Movies, anyone?

Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
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Movies, anyone?

Post by ViewsAskew »

Not that all of us can watch them unless meds have the RLS under control, but was wondering if anyone has any good ones to recommend. I ventured to the movie theatre for the first time since the RLS went ballistic. Since it seems under control, I thought I'd try it. It worked! We saw Pirates of the Carribean 2. it was OK, great special effects, but didn't like the story line as much as the first one. But, it was fun.

In general, I'm sort of a movie snob. I'll read just about any book, but not so with movies. I hate bad dialog and movies with missing plots. I do love dark/black comedy (I loved the series 6 Feet Under), good Sci Fi - also hard to come by as they blow the budget on special effects and rely on a 3rd grader to write the dialog and a 5th grader to do the plot, :P . I also usually like foreign films (subtitles are fine), and prefer drama and suspense to comedy (I'm missing the slap-stick gene - physical comedy completely escapes me!). And, puleaze (as a friend on another board says), no Hollywood formula plots with happy endings. My legs might sit through it, but I'd be gagging before the first 20 mintues were over.
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Post by brandy »

Two Indie foreign films that I have enjoyed - Long Life, Happiness and Prosperity - a cute (might be too cute for you, but I loved it) movie about a little Chinese girl who decides to call on ancient Chinese magic to help her single mom find love and happiness. It's sweet and funny, has its moments of sadness (there are several seemingly unrelated plot lines, some of which do not turn out well), but leaves you with a happy ending. A little darker is a Danish film called "Brothers." One brother goes to fight in Afganistan and when his helicopter crashes is presumed dead. The "bad" brother steps up to help the good brother's family. It is not a family movie. It explores the difficulties of war, but does it very well. You might also like "Hero," a Chinese film that came out in American theaters a couple of years ago. The special effects, use of color and costume and the plot line is truly fantastic. When my husband and I left the theater we decided we couldn't see another movie for a while because this one ruined any other movie for us by being so good. Congratulations on being able to watch movies again! Sometimes a movie is the perfect thing and I am glad you will be able to enjoy at least a few. And, this is a great thread, as I don't get to watch very many movies and will look forward to hearing the recommendations of others.
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Thanks, Brandy. I'll write them all down; they sound perfect. We got HBO last season to watch Six Feet Under and the Sopranos, rather than waiting for them to be released on video. I've started Tivo-ing some movies. Maybe some of the ones you recommended will show up. If not, there is always Blockbuster.

It's funny, what made me think of this was the comment about the lobotomy in the "other" thread :wink: . I immediately knew that Mike was referring to One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. What a great book! And, one of the ONLY movies adapted from a book that I really enjoyed. The only thing the bothered me was the Nurse Rachet (sp?) character played by Louise Fletcher. She did a great job, but she didn't look anything like the person in the book - an overweight woman. I've always wondered if Hollywood didn't have any fat people then to play the Nurse character, or if they still thought we wouldn't watch people who weren't perfect looking.

Thanks again, Brandy.
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Post by FidgetBoy »

Ann, did you get a chance to rent/see "V for Vendetta"? That was the last great movie I saw... it had such a profound effect on me. Not sure where you are on the political scale but it was extremely poignant. It is a sci-fi-ish type film that revolves around the revolutionary, Guy Fawkes. I wish I could recommend more recent films but they are all terrible. :shock:

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Post by brandy »

Is V for Vendetta super scary/violent? Those movies give me bad dreams and, of course, I need nothing else to disturb my sleep. But, I have heard it is really good.
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Post by Walking After Midnight »

I love foreign films too. Even if the plot isn't that good...just the feel to them is so different.
Ann, I feel dumb asking you this because it's such basic Foreign Filmage...but did you ever see "Il Postino"? I probably spelled it wrong but it's about this Italian guy meeting up with Pablo Neruda, who I never had heard of until this movie and who I don't really like his poetry but still...the scenes and acting are very good. I liked "Hero" like Brandy mentioned. It's a martial arts film. I've really liked the few Chinese movies I've seen, but not usually martial arts movies. "In The Mood For Love" is a good Chinese movie. It's been on IFC last month I think. Chinese movies that I've seen end pretty awful though, if you ask me. They leave you going..."HUH?" I also like "Amelie"...a French's real different.

