Vacation Reprieve

Please share your experiences, successes, and failures in using non-drug therapies for RLS/WED (methods of relief that don't involve swallowing or injecting anything), including compression, heat, light, stretches, acupuncture, etc. Also under this heading, medical interventions that don't involve the administration of a medicine to the body (eg. varicose-vein operations, deep-brain stimulation). [This forum contains Topics started prior to 2009 that deal with Non-prescription Medicines, Supplements, & Diet.]
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Vacation Reprieve

Post by Stainless »

I just finished a three week vacation in the Canadian Rockies, Vancouver, Victoria and Olympic Peninsula with about 10% of my normal RLS torture. I had experienced this before, read about it in the Clinical Management Bible, but never attempted one this long since my RLS had gotten so bad. I took my meds because I am dependant on them, but if this was the norm I would try to reduce them. It just amazes me how neurologic this condition is.

The trip was interesting and engaging but I was not exerting myself, had time off in the evenings and did not have the comforts of home that I have set up to maximise relief. Lots of time on busses and a train with no RLS. Business class flights, which are something I would not have sprung for in the past, have eliminated RLS on the plane so far. I don't seem to get this reprieve when I visit a friend or relative which I assume is because it's more familiar.

Then I came home and just got slammed within hours of arrival and then for a few days. Hot baths, hot tub and the comforts of home could not do what the vacation did. It makes my wife ecstatic to travel while I've had this fear of being away from my less than comfort zone since it got bad. We have another long vacation in a few months and have high hopes it goes as well.

Have many of you experienced this? How can I recreate this at home? Best wishes to all you RLS sufferers out there. Rick

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Re: Vacation Reprieve

Post by Polar Bear »

What a wonderful vacation and I hope your future vacations are equally successful.
I cannot claim the same. My torture of a flight from London to San Francisco was horrendous. As were many other lesser long haul.
Vacations have never provided any relief for me.

And how weird was that ..... within hours of arriving home everything clicked into previous RLS mode.
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Re: Vacation Reprieve

Post by jul2873 »

Hi Rick,

Just a thought, but you might check your home for lead in your water, mold under rugs in the basement, etc. I don't know if any of these conditions kick up RLS, but it does seem odd that you are so much better away from your home. Good luck!

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Re: Vacation Reprieve

Post by Stainless »

I’m surprised this topic didn’t get more comments. I have noticed it for decades. I think it falls in the category of when your mind is engaged your legs are not.

I’ve experienced this in different homes, beds, furniture etc. so I don’t think it’s related to environmental conditions. But thanks for the idea.

I looked back through Clinical Treatment of RLS book and could not find it explicitly but chapter 8 Nonpharmacological Management talks a lot about fighting RLS with a busy mind.

I have a real test on a long cruise to Norway this winter and am hoping I have the same results as this last vacation.

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Re: Vacation Reprieve

Post by Rustsmith »

I didn't respond because I have never felt any relief during any of my vacations. I have done long cruises as well as extended scuba diving vacations on small live-aboard vessels and either the insomnia or the movement issues have always been there. The only medical relief that I get from these vacations is relief from my upper respiratory allergies, which disappear so long as I am at sea.

And enjoy your trip this winter, but be prepared for very rough seas. Some of the winter storms in the North Sea can cause 100+mph winds and seas with waves over 100ft high (which is tough when much of the North Sea is only 300ft deep. (I used to work in the oil and gas industry and have been involved in the design and operation of a number of platforms in the southern, central and northern North Sea).
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Re: Vacation Reprieve

Post by Stainless »

Rust, I don’t know how to cure RLS but a sure cure for seasickness is sitting under an oak tree.

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Re: Vacation Reprieve

Post by ViewsAskew »

I also have never found that vacations help. Wish they did! Often mine is worse, usually because I tend to do heavy activity and that almost always makes symptoms worse for a week or so.
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Re: Vacation Reprieve

Post by badnights »

Me three (or four), I haven't found vacations helpful either. But, ever since I got WED/RLS, all my vacations have been the kind where you visit family. Also, some motorcycling adventures but they were moderately stressful. So maybe a relaxed but engaging vacation would actually help! I should try it - - but alas all I have planned is more family visits and high-intensity motorcycling.
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Re: Vacation Reprieve

Post by Oozz »

This happens to me as well. We may have the very similar RLS pathology. There is a logical basis, increase in endorphins and dopamine. That vacation high will correspond with a subsequent crash when you come home - in both dopamine and endorphins. What goes up must come down.

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Re: Vacation Reprieve

Post by Polar Bear »

I've also never found any easement on vacations especially those that start with long haul of 9 hours. Followed by two weeks with family where it's difficult being up during the night and trying not to disturb. Then being a passenger in a car on a long day trip.
Alternatively on holiday in a hotel , during the night trying to quietly get out into the balcony when the sliding door is squeaky.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Vacation Reprieve

Post by badnights »

Oozz wrote:That vacation high will correspond with a subsequent crash when you come home - in both dopamine and endorphins. What goes up must come down.
Pretty much how it happens.
Betty: wrote:I've also never found any easement on vacations especially those that start with long haul of 9 hours. Followed by two weeks with family where it's difficult being up during the night and trying not to disturb. Then being a passenger in a car on a long day trip.
Alternatively on holiday in a hotel , during the night trying to quietly get out into the balcony when the sliding door is squeaky.
It's awful having to get up and move around while others are trying to sleep. That's not a vacation, it's duty travel!
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Vacation Reprieve

Post by Polar Bear »

Duty travel...... Well said Badnights.
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Re: Vacation Reprieve

Post by Stainless »

I thought I would update this topic one more time and let it rest. We just did a 4500 mile road trip from Florida around to see the relatives in the Mid West and my legs really behaved themselves. Two or three nights at each relative, only three nights in a hotel and a nice bed every night. I think it is all about keeping the mind busy.

I won't go into all my other trials and tribulations but I signed up for 3 more longer duration cruises (Great Britain, Alaska and Hawaii/Polynesia) based on this. If those go well I will continue. As a cancer survivor I firmly believe you can't take it with you. Rick

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Re: Vacation Reprieve

Post by Polar Bear »

What a wonderful result during your road trip. Well done.
Fabulous cruises to look forward to.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Vacation Reprieve

Post by Stainless »

Six weeks on a South Pacific cruise turns out to be a lot of time at sea. There was a lot to do onboard and I got my Vacation Reprieve for a while. I had almost no daytime RLS the whole cruise but nights evolved into pain I experience at home. Long plane ride back to LA was rough followed by another cross country ride. At least they were nonstop.

Bottom line is there is a limit to Vacation Reprieve for me.

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