Got sleep? What's your jam?

Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
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Re: Got sleep? What's your jam?

Post by ViewsAskew »

I haven't played that in years! It was fun, I thought.
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Re: Got sleep? What's your jam?

Post by leggo_my_legs »

Clean and tend to neglected stuff. Amazing how efficient I can be when rested. Also exercise, take dog to park etc.

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Re: Got sleep? What's your jam?

Post by neoleopard »

walks in nature, music: i listen a lot but I am also a performing songwriter, loving and cooking from scratch as in ZERO processed foods for my husband, research and advocacy... fighting to keep kratom, my life saving little herb, legal via American Kratom Association.

God forbid big pharma should lose all that opiate business from this herb....on my.
please help support kratom users right to choose since those who prefer pharma have their choice too ") Thank you kindly

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Re: Got sleep? What's your jam?

Post by Icantsleep »

I thought I'd send this post back up to the top

Its probably pretty useful to talk about good days

Unfortunately since augmenting from mirapex, I dont really sleep more than 90 minutes at a time but ...
If I can piece together a couple of good chunks of sleep in one night , I just want to do anything with my 3 and 1 year old daughters .

They are my world
They are my purpose


Re: Got sleep? What's your jam?

Post by QyX »

I am running a racing simulator with pretty high end equipment ... I would love to race more but when I haven't slept well, it is difficult to perform at the level I am currently competing. It is an exciting hobby. 2 hours of racing and 1 hour of practice makes me feel like I went to the gym for 2 hours.

After a thrilling race, I often feel emotionally and physically exhausted. Even though it is only in the "virtual world", you are still racing real people. That makes it quite intense, so good, that even a lot of professional racing drives do simracing.

When my health situation is not going to stabilize itself even further, I'll try to do something professionally in that area.

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Re: Got sleep? What's your jam?

Post by Bridgercan »

As I sit here basking in front of my “grow light” as my spouse calls my full spectrum lamp, feeling quite good from a decent night’s sleep, I came across this topic.

When I am rested enough, my joy is skiing, both downhill and cross-country. There’s a reason we live six miles from both in Montana. I’ve skied since I was little—I started in leather downhill boots :o —and it has always been a passion and a source of many grins, laughs, thrills, and friendships. While my steepest, fastest days are long behind me, that is no matter: I still appreciate the quieter, more subtle joys of being on snow: the beauty of mountains, trees, snow and sun, the freedom, and most of all, the social aspect of the sport. My oldest, dearest friends I met skiing decades ago, and while skiing was the basis initially for our friendship, it has grown far beyond that. We look beyond what age, sports, and disease have done to our bodies and find there is still so much fun, challenge, and reward to be had on the snow with ourselves and each other.

So today my spouse and I will click into our skis, get the dogs on trail, and really enjoy life out there! Time to get going!

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Re: Got sleep? What's your jam?

Post by Yankiwi »

Before moving to New Zealand in 1986 I lived in Moscow, Idaho and had friends in Missoula. We enjoyed cross country skiing to natural hot pools in Lolo Pass. Those were great times.

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Re: Got sleep? What's your jam?

Post by Bridgercan »

Yankiwi wrote:Before moving to New Zealand in 1986 I lived in Moscow, Idaho and had friends in Missoula. We enjoyed cross country skiing to natural hot pools in Lolo Pass. Those were great times.
I know where you speak: went to those hot springs on a college ski trip & that too was a lot of fun. There’s something that feels so good skiing in to some hot springs for a nice long soak...

As my spouse and I were on the trail this afternoon, I was reflecting on what else gives me pleasure and satisfaction, especially when I’m not up to energetic outdoor pursuits. Like others who’ve posted, cleaning and organizing are quite satisfying as is gardening. When my mind is clear enough I’ll go through photos I’ve taken, some quite old, that I never got around doing anything with, whether editing or discarding. Sometimes, I come across a shot that at the time didn’t seem to have caught anything special, but then I see something I missed and can get a keeper out of it. It’s especially good when it’s a photo that would be meaningful to someone else so I then print and send it off with a note or card to catch up the old-fashioned way :wink:

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Re: Got sleep? What's your jam?

Post by Yankiwi »

PhotoScan is a free google app that works very well for photographing old photos. It evens out the tonal shifts caused by lights or glare over the picture.

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Re: Got sleep? What's your jam?

Post by Bridgercan »

Yankiwi wrote:PhotoScan is a free google app that works very well for photographing old photos. It evens out the tonal shifts caused by lights or glare over the picture.

Good to know—thanks, Yankiwi!

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Re: Got sleep? What's your jam?

Post by Yankiwi »

I find these 10 minute podcasts very soothing. I turn one on when I'm pretty sure I'm tired enough to sleep with no leg symptoms just as I go to bed (two or three times a night). They are primarily music, mostly repetitive in a chanting sort of way. They are in several languages—French, English, German, Latin and some others. Usually I'm asleep before the podcast is over. I don't play them unless every other criteria is met. They clear my mind of useless thoughts.
Don't be put off if you are not a Christian, most of the singing and speaking is not in English. It is beautiful. ... -community

The Taizé Community is an ecumenical Christian monastic fraternity in Taizé, Saône-et-Loire, Burgundy, France. It is composed of more than one hundred brothers, from Catholic and Protestant traditions, who originate from about thirty countries across the world.

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