
Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
Walking After Midnight
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Post by Walking After Midnight »

I have a new problem. Not really "new", I've seen it coming on for awhile now. I mean, I've lived with it, hoping it would get better...hoping it's just my imagination...but it's real and it's NOT getting better.
I.....hate all my socks. Two dozen pair of them. I bought them at Wal Mart, I should've known better but they were on sale and on top of on sale they were already cheap. Now every morning when I put my socks on I curse that day I saw them with the yellow tag affixed to the shelve above them.
What's wrong with them, I'm not really sure. But, I think the toes are too small. I mean the end of the sock...where they're sewed closed...the stitching doesn't make it all the way across the end of my foot, across the end of my toes. So, oh boy, I hope I can get through this without becoming emotional...I can feel that stitching the entire day.
I thought I knew enough about socks to get through. No, I don't claim to be an "expert" or anything, but you know...I didn't really think there was that much to learn. And when I was a young man, I didn't have time to care about socks. Sure, I liked to wear good looking shoes, but socks...well sometimes I didn't even wear them. Now, I'm in a situation that I don't know how to get out of. I made the proverbial bed, and now it's me that is sleeping in it every day.
So for now I'll walk through life, aware constantly of my toes and my socks. At work, at home, if my wife and I are being "intimate" and we don't have time to take off our socks...even through those minutes...I mean, you know...even through that time...always my socks. My socks, Oh my socks.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

That'll teach you for shopping at that store.

Sooooo, how about buying some new socks? Lighthouse isn't all that far away from you - get some at Eddie Bauer, J Crew, or Hanes or some such. You'll be safe again. Safe from stitching.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by becat »

Breathe Randy, Breathe Deep. Count to ten and Breathe again.
No[/b], don't look at them. No don't look.
Ok, step away from the socks. Turn your back to them.
It's ok, we're here for you, in this your time of need. We'll walk you through this. It will be ok. I said no looking, forget they are there. I know you can still smell them, but it will be over soon.
I've called our local Wally World and this is not the first case of "short stich toe socks" they've encountered. They begged me not to go pblic with this story of tortue and the nightmare it brings, to not just you, but many it seems. Your not alone WAM, you've got us and the STSSA (Short Toe Sock Shock Assc.). They are not hard to find, there memners stick out like a sore thumb. There are many memebrs, in fact, they have opened the books to include those that still wear pompom ankle socks, those socks that have each toes sewn in seperatley, and worse yet, Knee high tube socks. I'm sorry to have to say that all out loud, but you need to knwo there is HOPE, my brother, Hope I say.
I think your brave by putting it out like you have, but your going to have to talk to your wife sooner or later about this. This is a secret that should not be hidden long. And she may be helpful to you.
I say after the first of the year, we all send Randy a pair of socks so that he can slowly break the bad sock habit. We'll need your address buddy.
And til we can remedy the problem wear sandals.
hang in there honey, your in my moon tonight.
Love, hugs, and new socks to you,
You honestly crack me up. I know how seriously you are taking this and one day I will too. LOL

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Post by Penguinrocks »

have they begun a revolte? be careful Randy!!!! watch your back!!!! get them out of the house..... :shock:
Beware the Penguin

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Post by icrochetafghans »

Try wearing the socks inside out. That helps for me.

Aggie Mom

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Post by Rubyslipper »

Okay, like Becat said...breathe deep and slowly, calm yourself by saying "My life is NOT ruined, my life is NOT ruined" over and over until you can gain control again. I did some more checking about STSSA and they have some good advice for this situation. The first is to wash your socks every day. We all know that the machine eats socks because one disappears from every load. They tell me that it is not painful for the sock which is why we never hear them scream while the washer is going. The other is to make sock puppets out of them. That is what they were originally designed for and then never got properly redesigned for the feet. Try one on your hand and you will see that it fits much better there. As for the intimate part of this discussion, take immediate action!!! (No, not THAT kind of action!) Make sure that the socks are off, I repeat, OFF before sex. These socks have been known to whisper your intimate secrets to other socks as you walk by. We've all had our feet tingle once in awhile. PAY ATTENTION when this happens. It's your socks laughing at what they heard. Randy you were so right to come to us with this problem. Now we are all aware of the danger. Don't feel ashamed that you gave in to the feeling, it was just too strong for you. We'll help you through this and learn more ourselves. HOWLING at the moon tonight! Your supportive friend, Ruby[/i]
You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself! (Glinda of Oz)

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Post by lyndarae »

All I can say is make monkeys out of them there socks heheheheheh and draw faces on them and give them as Christmas gifts ~~~~~~~~~~Lyndarae

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Post by FidgetBoy »

Randy... I wasn't going to post this but wanted you to know there's help available to you. I belong to short-stitch sock anonymous. We meet once a week to compare notes on socks and our uncontrollable need to buy poor-quality socks in large quanities at discount stores. It appears you've taken the first step, you've admitted you have a problem! Don't let your sock problem control you, take the steps now to gain your life back! ps.. I've been discount-sock sober for 2 years.

