiating" into my shins and recently sometimes that "radiation" ends up localizing in my knees, too. (Especially when I'm having 24/7 RLS phases.)

I've not been to a doctor, but there's NO question I have RLS. It's absolutely classic in many many respects, and I don't think that any competent doctor would quibble that your feet aren't "part of your legs", so to speak. It's a syndrome that seems most common in extremities, and your feet are the "extreme" end of your legs. If the doc gives you any trouble, you TELL him that. :wink: :lol:

I think that the current interest in this condition MAY be helpful in raising awareness among doctors-- as well as RLS sufferers and their family and friends-- as to the potential scope of severe case of RLS. I HOPE that that's one effect. Meds that work are a wonderful gift of modern medicine... but no one med seems to be the cure-all for eeryone with THIS condition. So the MOST beneficial advancement we can hope for is a combination of knowledge/understanding/sympathy, in my opinion.

Let's all hope that's waiting for us (and our kids who also suffer!)

Hang in there, Kitty, and good luck with the doc!

Sara :D

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 5:26 am
by ViewsAskew
In the FAQ of this site, they say that it can be in any part of the body:

We Move also says it can be in other body parts and mentions the feet:


Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 1:14 pm
by Sara
You know that, Ann, and I know it. But unfortunately, we also know that if Kitty or anyone else had a doc who DIDN'T, they sure wouldn't be the FIRST... based on what folks have said here about trying to "convince" their doctors of RLS in other parts of the body. :roll:

Sara :D

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:36 pm
by ViewsAskew
Agreed, Sara. Hopefully Kittykat can print out this information and take it with her. It's much more effective to have information printed from the We Move organization or the RLS Foundation than just telling your doctor you heard it from a bunch of people on a message board :mrgreen: .



Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 11:36 pm
by kittykat
Hi Yall,
Thanks alot for the info. I printed it out and I'll show it to the Dr when I go on the 17th. Boy it sure is good to have support when you haven't ever really had any. With the attitude the Dr has I'm not expecting much except a usual smirk and an amused look on his face like hes just tolerating my stupidity. Who knows, maybe he'll surprise me this time and help me.
Thanks again guys