Accupuncture worked for me

Please share your experiences, successes, and failures in using non-drug therapies for RLS/WED (methods of relief that don't involve swallowing or injecting anything), including compression, heat, light, stretches, acupuncture, etc. Also under this heading, medical interventions that don't involve the administration of a medicine to the body (eg. varicose-vein operations, deep-brain stimulation). [This forum contains Topics started prior to 2009 that deal with Non-prescription Medicines, Supplements, & Diet.]
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Accupuncture worked for me

Post by Lashc »

I have had some form of RLS for at least 30 years. My only remedy was Hot baths and showers. 12 months ago the frequency and severity increased so Nine months ago I started Mirapex and four months later I switched to Requip. Both medications while giving evening relief, intensified the RLS and required me to take the medication earlier in the PM. In addition RLS was occuring during the day time so napping was not possible. Plus riding in a car for any lenght of time generally brought on my RLS.
I tried three weekly treatments of accupuncture for RLS. I then went cold turkey off all medications after the third treatment and now go only once a month. I also abstain from any alcholic beverages. So far I have been RLS free for three months. I would recommend it.

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Post by tkgroup »

I just started acupuncture today. Glad to hear you've had good results. I've tried so many other treatments. Each worked for a time, then my sumptoms came back; warm baths, Clonapin, ice packs, iron tablets and Vicodin. When I was on the table while the dr. was inserting the needles, my legs started bothering me. After several minutes with the needles in, my symptoms disappeared and I was fine the rest of the treatment which was 45 minutes. I'm encouraged by this and hope the acupuncture works. I'll keep you posted.

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Post by walkindafloors »

Thanks for sharing your experiences. My mom and I have similar rls issues and she has made an appointment to begin the acupuncture (sp?) so I'm letting her go first to see if it worked before I "get stuck." I'll pass on your successes to her for encuoragement!

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Post by Hos »

How's the acupuncture going for everyone? I am a white boy and don't understand this stuff since I haven't been exposed to it.

So how often do you go see the acupuncturist to treat the RLS?

How much does it cost it in your case?

If they put the needles in the wrong place on my back can I like lose the feeling in my chin? (Joke ...sort of)

Does it hurt?

My wife has some sewing needles and what would happen...ahh, nevermind... :shock:

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acupuncture worked for me

Post by ctravel12 »

Hi Tkgroup
I am so happy that you have found relief through acupunture (sp?) Please keep us posted on how you are doing.
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Post by walkindafloors »

My mom chickened out. She said it was $50.00 and required 3 initial treatments followed by one every so often to keep things "in order" (she's in Michigan and I'm sure prices vary depending on location). Like you, Hos, I'd be too nervous wondering about the what ifs :lol: I sew from time to time and glad you didn't finish your post... LOL!
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Post by Hos »

Here's what Dr. Buchfuhrer at says:

There is no research about acupuncture and RLS, but we have had many anecdotal reports that RLS has helped RLS sufferers. Usually this relief is somewhat temporary, but some have achieved long lasting help. We do not know how acupuncture works in general pain relief, so it is impossible to guess how it works to help RLS.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

I'm one of the ones that it didn't help. It didn't stop the RLS and the treatments themselves were horrid - the RLS started within ten minutes of the needles being put in - then I had to NOT move for 35 more minutes. It was torture. I went7 or 8 weeks.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by becat »

I love them, but again I'm dealing with a pain issue and I think it does really well for pain. At least for me.
Do it's not painless to have a treatment, but I think it has helped.

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Re: Accupuncture worked for me

Post by Hebdrix »

I have heard mixed results to acupuncture, about the same as people here have posted. Is there any specific type used and has anyone heard of a good Dr. in the OKC metro area. A friend has had good results from a Dr. in Albuquerque, and I'm very tempted to go there, regardless. If you know of one with a good reputation, that would be nice to know

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Re: Accupuncture worked for me

Post by ViewsAskew »

We haven't had that many people post that they have tried it. I did - it did not work. I think a few things likely impact it, including needle placement and the *type* of WED you have. By that, I mean, do you have pain, creepy-crawlie feelings, accompanying neuropathy, and so on. I don't have a hypothesis, but my guess would be that some types of WED are more easily treated with it than others.

I do wish people would post here -whether it worked or not - and say what they tried and explain their symptoms. I wish I knew what the person tried when I did it. The worst part, for me, was that I couldn't sit still with the needles in. I needed to move - and flexing muscles with those needles in is an awful feeling.

Here's one thing that may make it harder for some: I have the type of WED that is set off by any sensations in my legs - tickling, neuopathy, dry skin, touch, and so on. I have been using a TENS machine for trigger points to see if it works. I had to use it on my thigh and hip today. Even after taking WED medication, using the TENS (which reminds me of the feeling of moving when needles are in the muscle) made me get WED both times I used it.

Not saying it's impossible if that is what your WED is like - I don't know for sure, anyway! Just making a guess.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Accupuncture worked for me

Post by Polar Bear »

Acupumcture didn't work for me. During the treatment the needles were left in place for only 10 minutes so I was able to do the treatment without WED symptoms kicking in.
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Re: Accupuncture worked for me

Post by srgraves01 »

I tried both regular acupuncture and cranial acupuncture -- where the needles are inserted in your head. In both cases they seemed to help for a few months -- but then they stopped helping.

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Re: Accupuncture worked for me

Post by ViewsAskew »

srgraves01 wrote:I tried both regular acupuncture and cranial acupuncture -- where the needles are inserted in your head. In both cases they seemed to help for a few months -- but then they stopped helping.

Depending on how much it costs, a few months might be worth it. Have you tried it again since to see if the results are different?
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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