How long to wean off ropinirole?

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Re: How long to wean off ropinirole?

Post by ViewsAskew »

zeefy wrote:Thanks Ann!

Do you find Yoga helps?

I have a neurologist appt. in October (on waitlist), and hemotologist appt. in 2 weeks. Hoping to get iron IV treatment.
It helps me be happier, calmer, and more centered. It helps me be more flexible and also to be stronger. When I have RLS, it can help me to subside symptoms in the moment/during - but it doesn't help the RLS/PLMS in any other way that I know of.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: How long to wean off ropinirole?

Post by tagalongbuddy »

It is important to see a really good neurologist regarding the difficult process of medications associated with RSL. I was weaned off ropinirole as part of a plan and now am back on it. (not sure how long--augmentation may be setting in again)

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Re: How long to wean off ropinirole?

Post by tagalongbuddy »

I would say the weaning of ropinorole should be under the doctors direction. I was told to take low dose oxycodone for 2 weeks while weaning off.
It was difficult the first 2 days, then I did very well for 2 weeks. But now he put me back on ropinorole again plus gabapentin, augmentation is starting to rear it's ugly head again, it seems. :|

Polar Bear
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Re: How long to wean off ropinirole?

Post by Polar Bear »

I took about 10 monhs to slowly wean of a total of 5mg Ropinerole daily while supported by Codeine and Lyrica with the occasional Kratom. Off it now about 7 months.
By taking it so slowly I seemed to avoid any awful withdrawal symptoms.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: How long to wean off ropinirole?

Post by ViewsAskew »

tagalongbuddy wrote:
Sat Jul 04, 2020 3:29 pm
I would say the weaning of ropinorole should be under the doctors direction. I was told to take low dose oxycodone for 2 weeks while weaning off.
It was difficult the first 2 days, then I did very well for 2 weeks. But now he put me back on ropinorole again plus gabapentin, augmentation is starting to rear it's ugly head again, it seems. :|
So sorry!

2 weeks likely isn't enough to be off of it. It depends on how severely augmented you were. And, if your brain iron (no great test - but serum ferritin is the best we've got) is low, it likely will happen again. For me, I need serum ferritin to be over 250 for me not to augment quickly. The minimum is likely at least 100 in ferritin (still not guarantee, but much more likely it will be OK).
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Re: How long to wean off ropinirole?

Post by tagalongbuddy »

Probably so, It was a slow going off the ropinorole and then a slow gradual return to it.

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