DAO (Daosin, Daofood etc)

Here you can share your experiences with substances that are ingested, inhaled, or otherwise consumed for the purpose of relieving RLS, other than prescription medications. For example, herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, diet, kratom, and marijuana (for now) should be discussed here. Tell others of successes, failures, side effects, and any known research on these substances. [Posts on these subjects created prior to 2009 are in the Physical Treatments forum.]

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DAO (Daosin, Daofood etc)

Post by obliv1 »

Hi there,
I've had mild RLS albeit with lots of other unpleasant symptoms since some abdominal surgery about 7 years ago. I've finally learned over the last year or so that I can reduce and almost completely remove all of my symptoms by eating a low histamine diet (high and medium histamine foods too many to mention, my diet is very strict now, but high histamine foods can be googled fairly easily) and also taking a DAO supplement before eating (DAO is an enzyme that neutralises the unwanted histamine we get from our diet, and for those of us that lack it the supplement greatly helps - available from Amazon and European pharmacies etc).

I doubt this is the answer to most people's RLS (and you have my sympathy, even mild RLS wasn't pleasant) but I'm posting it in the hope that for one or two people at least it might be relevant if their RLS is histamine related like mine seems to be.

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Re: DAO (Daosin, Daofood etc)

Post by ViewsAskew »

Glad you found something that works for you.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: DAO (Daosin, Daofood etc)

Post by badnights »

There are other members who have gotten benefits from a low-histamine diet. If you do an advanced search (click the gear icon to the right of the search bar, at top right), enter histamine in the keyword box and one of the following members yawny, peanut1 or pamhb. Or just type histamine sensitivity in the keyword box (two words).
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: DAO (Daosin, Daofood etc)

Post by yawny »

me too! How did you figure it out for yourself? Besides DAO supplements, what else do you do to lower your histamine?

The DAO supps are so expensive but my doctor has an online dispensary that sells it for a lower price than you’ll find on Amazon ($64.56 at Fullscript.com vs. $75.95 at Amazon). Several of my doctors are connected to online dispensaries that are members only and most of my OTC herbs or supplements cost much less now. The prices on Amazon are almost always much higher.

Anyone reading this, that also purchases any supplement online, even something as basic as Vitamin C or Iron, might ask their doctor if they have an online dispensary, or if they’d be interested in signing up for one to save their patients money. All types of doctors do this, not just naturopaths, as my neurologist has one as well. An online dispensary also benefits a doctor by handling the inventory for them. Doctors don’t have to manage stock, expiring items, and find office space to showcase the supplements. The online dispensaries I know of are: Fullscript.com, Wellevate.me, Dssorders.com.

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Re: DAO (Daosin, Daofood etc)

Post by obliv1 »

Hey Yawny,
Great to hear someone else has come to the same conclusion! Glad you found out and aren't still struggling with it.

I started having all sorts of unpleasant symptoms (abdominal pains, headaches, insomnia, mild RLS and more) pretty constantly after some abdominal surgery, and I eventually worked out that it gradually went if I stopped eating. It took so long to get further than that because the hospital misdiagnosed it as reactive hypoglycemia, but I eventually worked out myself by chance that all the foods I could eat (which isn't that many) were low in histamine, which led to me finding DAO tablets and being able to have a slightly more varied diet. It's such a relief to be more or less symptom free after so long, as long as I'm careful.

Are you in the UK? It doesn't seem to be recognised over here and the doctor definitely thinks I'm nuts when I bring it up as it isn't on their list of conditions so they won't entertain helping with dispensing or tablets unfortunately, but I'm hopeful that will change over time.

Take care and stay well :)

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Re: DAO (Daosin, Daofood etc)

Post by yawny »

Hi obliv1,
I’m in the USA and I haven’t met a doctor yet (and I’ve seen so many) that understands Histamine Intolerance (HIT). I’ve asked so many of them why I was having worse sleep (worse RLS, hyper awareness of PLMs, panic attacks) after consuming mushrooms or vinegar and no one had an answer. The closest I came was after I figured it out, I told my neurologist that I had HIT, he said “Oh, that’s a hard one.” He never made the correlation earlier on when I had asked the dietary questions. So far I am navigating it myself with several very helpful and informative websites (mastcell360.com, healinghistamine.com). I’m learning as I go along. Just a few days ago, it occurred to me that I should check my toothpaste for gum additives after wondering what ingredient makes it thick. I can’t tolerate gluten free products, and some dairy products (heavy cream) bc they usually contain a xanthan gum or guar gum (known histamine triggers). So, sure enough xanthan gum was listed. I immediately switched to using straight baking soda from the pantry. Apparently it’s less abrasive than all toothpastes on the market if you mix well with water and don’t apply too much pressure. I figure if my toothpaste leaves a fresh mint taste in my mouth then it most likely is also leaving some xanthan gum behind as well and I’m consuming small amounts every day. As you know, every little thing can add to your histamine tank filling up. I’m so glad you’re feeling better and doing well.

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