Comimg off of Neupro Patch

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Re: Comimg off of Neupro Patch

Post by 2BassetMom »

Beth I was wondering the same thing. I have scheduled an appointment for September 24. I will be able to get an early morning flight and go to my appointment the same day. Meanwhile I will just have to get along to best I can with hot baths and lots of pacing.

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Re: Comimg off of Neupro Patch

Post by badnights »

I hate that. The degree of unnecessary suffering makes me so mad. I want them to walk in your shoes for a day or two. They'd be screaming for change! You keep trucking, you will make it thru this and see a better life on the other side!
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
I am a volunteer moderator. My posts are not medical advice. My posts do not reflect RLS Foundation opinion.

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Re: Comimg off of Neupro Patch

Post by 2BassetMom »

Thanks for the encouragement! It has been tough with setbacks now & then. Tonight has been particularly rough with hip pain accompanying the dancing legs. My appointment can't get here fast enough!

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Re: Comimg off of Neupro Patch

Post by badnights »

Aw gee I feel so bad for you. That hip pain is not what you want right now. I hope you can find some calmness in the midst of the torture.

If you can try to quell every little thought of "this shouldn't be happening" or "God I'd love to be sleeping right now" - if you can shut all that up as much as possible, it would help you enter a zone where you can mark time, so to speak ....
Ah, what am I saying. There is no easy way out. You'll get through it, of course, but I will just send my love.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
I am a volunteer moderator. My posts are not medical advice. My posts do not reflect RLS Foundation opinion.

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Re: Comimg off of Neupro Patch

Post by 2BassetMom »

I have been to San Diego (La Jolla) to see my RLS doctor, Dr. Poceta. My daughter and I flew down on Thursday the 24th and flew back to northern Idaho the same day. I wouldn't recommend this! I had a very rewarding appointment. Since I last posted I have gone back on 1mg Neupro patch. It is working. I gave up trying to wean off because I could not endure the torture of the whole process. My doctor has prescribed Lycra which is affording me a good nights sleep. He also has a game plan for when I augment on Neupro, which is inevitable. He says I am a "hard core augmenter." He wants me to get an iron infusion and switch from oxycodone to methadone. Both of these will take some work. Tomorrow I will be calling my primary care doctor to make an appointment to discuss all of this. He is receptive to what I tell him regarding RLS. I have Dr. Poceta's plan typed up to give to my primary doctor. Also I will need to see my pain management doctor regarding the methadone. The main take-away I got from this appointment is that I won't suffer as I have been for the last couple of months. It had been 2 years since I had seen Dr. Poceta and we agreed that I need to see him once a year.

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Re: Comimg off of Neupro Patch

Post by badnights »

Brilliant! Lord, it's so hard to figure out sometimes, isn't it? I'm glad you have a temporary solution (that seems to be all we ever get, temporary solutions). How soon can you get the infusion? Do you switch opioids before or after?
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
I am a volunteer moderator. My posts are not medical advice. My posts do not reflect RLS Foundation opinion.

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Re: Comimg off of Neupro Patch

Post by ViewsAskew »

Glad you were able to see him and get all this worked out.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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