Stay Safe!

Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
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Stay Safe!

Post by ViewsAskew »

I hope everyone is doing their best to stay safe. So many countries have restrictions imposed. I work from home, anyway, so not much new for me. But, we are trying to stay isolated since my husband has two autoimmune disorders as well as being a diabetic.

What's everyone doing with their idle time?
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Re: Stay Safe!

Post by Yankiwi »

I'm taking an online printmaking course which is a lot of fun.

New Zealand is safer for the time being which is an advantage of being a very small country at the bottom of the world. I can still go out for walks which is great and so far the gym and church haven't closed. Really weird, the supermarket was out of flour! Kiwis are great bakers so maybe everyone had my idea of always being able to bake bread if supplies dry up.

Take care everyone!

Polar Bear
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Re: Stay Safe!

Post by Polar Bear »

Everything is very different at present.
As the Corona Virus continues my day to day life, like everyone else's, has done a turnaround.
I normally look after my three grandchildren one day each week and have been doing so for 12 years and now they cannot come. On Friday they will finish school for at least 4 months. So many parents who don't know how they will manage to work and have their children cared for.

My husband and I will be fine but It's going to be so hard for some people for various reasons and I think of them. Especially older people on their own, so sad for them.

We are both considered to be in a vulnerable category because of our ages and underlying medical conditions so are told to stay at home and practice social distancing.
This is for 12 weeks. That's 3 whole months!!
Thank goodness for Face Time, texting and Whatsapp to stay in contact with friends and to help our emotional wellbeing.
I knit quite a bit, do sudoko and cryptic crosswords. Better weather will let us tend the garden. And I love my patio, all sorts of quirky bits and pieces. I got a gift of a bird feeder where the top comes up and out like a palm tree. It's now placed in the hole of the outdoors table where the sun umbrella should be placed. There are glass prisms and metalwork butterflies now hanging from the hooks which move in a gentle breeze.

Sometimes I bake, banana bread, shortbread, brownies, and I do a great fat free egg sponge.

Take care everyone.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Stay Safe!

Post by QyX »

In Berlin, except playgrounds (and of course supermarkets, bank, post office etc.) everything is closed.

We are supposed to stay home, only go out when it is absolutely necessary.

Most likely our health care system will be able to cope with the situation, unlike other countries. I mostly worry about the U.S. ... so many old people with lots of additional risk factors ...

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Re: Stay Safe!

Post by debbluebird »

I just got home this past Monday. I had visited my Sister and my Daughter in Albuquerque, New Mexico for 2 weeks, in February. I flew home.
I was home less than 24 hours when I got a call that my Daughter broke her leg in 4 places just above her ankle. We jumped in the car and drove down. 8 hr drive. That was 4 weeks ago today. My husband came back home.
When we were told that the kids could not go to school, my Daughter decided that she and the kids could handle everything. The worst part was over. It took a week before she had the surgery, after the break. She won't be able to walk on that leg for another 3 weeks. Then she'll get a walking cast, but still won't be able to drive for another 3 weeks after that. 10 weeks total. They told her today that it will take 6 to 9 months to totally recover.
So my husband came to get me. I did not want to fly home. He drove half way, while a friend drove me up half way. That way he didn't have to drive the whole way.
There aren't any cases in our town that we know of, but there are now 277 cases in Colorado. It jumped from 121 to 277 since Monday.
This just blows my mind. It's like we are in a movie.

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Re: Stay Safe!

Post by Bridgercan »

Deb—sorry to hear about your daughter—that’s a long recovery time! Stressful for you too.

You’re right about being in a movie—everything suddenly so weird and turned on its head.

Once my spouse and I decided my health was worth more than my meager salary, I put in for unpaid leave of absence my employer is offering. It’s just not worth stressing about Covid-19 exposure given my age and underlying health issues. I’ve two more days before my 3 month leave starts. Meanwhile my hands are happily getting chapped washing them so frequently at work.

I’m trying not to count the hours before I can join my spouse self-isolating at home. He’s already been cleaning out closets and cupboards, as well as canning vegetables and stock. Tomorrow I plan to buy potting soil and start some flats of vegetables and flowers as I don’t expect we’ll be able to go to the nursery come spring. Our area in Montana has lots of snow so it will be another month at least before we can work outside. In the meantime our dogs are happy getting long walks twice a day now.

Our neighborhood is organizing to help our older or disabled neighbors as well as trying to figure out safe ways to help each other with keeping children occupied. The virtual brainstorming sessions have been productive, humorous and calming. For all of us I think, participating and contributing are really helping to keep fears and dark thoughts at bay. I’m grateful just for that!

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Re: Stay Safe!

Post by ViewsAskew »

Truly quite the time, isn't it? So many people have a hard time understand how quickly this can get out of hand and are kvetching about everything being closed. Glad to hear that all of you are OK as of now.