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Post by becat »

Wow Josh,
I'm just shocked, are you a member of the STSSA?
Even if your not, I'm proud of your accomplishment is over coming buying cheap socks. Forgive me, I'm almost in wait I just had to sneeze.
Ok, better now.
Anyway, Randy your a strong man. I think Ruby has the right idea, wash them everyday. My washer and every washer made since the electric machine was invented is known to eat socks for some pervert pleasure.
However, I had no idea that socks spoke to each other and certainly did not expect them to laugh, hhmmmm, I guess under our backs, instead of behind. Ruby you continue to educate me in the ways of this world. What a plethora of information you have stored away, just amazing.

I'm going to give this to you Randy, PNR (use as needed)
You put your right foot in,
your put your right foot out,
You put your right foot in and you shake it all about,
You do the Hooky Pooky and you turn yourself around,
That's what it's all about.......

Much Love, many hugs and the moon

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Post by Rubyslipper »

NO,NO,NO....Becat say it isn't so!! You haven't joined the ranks of music-mongerers too, have you!!! It HAS to be catching! Watch out everyone or it may get you too. Or maybe it's part of wearing those horrid socks! Becat have you bought any short stitch socks at Wally World lately? Those insidious socks are ruining all my friends. Luckily I don't have any money or I might succumb to the same fate! Quickly everyone, wash wash wash your socks! Or at least take them OFF!


Ga ding dong dong dong dong,
Ga ding dong dong dong dong dong dong
Ga ding dong.

1) FidgetBoy don’t wear no socks. Ga ding dong.
I was there when he took them off. Ga ding dong.
He threw them into the air. Ga ding dong.
Now the birds are on Medicare.

2) Lyndarae don’t wear no socks. Ga ding dong.
I was there when she took them off. Ga ding dong.
She threw them on a wire. Ga ding dong.
That’s what started the Chicago Fire.

3) Becat don’t wear no socks. Ga ding dong.
I was there when she took them off. Ga ding dong.
She threw them against the wall. Ga ding dong.
Now the roaches refuse to crawl.

4) Penguin don’t wear no socks. Ga ding dong.
I was there when she took them off. Ga ding dong.
She threw them in the garbage can. Ga ding dong.
Killed three rats and the garbage man.

5) WAM don’t wear no socks. Ga ding dong.
I was there when he took them off. Ga ding dong.
He threw them against the tree. Ga ding dong.
Now the dogs all refuse to ....

NOOOOO it's happened to me now! :twisted: And I don't even have any socks!!!
You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself! (Glinda of Oz)

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Post by brandy »

Perhaps you should consider a personal sock buyer. You know, like they have a places like Barney's and Bloomingdale's? You can have your sock profile done and and have fittings and then have them made specially for your foot. So what if it's falling off the other end of the horse. Your feet have been through hell. Give them what they deserve - socks that make them happy.
At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. Albert Schweitzer

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Post by brandy »

Here are few websites to move along the happy feet path. ... 0389000000
Godspeed on your valient quest. May you return to us with sock dragon slayed.
At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. Albert Schweitzer

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Post by walkindafloors »

I'm finding this non-rls board to be my cure more and more! Randy, once again you've "talked" me out of a panic state - you definately have a gift for writing. Anyone who can take a topic like socks and move someone from crying panic over jerky legs to hysterical laughter...well, thank you, Doc! And each of you responding only adds icing to the cake! Maybe now I can go lay down and sleep (even with my socks on!). Bless each of you for helping me through another rough night.
:lol: Kim

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Post by Penguinrocks »

OMG Ruby! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

too funny! GREAT mind!!!
Beware the Penguin

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Post by becat »

I agree Kim, but please don't address him as a doctor yet, he's just coming to grips with his "shhhhh (problem)! Ok? LOL
The website Brandy has been working so hard on finding for Randy are great as well.
I vote for the sock guy, rather cute socks and you can custom design your own. Let's skip the goat socks, they smell after a while and the washer probably won't eat them, as washers are not meat / wool eaters, just sock eaters. It's rare to find a washer that eats anything but socks. However, mine likes a shirt or two every so often, but spits it back out with just teeth marks.
Ruby, I one should not be pointing fingers it seems as though your post is rather lyrical as well. OM GOSH IT IS SPREADING! :shock: We could have asked Josh, but the Lyric Fever already has him. Randy has been gone for a long time on this one. Might I mention his Convoy Days.
How many of us sang Happy Birthday to Jan? Well it must be a virus.
Just another thing to fight for and cure.
Not to snotty, but I like my gold toe socks Randy. :D
lol Love this thread. I went to bed on a giggle last night as well. Wonderful and closer than the moon.

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