Low Oxalate Dieters Please Read This

Here you can share your experiences with substances that are ingested, inhaled, or otherwise consumed for the purpose of relieving RLS, other than prescription medications. For example, herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, diet, kratom, and marijuana (for now) should be discussed here. Tell others of successes, failures, side effects, and any known research on these substances. [Posts on these subjects created prior to 2009 are in the Physical Treatments forum.]

Important: Posts and information in this section are based on personal experiences and recommendations; they should not be considered a substitute for the advice of a healthcare provider.
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Re: Low Oxalate Dieters Please Read This

Post by XenMan »

Once the subject turns to fluoride, it starts to become tin foil hat territory. What about 5G as well? Is the government covering it up for the elites, so Bill Gates can kill us all?

If there was any truth to what has been brought up in this thread, there would be no healthy people in the world. No athletes, no one to do physical labour or intensive mental tasks, just a sick society from fluoride, cooking oils or whatever the next thing that is discovered in an opinion piece disguised as a book on health or unreliable papers funded by special interest groups with a predetermined outcome.

There is a difference to working back from a condition to see what impacts it, to then stating that it then causes the condition.

A failure to understand this is the first step to go down the rabbit hole of health madness. Going on a Keto diet caused my oxalate issues and the RLS, but for me to state that it is going to cause that in everyone, all the time because of a process that took place in me is just being self obsessed and ignorant.

There is a huge number of people with oxalate issues, people with autism have hyperoxaluria. They don't all have RLS, fluoride toxicity or damaged intestines.

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Re: Low Oxalate Dieters Please Read This

Post by Frunobulax »

XenMan wrote:
Tue Jan 24, 2023 2:17 am
Once the subject turns to fluoride, it starts to become tin foil hat territory. What about 5G as well?
We have known for decades, don't we? :) https://youtu.be/J67wKhddWu4

But seriously, what is this? Trying to end the thread by drawing the conspiracy theory card? There are peer reviewed studies linking fluoride to thyroid problems (and I can dig them out if you want). That's enough for me to question if it's a good idea to put extra fluoride in my body. No one here claimed that every human exposed to added fluoride will become ill. Just as not every smoker dies of lung cancer. (And yet, we know that smoking is causal for lung cancer, because the risk of a smoker dying of lung cancer is something like 40-fold increased compared to nonsmokers.)

The thing is, humanity is full of examples where we thought something was a good idea because it fixes a problem, damn the consequences. Bacteria in our mouth causing tooth decay? Must be great to put some mercury in there as it kills all the bacteria. Houses burn too easily? Well there is this wonder stuff called asbestos, perfect building material and it doesn't burn. The fortification with fluoride was vetted in exactly the same way -- not at all. We found that it protects out teeth, but no one ever wondered (or tried to assess) if decades of increased fluoride intake could do any harm.

This strategy isn't a bad one, evolutionary. If it wasn't for "damn the consequences", we would probably still be living on the trees. And for 1 asbestos there are probably 99 new building materials that are perfectly safe. Still, we can't deny that we are seeing severe new health issues that just weren't there half a century ago. Half of the population over 80 has some form of dementia. (Can't remember this being a thing when I was young.) Over 10% of kids have severe food allergies, while 50 years ago this was so rare that we didn't even have statistics on that. 75% of people in retirement age have diabetes or prediabetes. So it is reasonable to ask if among the many thousands of new substances that we have in our daily life (be it plastics, varnishes, perfumes, adhesives and food additives) may be a few that are detrimental to our health.

And yet, whenever someone suggests that something might be unsafe, the counterargument is invariably "there is no proof that it does harm". (Or we're simply put in the conspiracy theory corner.) But that's the wrong approach. The burden of proof should be that something is safe if we introduce it on a population level. But that's not how it works. It took hundreds of studies and many decades to ban trans fats, while the evidence that they were harmful has been there since the 50s. So instead of trans fats we started to use emulsifiers, and 20 years later we have myriads of studies that some commonly used emulsifiers do serious damage, and yet you'll find them on the label of nearly every processed food in the supermarket.

Funny that you'd mention 5G. Here in Germany, the argument that 5G is safe goes something like this: "The intensity is within the safety limits". And the safety limits were determined by the temperature change it induces. So basically, if you put a glass of water next to a cellphone and you use it, it has to be safe if the increase in water temperature is below whatever threshold they set. Is that a sound argument? The increase in body temperature is the only mechanism how high frequency magnetic fields could ever do damage? Completely ignoring the fact that there are (peer reviewed) studies showing increased rates of DNA damage and cancer (I believe in rats) when being exposed to high frequency magnetic fields, similar intensity as you experience when using your cellphone. Do these studies prove conclusively that 5G is unsafe? No, they do not. (The background radiation of earth causes DNA damage, too.) But it would certainly be a good idea to do a few more safety studies before we start rolling it out nationwide.

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Re: Low Oxalate Dieters Please Read This

Post by Deb212 »

Just to be clear, I am self-reporting anecdotal information. I'm hopeful that together, we can figure this out. For almost two years, I've been relatively RLS free on a low oxalate eating plan. Because I still had insomnia and "buzzing" at night, I tried purified water to reduce my exposure to chlorine and fluoride. I sleep 4 to 6 hours at a time now and am able to get back to sleep after waking!!!! Is that because I drink purified water? I don't know but I'll keep drinking it as long as I feel health benefits. I'm grateful to everyone who posts, even when I don't agree with them.
Like Ann says: "Take what you need and leave the rest."

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Re: Low Oxalate Dieters Please Read This

Post by SquirmingSusan »

Hi everyone. This came in my email today from a nutritionist I follow. He's often a bit out there, but generally has well-researched information. I trust you to be able to decide for yourselves if this is good information about the possible link of biotin to detoxing oxalates.

https://open.substack.com/pub/chrismast ... medium=web

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