Any diabetics (T1) with this???

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Any diabetics (T1) with this???

Post by smanser »

IS there anyone here that is a Type 1 diabetic with this problem? I originally thought it was neuropathy, but in my online research, it appears that it may by RLS. I go to the DR in 2 weeks (appt today was cancelled due to weather) and can not wait. My leg is making me want to jump out of my skin as I type and it is mid day. I would be interested to see if anyone else is in a similar situation, etc.

Thank you :)

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Post by ViewsAskew »

smanser, hopefully others with Type I will answer, but I just wanted to say that RLS is often associated with diabetes. I think it is often considered secondary RLS - meaning that it occurs because of a different primary disease, in your case diabetes. From what I've seen there isn't a lot of info about how to treat secondary RLS as related to diabetes. The hypothesis is that it is related to the nerve damage and neuropathy. And the thought is that if you help the neuropathy, the RLS will be better.

Please let us know what you find out! It's nice to hear that you have a good doctor who is up on these things. It's great to have more information to post here, and an up-to-date doctor may have more info than I've found by searching Websites that only have the most basic info!

It may help to follow some standard protocol to treating RLS. If you check out the following thread, it will provide some great tips on treating your RLS.

It also has links to many other great threads like the Useful Website thread, and many others.

Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Thank you

Post by smanser »


Thank you for your response. It is nice to get some more information. I will let you know what the DR says.


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I have T2 diabetes

Post by josiejo »

I don't have T1, but I do have T2 diabetes and I have RLS as well. I have had T2 about 10 years now and I first noticed the RLS maybe about 4-5 years ago. When I explained the symptoms to my doctor he knew right away what I was talking about. My biggest complain was I not being able to sleep through the night - I was constantly awaking up. He sent me to a sleep clinic to make sure that was what was causing my problem and it was. I have tried many different drugs, but none seem to work. In reading all the entries in this discussion, it seems like it is trial and error to find out what works best for you. Right now, I am trying massage at night just before I go to bed. Someone in the discussion suggested a percussion massager. I bought one and tried it last night. Oh my god, I actually slept until 2 am and I don't think I even moved a muscle. I also was able to get back to sleep very easily. Talk to your doctor. I would imagine with T1 you would need to be careful about what drugs you try for your RLS. The newest one is Requip, but it has many side effects. I hope you are able to find out what is wrong and find something that will relieve the symptoms quickly.



Dr's visit is over and....

Post by smanser »

I did go to the Dr and I do have RLS. I am on Quinine and it has allowed me to sleep for 2 nights, with little interruptions and last night I woke up, but not due to RLS. What a relief. I guess the upside is I won't get Malaria either. I always try to find humor in everything....

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Post by Ovr53 »

Quinine? I know thats been around since time, lol...but i never really knew what it was for, I have type 2 diabetes, insulin 2 x a day, Ive had it for about 12 yrs now, but the RLS hasnt bothered me until a couple yrs ago, and of course now its out of controll, but then I have scoliosis/stenosis, which is probably why I have it. At present im on requip, hasnt been long, maybe a couple months, and i still get woke up jerkin my legs in bed, I hate this so much.



Post by samanser111 »

Well I have to say life is so much better with Quinine than without :-). I only took it the first week, until it got better and now I take it when the symptoms act up. Let me say that I still have over 1/2 of the original prescription still at home. I have also started taking 1/2 as a full tablet made me tired. It has done a world of good and it is amazing how much better I am. I hope you get some relief. I have been dealing with T1 diabetes most of my life and there always seems to be one thing or another to deal with.

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Post by ddhafe »

I have Type1 diabetes and now have RLS also. I also thought it might be neuropathy but no it is RLS. I don't have it every night. I can go weeks with out any problems and then it will hit me and last 2 weeks straight.

It drives me crazy. I am finding out that that wearing the leg support stockings I got while in the hospital really help. I think it has to do with the pressure.

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