Dilaudid + Lyrica combo

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Joined: Thu Jan 13, 2022 1:33 am

Dilaudid + Lyrica combo

Post by Comeau01 »

I am taking Dilaudid 4.5 mg every 12 hours in combo with 300 mg of Lyrica before bedtime since September 2021.
Although I have several side effects to compose with (joint pain and swelling, muscle stiffness, occasional nausea, sweating and chills, weight gain) I was able to sleep fairly well until a few weeks ago and my RLS was managed.
I am starting to have mild night time RLS episodes, particularly if I go to bed later than usual.
I am not sure if these signify that it’s time to increase my meds (most likely the Lyrica) or if somehow the timing of my evening dose vs time I actually go to bed is the culprit.
I don’t quite understand why I am activated some days and not others while on same meds and dosage.
Anyone else has this experience?

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Re: Dilaudid + Lyrica combo

Post by ViewsAskew »

Hi Comeau01. Some people have more of an issue with tolerance than other people. I am one. When mine starts getting worse, it isn't the same each night. Tonight, for example, the symptoms are nasty at 2 AM and I am up and not able to sleep at all. Last night I slept relatively well, with some mild symptoms I was able to get rid of by doing some leg movements in bed around 6 AM, but fell back to sleep.

I have to regularly either stop the opioid or at least cut it back by at least 50% for a few weeks so that my body resets what it thinks it wants/needs. Not saying this is your issue - just that it is a possibility.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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