whole body jerking

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whole body jerking

Post by emiller7 »

I have had restles legs since in my twenties, it has become very serious as I get older I am 69 now. I take mirapex which is wonderful. I over did it cleaning up after Hurricane Rita and caused me to have a total Hip replacement soon. I have started having total body jerks when my legs are acting up. I have had to increase my mirapex. Has anyone else experience this. It is New to me. :roll:

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whole body jerking

Post by ctravel12 »

Hi Earline I do not take Mirapex but if you look on the forum for Pharm Therapy there are some posts about Mirapex which may help you. I know other members who do use Mirapex will answer you. I hope that this helps you.
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Hi Earline,

There are people on the board with jerking - not sure if they all take Mirapex, but they all have RLS. Mirapex, I'm pretty sure, made me jerk more than I did before. I had lots of weird jerks in my arms, my hands, my legs - I never had them before Mirapex. Now that I am off of it, I still have some, but not as many or as strong. So, I don't know if Mirapex just augmented them or what.

It's not a great search engine, but you might have some results if you search for body jerks, or some such. I did it quickly and came up with these posts in addition to many more:

http://bb.rls.org/viewtopic.php?t=1269& ... =body+jerk

http://bb.rls.org/viewtopic.php?t=2600& ... =body+jerk

http://bb.rls.org/viewtopic.php?t=1664& ... =body+jerk

Hope this helps some. Reading through back posts may also offer some additional information.
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Post by ksxroads »

Dear Earline,

Just came from a new hairdresser, and after flinching a couple times, I had to tell her that if I jerk it has nothing to do with her... just my ole body. It has to be from the RLS as they have ruled out about everything else! Wierd I know yet that is me. It is something I am not aware of routinely as it is something that has just been part of me for so long that I seldom acknowledge it other than when others might be wondering what is going on... My daughter in her late 20s has jerk episodes too ...

I took mirapex for a very short time, and my daughter has never taken it.

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