Ropinerol & pramipexole

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Ropinerol & pramipexole

Post by mackmann »

Has anybody augmented on Ropinerol then switched to Pramipexole.? If so, did the Pramipexole work and for how long? Did you augment on it fairly quickly also? Thanks

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Re: Ropinerol & pramipexole

Post by badnights »

Hi mackmann
I moved your Topic to the Prescription forum , but I left a shadow Topic behind (when you click on it, it brings you here to the Prescription forum).

I did augment on ropinirole, in a matter of days, though I kept taking it for weeks til I could see my doctor again. He switched me to pramipexole, but there was no washout period, and I think I just stayed augmented. I was on pramipexole for almost a year of torture, but I think I was augmented the whole time. I didn't increase my dose because by then I knew what augmentation was and was just waiting for my doctor to catch up.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Ropinerol & pramipexole

Post by Frunobulax »

mackmann wrote:
Mon May 16, 2022 10:48 pm
Has anybody augmented on Ropinerol then switched to Pramipexole.? If so, did the Pramipexole work and for how long? Did you augment on it fairly quickly also? Thanks
Yes. I went from 0.5mg Ropinirole to 2mg in about 2 years, doc switched me to Pramipexole. Took only a year until I had to go from .35mg (initially) to .7mg and more, with severe augmentation. Pramipexole caused a myriad of side effects including severe impulse control disorders, so I'm not a fan of Pramipexole at all. Went to a different doc that switched me to an opioid, symptoms are much better and I've been on a stable dose of Oxycodone ~25mg a day (+/- 5mg over the years) for the last 8 years.

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