RLS: Can't Take It Anymore

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RLS: Can't Take It Anymore

Post by seletua »

Hey I am a 18 year old female who has been suffering through RLS for years. I don't remember when it started, but I do remember that it started with just my feet bothering me. Now I feel the painful senstations in my arms and waist down all day long, with it just recently starting to spread to my lower back.
Moving has long sinced ceased to help, and none of the medication that I have been on seems to help, not for very long anyway. These days, not even in the act of moving my arms and legs do I feel relief anymore, the sensations only go away a little bit if I ice down my legs or apply heat, but even then not for very long anymore either. I've tried Lactimula, Zyrogen (spelling?), and others that I can't currently remember. I am now on Prozac (changed from zoloft a month or two ago), mirapex, klonopin, Iron supplement, and we are now trying the generic version of Neurontin.
I have been getting severe headaches lately, almost maladaptive nausea (if I eat anything I feel like I have to throw up for a couple of hours and it feels like acid is coming up the whole time) but then I don't deal with stomache pain very well, extremely hard to wake up in the morning (I take it with my klonopin at night which acts as a sedative), and it doesn't feel like my RLS has gotten any better, actually seems to be worse lately. I'm not sure if it is because of the meds reacting with eachother, or if my RLS is just going up another level. I'm getting very frustrated and I don't know what to do, I just want it to stop, it hurts so bad I'd do almost anything to get it to stop. I try telling my doctor, but then all we do is change to another medication every three weeks, and I'm getting tired of playing the pill game, especially since it keeps messing up my other meds.
I'm sorry for whineing and rambling on so much, I just don't know what to do anymore and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or anything to offer, I'd really appreciate it.



Post by seletua »

I'm sorry, I just realized that I posted this in the wrong forum, I'm sorry.

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Post by ksxroads »

Dear Seletua,

there is no right or wrong forum! You are special so no need to apologize!

I responded to your post in the other forum.

**************Positive Healing Energy***************

(((((((((((BIG HUG)))))))))))))))

One thing which isn't going to sound pleasant that I had to do was stop all medication for a week. Now in my instance it was just happen stance, during the holidays and drs office closings. Yet Ann, has suggested and others have found that sometimes when the RLS is out of control, it is best to stop the medications and allow the body to cleanse itself of the medications and allow the RLS to level out. This may allow you to see how much discomfort is from the medications, and what is RLS.

First and foremost I would consider stopping the Prozac. I know drs want to treat us for depression, at least mine did. And yes we can be depressed. However, anti-depressants can make RLS worse.

It was not that I was depressed, as I was overcome by extreme fatigue from lack of sleep ... a person can not function under such conditions.

Sending you many *****Positive thoughts****** Hazel
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Post by ViewsAskew »

I'll move this for you, if you want, into another section if you want. Just tell me where. It's easy to get confused until you post a few times.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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