My all time favorite movie is probably Annie Hall. It's a great movie. I laugh everytime I see it. But I realize, lots of people don't like Woody Allen. "Zelig" and "Sleeper" are good too. I just said that because if you don't like those movies you can probably disregard this know something to base taste on. I love the line he uses..."I'd never belong to a club that would allow someone like me to be a member."
Movies I reccomend -
Slingblade... don't let the name fool you it's not a Slasher flick. Billy Bob Thornton. I don't think most women appreciate it though.
The Hours... sort of taking "Mrs. Dalloway" by Virginia Wolfe modern like. sort of but not exactly. Nicole Kidman plays Virginia Wolfe and you won't recognize her.
Napolean Dynamite...I"m sorry. I love this movie. It's about High School rejects.
Lost In Translation...Sophia Coppola directed it. Bill Murray and Scarlet Johannsen. Not your typical Bill Murray movie.
The Life Aquatic...Wes Anderson movie. He also did "The Royal Tannenbaums" and "Rushmore" all good.
Matchpoint...Woody Allen written and directed but he doesn't appear in it.
The Freshman...Mathew Broderick, Marlon Brando. Good comedy.

Ever see this old black and white movie with Cary Grant and Mirna Loy called..."Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House?" It's great.

I hope you didn't mean only movies to see in the Movie Theatre, 'cause I don't know anything about them.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

This is great! Lots more to look for. . . Il Postino was very good as was Lost in Translation. Amelie - it's on my mental list. I loved American Splendor, Mike. I thought Sideways was pretty good, too. I was not sure I'd like it and I liked it more than I thought I would. Capote is another on my mental list. I wanted to see The Hours, Randy, but forgot about it - I'd heard some great reviews of it on public radio.

Speaking of great reviews, I've heard great stuff about the new movie, " Little Miss Sunshine." I really do not like going to the theatre much. I grew up in the country and had only been to the theatre three times by the time I went to college! Guess I never deveoped any affinity for it. But, I will put this one on my list to see when it hits cable or DVD. I also heard a great review of a movie that started this week - Half Nelson. It was a short film at Sundance. It got such rave reviews, they made it into a full length film.

I wish I could remember the names some good movies I'd seen over the last few years, but I haven't seen too many, and I always forget titles. I have rented the same movie more than once, not meaning to :oops: . [in fact, I had to look up the name of the following ones - I couldn't remember any of them!] Y Tu Mama Tambien was very good. It's about living our lives and facing life and death. Another good one was Maria Full of Grace - it's about the drug smuggling trade from Latin America to the US. I also really liked The Sea Inside, about a man's 30 year struggle with disability and his fight to end his own life. If I can remember any other names of anything, I'll post.
Last edited by ViewsAskew on Wed Aug 16, 2006 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jan3213 »


WAM said:

Ever see this old black and white movie with Cary Grant and Mirna Loy called..."Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House?" It's great.

That's one of my all time favorites, too! I love old black and white movies. Alfred Hitchcock movies are great.

My husband and I go to the movies a lot---it's his way to escape. I spend a lot of time walking in the back of the theater. Sometimes, I can watch a movie all the way through without getting up.

I have to admit, I like all kinds of movies: movies with a message, love stories, and silly movies. I never listen to critics---they are usually wrong (for me, anyway). I loved "Seabiscuit", "It's a Wonderful Life" is one of my all time favorites. I've seen so many, it's hard to remember them all.

Has anyone ever seen "The Enchanted Cottage", an old B&W movie about a couple who are very unattractive to the world, but when they are in the cottage, she's very beautiful and he's very handsome? I can't remember who stars in it, but it's great. "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" is another of my favorites.

