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Extreme pain

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 9:06 am
by martino
Last Friday night I was suddenly attacked by the most awful pain in my left thigh. It felt like severe cramp but my thigh muscles were quite flaccid. The pain lasted about 15 minutes and was relieved a bit by standing in a bowl of cold water. I am in England and rather than ring for an ambulance I rang
for our out of hours doctor's service. This was 9.45pm. At 3.15am the doc rang and, whilst being sympathetic, could not really offer any help. I am on 1800mg of Gabapentin and 200mg of Tramulief. He suggested that I take another 100mg of Tramulief but said it would take an hour to take effect. Fortunately the pain has not recurred but I have managed to get an out of hours doc appointment this afternoon (Saturday). I want to see if I can go to 2000mg of Gabapentin so that I can take 500 every 6 hours. Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this and if so what, if anything, helped?

Re: Extreme pain

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 8:19 pm
by ViewsAskew
No idea - hope someone else does. It sounds awful.

Re: Extreme pain

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 10:45 pm
by Polar Bear
I wonder could it have been a momentarily trapped nerve?