Today Los Angeles county closed all non-essential businesses as of 10 PM tomorrow. The state of California followed shortly thereafter. We have been isolating already. We did go on a short 4 day holiday last weekend and did all outdoor activities away from people. But, we still had to get gas, pick up food, etc. It will be at least a couple weeks before we know if we are clear. I have seasonal allergies and wonder now and again when I sniffle or my eyes burn if I am actually sick - hopefully not. My husband is in a vulnerable group - I don't think I am, but I need to keep him safe. I have taken my temperature three times today - and I am not usually the worrier in the house, lol.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Re: Stay Safe!

Post by Yankiwi »

Bridgercan adn everyone—be careful with potting soil, wear a mask and gloves when opening a bag and using the soil from a bag. Legionnaires disease can be deadly. Recently a fit healthy 40-ish year old man in my town was in intensive care for a month because of potting soil.

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Re: Stay Safe!

Post by EeFall »

Crazy pandemic times. My mother is 89 and we are hoping she makes it to 90 in October but she is not taking the situation seriously. Maybe she will now though. She took a free shuttle bus to a store yesterday to pick up some food (we tried to talk her out of going on the phone as the food she was going for was not absolutely necessary) and she called us afterwords because she fell coming out of the store. She made it home but her hip hurt from the fall and she wanted us to take her to the hospital to have it checked out. My wife and I are both retired and over 60 and we both have health problems where we certainly wouldn't want to show up at a hospital now with coronavirus spreading in our area.

She has no idea how bad things are here, the hospitals don't want anyone to come in unless absolutely necessary. We told her that if she had broken something she probably wouldn't have been able to make it home. Then she said that was what her friends had said where she lives. We got her to call a 24 hour nurse service that she has and they told her to stay home until tomorrow to see how she feels. Also that she needs to call 911 if she needs to be seen.

She told me on the phone yesterday that she didn't know anyone who even had the coronavirus as if that made it alright to go out and do anything she wants. I just hope she starts taking this pandemic more serious and we can have a 90th birthday party for her.

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Re: Stay Safe!

Post by mack »

My wife and I are both retired. We don't do a lot socializing anyway. Most of the restrictions don't affect us very much. My hobbies are model trains and piano, which are home-based. I know you can't discuss religion here, but it is the foundation of our approach to this. Hopefully that doesn't violate the rules here.

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Re: Stay Safe!

Post by Rustsmith »

mack, your message is fine. In the current environment, we all need to draw upon whatever we can to get through this situation and that is especially true of those of us who struggle with each and every night.
Steve ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Stay Safe!

Post by Yankiwi »

My weekday routine revolves around taking classes at the gym and going to mass on the weekend. My gym is open and there's no CVD on the West Coast of New Zealand yet but I'm staying home. Group walks with friends are out now. A tradition after our group walks is to get an ice cream cone but we had already decided to forego that because of possible (definite in some places) dirty hands of the scooper) and get wrapped ice cream. Our eyes are a lot more wide open now to potential danger.
All Catholic masses are cancelled now so in a few minutes I'll take a walk and listen on a podcast.

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Re: Stay Safe!

Post by Bridgercan »

Yankiwi wrote:Bridgercan adn everyone—be careful with potting soil, wear a mask and gloves when opening a bag and using the soil from a bag. Legionnaires disease can be deadly. Recently a fit healthy 40-ish year old man in my town was in intensive care for a month because of potting soil.

WTH?!? that’s crazy! Who would’ve ever thought potting soil dangerous?! The times we live in...Thanks for the tip, Yankiwi!

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Re: Stay Safe!

Post by Bridgercan »

My spouse and I have been video-conferencing for virtual happy hours, a virtual dinner party last Saturday, and now even with our health care providers. After having to participate and present in video conferences at work, I loathed the idea of socializing this way. But much my surprise, it’s been quite enjoyable. Once I learned not to look too closely while people were chewing (video seems to accentuate chewing and swallowing), and reminded myself not to talk or laugh with my mouth full, it was all good. Tonight during virtual happy hour we allowed ourselves fifteen minutes to discuss the latest dreadful news, and then kept the conversation grounded in more pleasant, mundane topics—a relief to laugh and connect and go almost an hour without thinking about anything Covid-19!

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Re: Stay Safe!

Post by badnights »

mack wrote: I know you can't discuss religion here, but it is the foundation of our approach to this.
Mack, to amplify Steve's response to you a bit: there's a link to our Forum rules at the top of every page (in the pink bar); or, here. If you read it, you will notice we don't even mention religion.We don't allow selling of anything, nor hatred or abuse of others. Religion is a great source of comfort and motivation to many people, and on this Forum, we discuss what helps us. Religion is often one of those things. However, if someone goes over the line and starts proselytizing, then they're in contravention of the no-selling rule. If someone starts insulting others for not following the same religion, then they're in contravention of the no-abuse rule. Your posts can delve more into the foundation of your approach to life and dealing with WED/RLS without crossing those lines.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
I am a volunteer moderator. My posts are not medical advice. My posts do not reflect RLS Foundation opinion.

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