I'll probably be watching a lot of movies soon while I'm recuperating from my surgery (lol), so keep this going. It's a good thread, Ann.

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Post by mikeyvon »


I loved "Maria full of grace" & "Y tu Moma". About the same time I saw "Motorcycle diaries". I too love foreign films. We saw a lot of them when we lived in Cleveland but since we moved to rural Pennsyltucky pickins have been pretty slim.

The best foreign film I ever saw was "The Music Teacher" 1988 French/ Belgium. Extra good if ya like opera.

Also, I much prefer the movie theater over DVD.


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Post by Walking After Midnight »

Is American Splendor the movie about the crazy cartoonist?

Now you guys got me real anxious to see "Y Tu Moma". I've never heard of it before. And I've always wanted to see "The Motorcycle Diaries".

I also loved "Maria Full of Grace".

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Yep, it is about Harvey Pekar - there's a part in it with Crumb, too! Of course, how could these two NOT know each other??? It's really good - part documentary, part movie.

Y Tu Mama Tambien is excellent; you won't regret it at all. I think I rented it from Blockbuster's mail order program when we tried that awhile back.

It's billed as a comedy, and much of it is comedic, but don't be fooled. It has a kick you in the gut ending. I know I'm a wimp, but I cried :cry: . Then again, I cry at Hallmark and AT&T commercials :roll: . Good thing I don't watch much TV!

Speaking of TV, anyone here a 24 fan? The new season is approaching. I really didn't like last season nearly as much, though. I hope this one is better. There always were some "stretches" in capabilities, but last time it was way beyond credulity.

Back to movies, has anyone seen Warm Springs, an HBO (I think) movie about Roosevelt? I put it in the TiVo, so I hope it's good. I also scheduled Something the Lord Made, Normal, and a few others.

Oh, I just remembered another movie I liked quite a bit: Hotel Rwanda. I l quite like Don Cheadle anyway, and what happened is just horrible. Too bad it's happening again.

I definitely haven't seen (or heard of) The Music Teacher and Motorcycle Diaries had escaped me, too. Oh my. The list grows longer.
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Post by JimmyLegsJen »

If anyone likes action movies the movie Running Scared(not the 80s movie) was real good. Also 16 Blocks was good with Bruce Willis. They're both on DVD.

I see all kinda of movies...even went and saw Desent this past weekend(very creepy). Cuz of my legs I got to the earliest showing so I can sit thru them.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Jen, how was Decent? It sounds really creepy. I read reviews - some good, some great, some not to great. When we decided to go to the theatre (the first time in 3 years, lol), I looked up every movie playing at Loews (we had a pass). This was on my list, but I wasn't sure I'd really like it.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by jan3213 »

My husband and I recently saw "The Night Listener" with Robin Williams. It was good, but not as good as some of his other films It was based on a true story about a young boy who supposedly wrote a book. However, his publisher began wondering if the young boy existed, after a few strange things began to happen. I won't tell you the ending.

Someone at the same movie theater saw "Descent" and said it was terrible. I haven't seen it.

Just thought I'd add my two cents.

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Post by Walking After Midnight »

JimmyLegsJen wrote:...even went and saw Desent this past weekend(very creepy)

ViewsAskew wrote:Jen, how was Decent? It sounds really creepy

jan3213 wrote:Someone at the same movie theater saw "Descent" and said it was terrible. I haven't seen it.

There seems to be a discrepency here.
(I probably spelled "discrepency" wrong too)

Hey...TV. Anyone a fan of "The Office"?
I love that show. My kid has the British Series on DVD. It lasted two seasons over there and then the dude got sick of doing it. The same guy who wrote it, Ricky Gervais starred in it as David Brent the office Manager over there. In the American version of it, Ricky Gervais is one of the Producers (whatever that means) and the Manager is played by the guy who did "The 40 Year Old Virgin". I'm blanking out on his name. As soon as I click "Submit" it will come to me.

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