Whoo-hoo! Watch your Wall Street Journal

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Whoo-hoo! Watch your Wall Street Journal

Post by ViewsAskew »

Hey gang, I was just interviewed by a reporter from the Wall Street Journal - she is doing a story on RLS!!!! Part of the reasons she is doing it is because of the approval of Requip for RLS. the other because of the efforts of We Move to focus the media on movement disorders. Whatever the reason, I am thrilled to know that we are getting more attention.


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Post by becat »

Last edited by becat on Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by becat »

WAY TO GO ANN!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Great job on the interview and I'm just so proud........You pushed us forward today and I thank you for that....Thank you as well to Miss Guthrie and Miss Jobbins............

FORWARD MOVEMENT MEANS HOPE! Yahoo to all of you and THank YOU all!

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Oh, darn it! I forgot about it!!! Is it in today's paper????? Are you interviewed, too???


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Nope Not me

Post by becat »

Last edited by becat on Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Yeah, I just finished reading it and was grateful that they included my experience at all - since the other people had shiny-happy Requip experiences :roll: . At least she offered me as an example of someone it didn't help, so that it didn't look like everyone was helped by it.

And, like you, I'm just glad someone printed something at all about it. I'm thinking, though, I wonder if we could write a more balanced piece about it and dee if we could get some other publications to publish it? Hmmm, something to think about tonight when I'm not sleeping!



Post by cornelia »

Can I read the article on Internet? I want to read it too!

I actually found another one in the Pakistan Tribune (long) on



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Good morning

Post by becat »

Hi Ann, Hi Corrie,
Corrie I loved the article from the Pakistan tribune. It was awesome. AND clearly stated that Quality of Life counted. Yahoo.........
I couldn't bring the Wall Street article up on the net yesterday, finally went and bought one. If someone knows how to, please share with us how to find it.
Have a good one.

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Wall Street Journal on Internet

Post by jan3213 »

Hi all

If I'm not mistaken, about a year ago, my husband tried to get an article from the Wall Street Journal on the net and I think you had to subscribe. I'm not positive, but I think you did. I think it's just www.wallstreetjournal.com. I FOUND IT. You DO have to subscribe. But, it's there. It's entitled SOME RELIEF FOUND FOR RESTLESS LEGS. But, it's available to subscribers only! Unfortunately, it costs $79/year for an online subscription. DOUBLE DARN. But, it's there. Just out of reach!

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news article

Post by squirmy »

I really really want to read this article. I think it is just wonderful what some of you people are doing to increase awareness. My dad let me know about Requip, but for now after doubling the Sinemet, I'm doing o.k. so I'll just stick with what's working. But it's nice to know we are getting more options. This is great news! Tina
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the thing I hate about these articles

Post by Kris »

My RLS hurts SEVERELY bad - when I was younger I had very similiar symptomes to those described in the paktribune - but after I experienced nerve damage and severe trauma to my foot - I thought mine went AWAY - instead, I started having extreme pain getting worse and worse as the day turned into night.

The article describes RLS that is totally UNLIKE what I have now.

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Post by becat »

Prime time TV tonight GlaxoSmithKLine commerical for RLS.
Right before Everybody Loves Raymond came on there it was. No mention of any medications just some of the symptoms, 1 in 10 adults has it according to the ad. And it gave this foundation's website address.
Awesome. We're getting somewhere.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Becat, that's great - I'm so glad of the coverage, still worried that Requip will be the ONLY things doctors know about. But, it's better than now knowing RLS exists, I suppose :roll: .

Did any of you see a different RLS article in the WSJ? It was in a couple of weeks ago and was very different that the first one. I thought it actually had some incorrect info in it. This first one was better (and not just because I had some dumb quote :lol: ). But, again, it's something.


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Post by IanFraughton »

Hi all,

Wow congrats on getting in the WSJ Ann and for promoting our cause. We need all the coverage we can get.

I liked that article on the Paktribune, especially the part ""These people can't relax. They're tired all the time," said Jerry Siegel, professor of psychiatry at the Neuropsychiatric Institute of the University of California at Los Angeles and chief of neurobiology research at the Sepulveda VA Hospital." NO KIDDING! And we're expected to perform at work and live life like everyone else except we have to do it without sleep. Ya right....

As for doctors not knowing enough about RLS, it has broken my spell that doctors are "all knowing", but some believe they are. My doctor for one, telling me now if Amitriptyline wears off then there are no other sleeping pills for me to take. :shock: What does he think I'm stupid :evil: I've wallowed amoung the much and filth of the "underworld" long enough to know that there are many different sleeping pills out there. Also trying to tell me valium isn't a good seditive and refuses to dx me any. No matter my roommate gives me a few when he can spare them, and I just got 20 oxazapam(opium/valium mix) and 10 perks for $30Can from another friend of mine. Both of them have hep c and can get access to stronger drugs than I can. I will show my doc how easy it is to get these drugs on the street and if he still won't dx me then I will have to find a new doctor even though none are taking new patients.

But what really gets me is I realized we we're doing the same thing everytime and expecting different results everytime. My meds wear off about 5-6 weeks into treatment. So if we pick 3 different sleeping pills and switch every 3-4 weeks I shouldn't rebound or need augmentation because I won't become immune to them. I will definately discuss this with my doc next time I go. Which won't be long as I'm not enjoying the side effects of Amitriptyline anyways so its got to go. Forgot to ask about Mirapex last time but will write it on my list of things to discuss when I talk to him. I might ask him about Requip too, couldn't hurt...

Peace 8)

I call my pacing the "Waltz of the Damned". Anyone care to dance...?


rotating meds

Post by cornelia »

I'm not at all sure whether your suggestion will work, Ian. But it is a good idea. I need to up Neurontin after 6-8 weeks. I can ask my neuro to rotate with Topamax and Lyrica e.g.
But I still question whether rotating in the same class of drugs will do the trick.


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