Women only, please!!!

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Women only, please!!!

Post by b_rwhite5 »

I have a question that I need to ask. I have been trying to get in touch with my doctor and since I can't get her to return my phone calls, I had to come up with the courage to ask you guys. I can't tell you how difficult it is for me to ask this ?, but I have no other option. :oops: I have tried to look it up on the internet and I can't find anything. However, it is easy to talk to you all as you have always helped me and listened to my griping. This is very personal and I apologize in advance if I offend anyone or make anyone uncomfortable. So here it goes..... I have been taking Methadone, Lyrica, and Requip. (I couldn't decide which thread to put this post on, so I am hoping I chose the right one) Anyway, I have been taking the methadone for almost 4 years, and I am sure most of you know that story. I have been taking the Lyrica for about a month and the Requip about 3 weeks. For the past few weeks I have noticed that I have not been "in the mood". Thats not like me. (okay, maybe alittle too much info) And I have been regecting my husband. I decided to stop taking the Requip as I only take one 2.5mg pill a night. Thats apparently not the problem. Now I have decided to stop taking the Lyrica, starting today. I take one 5mg pill twice a day. I don't believe its working anyway and I was going to wait to stop it until I talked to my doctor, but since I can't get a call back, I had to just do it myself. I am gonna raise some heck in the morning when I call. :twisted: So my ? is, has anyone who is or has taken either Requip or Lyrica had the same problems? I don't know how much my longer my husband will take this. He has always been so caring and understanding. He has never complained about my jerks, shaking or bouncing my kegs, my pain, or even my staying up all night long when I can't sleep. He is a wonderful man, but how much more should he have to take? He doesn't deserve this and I want so much to not fell this way, but I can't help it. I am just not in the mood and haven't been for a while. :(

I hope maybe I am not the only one experiencing this problem. Mostly, I hope it is a side effect from one of these meds. If it isn't then that has to mean there is another reason I am experiencing this problem. Please, please, please give me some feedback if you can. Anything you can tell me will help. Thanks.

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Post by jan3213 »

Hi Rebecca

I'm not on either one of those meds, but I can tell you that some meds can effect your libido, there's no doubt about that. I hope your doctor returns your call asap.

Your post didn't embarass or offend me at all! Take care and let us know what your doc says. I would be interested in his answer.

Hope you have a restful night!

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Post by ViewsAskew »

All of these meds change chemicals in the brain - and these chemicals are the same ones that help make us in. . or out. . of the mood. It could be one, or it could be how the three of them work together on your brain.

Mirapex - similar to Requip - didn't make me out of the mood as much as it changed my response to sex. I couldn't have an orgasm. Not fun. It got so I didn't want to have sex because it was so frustrating and I felt it was making my DH feel bad (though he says it didn't).
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by cornelia »

Rebecca, I'm almost positive that Lyrica is the problem. Dopamine agonists ike Requip actually can improve the 'mood'. I personally had no problems when on Requip and Tramadol, but experienced the same problems you have when Neurontin (like Lyrica, an anticonvulsant) was added. So I am sure tht once you stop taking Lyrica, you and your hubby will feel happy again!


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Post by b_rwhite5 »

Thanks so much, you guys!! I am so glad I asked. Corrie, I think you are right. I have stopped taking the Lyrica for two days now. It may take some time, but I hope I get "back to myself". You guys are THE BEST!!!

Love yall!

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Post by musiclover »

I've been searching throughout the forum for this topic. I started taking Requip in August. I've had almost no libido since then. So, while I'm glad to see the topic posted - I was distressed to read Requip can actually increase the libido. Unfortunately, not with me. I'm going to call my doctor on Monday to discuss - I did research online that decrease in sexual desire is a less common side effect of Requip - although interestingly, listed under the category of no need to call the doctor! Last night both kids were out of the house, you know what that means. Well, my poor husband. Thank God he's understanding but how much longer?

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Post by ViewsAskew »

The only solution I know of is to change meds. It's a tough place. A med works in one way, but changes your life in other ways that cause difficulty in your life. What to do? I dealt with it for a long time - in retrospect I wish I hadn't. But, that's because I had so many other side effects at the same time. If I'd "only" had this one, I probably would have waited - but is life worth it? Then again, is having to go through finding a med for RLS worth it? Wish I had an easy answer.

All of these drugs change the balance of chemicals in our brains. Any of them have the capability of changing our libido, desire for food, or desire or satiation with anything, I'd guess. Wish that's not what they worked on. It will be so nice when they learn a little more and can start targeting drugs to the real problem - whatever that is.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by Rubyslipper »

Definately check out the meds with your doctor (glad to see you are taking the offense and doing research on your own). But don't rule out that the RLS itself is partly to blame. Sleep deprivation is a huge part of not being "in the mood" as well as depression (which you may or may not suffer from). If current research is correct, it could be the RLS that is messing with our brains and when you add meds to that, you have the recipe for romantic disaster. Many of us have been in the same boat, and still are. Have an honest talk with your partner, let them know what the problem is....not them or even you. This may sound like something out of the 50's "How to Please your Man" but sometimes maybe just go the whole nine yards, candles, music etc. and even if you aren't in the mood, your partner will feel cherished. I don't mean all the time but occasionally. If I have offended anyone's notion of equal partnership, I'm sorry. But sometimes we DO have to go the extra distance for our partners. If they are supportive of us, we have to be the same for them. RLS is hard on relationships but we can't let it beat us. Please don't take this to mean that the problem is you becasue we all know better. It's just an option if you choose. I think talking to your doctor is the first step. Please let us know what you find out...it can benefit us all.
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Post by musiclover »

Thanks Ann and Rubyslipper,

I really do think a lot of it is the meds. I also realized today that I've been on the same level of Hormone Replacement for 4 1/2 years. (I had a Hysterectomy 5 years ago this Tuesday.) While my neurologist didn't prescribe the HRT, she certainly knows about it and I'm going to ask if a change needs to be made to the HRT due to the Requip.

Rubyslipper - I have talked to my husband. He is very understanding and most importantly our love is strong. We are going to go on a lot of dates (went on one tonight as a matter of fact) and work hard at putting romance first, relax and try to take the pressure off.

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Post by b_rwhite5 »

I have stopped taking the Lyrica. I am only taking the Requip now. I am back to my old self again! :D I do believe that it must habe something to do with the Lyrica. But the good news is that my husband is very happy. LOL :wink:

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Post by brandy »

You go, girl! :wink:
At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. Albert Schweitzer

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Post by ViewsAskew »

I hope you are as happy as your husband :wink:

This really underscores how much these drugs - ANY of the drugs we take - can affect us. They change our brain chemistry. Whenever that happens, there is a chance that it will change things we don't want to be changed!
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by b_rwhite5 »

I had thought that the Lyrica may have been making my RLS pain worse, or either it was just not helping at all. I feel better and I sleep better. I still have alittle pain, but I can tolerate it. The Requip seems to be helping, but I think it is time to increase my dose. I just hope this lasts! :roll:

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Post by jan3213 »

I hope it lasts, too!!! good luck!

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Post by brandy »

I am so glad that you have found something that helps. I hope it lasts, too. It's so nice to find some relief. Keep us up to date.
At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. Albert Schweitzer

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