
Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
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Location: Lake Havasu City, Arizona


Post by ctravel12 »

Hi everyone
It is nice to have something to talk about to take you mind off of the rls. I am just new to the site. Where I live is very hot. Today the temps will be 110 with humidity which makes it even hotter. Originally, I was from Michigan which was very cold and damp in the winter and hot and humid in the summer. If anyone is from Michigan, I am sure that you can relate to this. It is so wonderful how everyone is so supportive and I feel like I have known all of you for a long time. Thanks for being there when I needed a shoulder to cry on. Everyone have a wonderful weekend and will talk to all of you later.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

ct, does the heat make the RLS worse for you? It does many of us. Then again, some of us don't like the cold and use heating pad, lol. Guess there is a lot of variability in it, isn't there.

I am supposed to be working today. I am self-employed, and am in a very busy time right now. I just can't get myself to go work, though! It's hot and I ride my bike to my studio - I don't like riding when it's hot and humid. I'm in Chicago, so I know about the Michigan heat and humidity! People keep posting, so I keep posting back. It's a great diversion. Too bad it isn't really helping. I must get this work done - I have to have it delivered to the client by Friday and I need seven days to do it and haven't started. Yuck.

OK, that did it. I have to leave. Have to. Must. Now. Bye!
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by ksxroads »

********************Positive Energy********************
Hope it helps Ann, just sorry to be a tad late! My RLS is worse in the summer, not certain if it is related to heat or what. It is such a what if scenerio! Then again cold is not my close friend either!

Just wanted to throw out some

***********Positive energy to All*************** while I had some extra.

Rowing madly trying to stir up that Hope that Becat taught me! Hazey
Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation.

Music can be made anywhere, is invisible and does not smell. --W H Auden

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