Oxycodone side effects

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Oxycodone side effects

Post by ron1 »

Have spent years with Cleveland Clinic that has given various scrips, almost all of which had side effects that were intolerable and/or did not work. Now on an extended ocycodone which makes life somewhat livable. Worse is heat intolerance which really sets it off in joints beyond legs. They have no idea how to treat this. Were it not for the heat problem, I am sure RLS would go away. I cannot go in sun or temp beyond 72 with any humidity. Virtually no problems all winter, summer is horrible. Have been told to try University of Pittsburg for help. Any ideas?

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Re: Oxycodone side effects

Post by Rustsmith »

You said that you have tried various other medications. Have you tried other opioids than extended release oxycodone? I once heard Dr Earley of Johns Hopkins state that different side effects was the reason why different opioids are available and that if there is a problem with one, then keep trying others. Any of the opiates (opioids other then methadone, buprenorphine and tramadol) work pretty much the same way as oxycodone although most of them do not have extended release versions. On the other hand, methadone, buprenorphine and extended release tramadol are all once a day meds.

https://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/a ... 0/fulltext
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Joined: Sun Jul 30, 2023 12:26 pm

Re: Oxycodone side effects

Post by ron1 »

I used Oxycodone that was not extended, but my doctor was told he could only use extended, which is not **** good in my opinion. Takes too long to work and in cold weather RLS is not a problem so I do not need Dailey doses. Tramidol was totally useless. Plus I used almost every other drug with horrible results - my body has bad reactions. Pramapexol was the worst, and I believe caused permanent damage to me. Methadone was so so. My insurance pays the huge price for the extended Oxy. If it were not or the rider 0n this I would go into the donut hole with several month of very high costs. Hopefully a nonrestricted drug will be introduced to eliminate all the hoops we must jump through and be labeled a narcotic user. Dr Earley has a video that will scare you to death with Pramipexol. Dig it up.

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Re: Oxycodone side effects

Post by debbluebird »

I have been very successful with buprenorphine. I've taken everything else. This works. No horrible side affects for me. Good luck.

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