Sick of this disease

Share how living with this disease can and does impact your relationships. How do you cope? What questions to you have?
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Post by jan3213 »


How wonderful for you! I'm so happy that you were able to talk to your PCP and get some relief with Ultram. Good luck with the new referral.

No one is alone who had friends.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Whoo-hoooo! Even a few moments of peace are heavenly, aren't they?
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by becat »

Sorry to chime in so late on this, BUT YAHOO BRANDY!
I'm so happy for you. For the doc and the meds, truely for the power of that bit a relief. I'm with Ann, when you finally get it, the world becomes a newer, better place.
And don't be shocked, honey this is why we are here. It's our family, our home, and we want each one of us to feel great about tonight and tomorrow.

Walking After Midnight
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Post by Walking After Midnight »

brandy wrote: I keep asking God what I've done to have found you all. I think it's a little thing called "Grace."

brandy...I like that quote. It's always been extremely obvious that grace is what I need most and I need all the time...grace from God most of all and grace from everybody else. If I ever lost it I'd be a goner.

And what a good Thread to mention "grace" in.
I'm sick. Literally. Cold sweat and clammy and puky and tired. sick and tired.
I'm pretty sure it's cause I quit taking Lyrica "for a while" on the advice of my Neuro.

Also, someone should be able to answer this. I've been taking Hydrocodone since about November. Lately it seems like the side effects are getting worse. Is it possible? I'm getting terrible heartburn at night and sometimes when I wake up I feel like I have a hangover, just "drug" out and lifeless. oh boy.

The best to everyone.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Oh, Randy, I'm sorry to hear you are feeling badly. I don't know much about Lyrica at all, but it does affect the CNS and most drugs that do are hard to stop and can cause some nasty feelings when stopped. Did you reduce it or stop it cold?

I just did a quick search and came up with this: ... fm/ID/6577

And this from Pfizer:
After discontinuation of short-term and long-term treatment with pregabalin withdrawal symptoms have been observed in some patients. The following events have been mentioned: insomnia, headache, nausea, diarrhoea, flu syndrome, nervousness, depression, pain, sweating and dizziness. The patient should be informed about this at the start of the treatment.

Concerning discontinuation of long-term treatment of pregabalin there are no data of the incidence and severity of withdrawal symptoms in relation to duration of use and dosage of pregabalin. ... LE_EFFECTS

Nor sure about the hydrocodone side effects. I didn't even know it could cause heartburn. The hangover feeling - do you think you are sleeping well? Maybe you are not really getting good sleep, so have that feeling. Hydrocodone has only a 4 hour half-life. I wouldn't think it would make you feel so badly in the morning. But that sure sounds like how I felt when taking the clonazapam! I know you've had good luck with it, so maybe the hydro just doesn't agree with you. I wish I could help more.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Walking After Midnight
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Post by Walking After Midnight »

Ann...Thank you. Once again.
You don't now how much I appreciate you doing that for me.

You know, that brain swelling part was pretty scary. Briefly what happened...I told my Neuro about the Foot Doc prescribing Lyrica for Neuropathy. my Neuro told me there's no way I have neuropathy but still he likes the treatment only it's a "ridiculous amount of Lyrica to be taking". He told me I should get off of it long enough to make sure I need to be taking it. Well, immediately almost, my leg and foot pain started intensifying. So I saw the foot guy today and asked for a smaller daily dosage of Lyrica.
I think it's gonna be ok.
Thanks again Ann.


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Post by debt_59 »

I understand where you are coming form. I am so afraid of moving 2 much as it will wake my hubby. I hate it when my legs decide to fight the requip and jump all they want. I have to wear my cpap or I feel like crap all the next day :cry:
So I have to sleep in where my cpap machine is. My husband gets very little sleep. He says I kick the h*** out of him every night with my legs.
I feel bad for him and had my own bed for about a year but he missed sleeping with me. I am on the verge of getting my own bed again. When I sleep by myself I don't have to worry about my legs and waking him up and if I need to move my legs then I can do it and not worry about him.
He is one of those people that the minute they hit the bed they are out. Oh how I wish I could be one of those people :?
He is also one of those people that can get 3 or 4 hrs sleep and be good to go :x
He just does not understand that not all people are made like him and he thinks I should be good to go on any amount of sleep!
Not when you have had this problem all your life and what sleep we do get is blessed :!:
I get so mad at him for not understanding! I was 31 when I met my husband and married him. So he was not around before I got the meds to help me.
The wekend I was up 48 straight hours with no sleep he seen me at my worst, he said I was like a Zombie and they had given me a shot at the emergency room that should of put me down and probley would of most people. What they don't understand is, when your legs want to move they are gonna move and no amount of meds that night was gonna put me down.
He said it was like watching some one who was coming down off of drugs, he cried with me and walked the floors with me. When my legs are like this I want no one around me or talking to me.
Those legs drive me crazy and I don't need someone beside me telling me to go to bed and I will go to sleep. Wrong :x :!:
So from that weekend on he made sure I never ran out of my leg medicine which at that time I was on Mirapex.
I also had knee surgery and was recovering from a repaired knee cap that was shattered when I fell on it.
So I was in pain with it and I think the pain pills I took for it might of made my legs even more jumpy than usual.
Wow I look over what I have written and realized I was venting :(
I am sorry for going on and on :!: We all understand where you are coming from. I am new here and I am so glad I found this place. I do not have health Insurance so my meds are pretty costly, but I have to have them so I find away to come up with the money, I just do without sometimes. Resently my DR put me in touch with the patient assistance program and now I am getting my Requip free. Thank God for that,
I see it comeing real soon that I am gonna have to take something durning the day for my legs now.
It is very important to me to have you all to vent to!!
God Bless you all :!:
Happy Holidays to you all!

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Post by ViewsAskew »

To me, the best thing about this place is that you don't have to "be" anything - just yourself. Sometimes we feel we have to take care of others, or not say things when we are upset. Here, you can be taken care of (as best we can) and let everyone know when you are upset.

Hopefully the vent was helpful. Your hubby is now ensuring you have meds - does he also better understand about how you can't be up and functional with a few hours sleep? This is really hard sometimes, for our partners, to actually understand how we feel when they don't have any similar problems. Sometimes we just have to ask them, saying, "You know, I know you can't really understand this. And I know that you think it's pretty strange. But I need you in my life, and part of what I need is for you to simply accept that what I say is true, even if you can't understand that. Will you do that?"

That, also, can be very hard to do.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by debt_59 »

Sometimes I think he understands and then there are the times when he says sleep is over rated you don't need sleep. Those are the days I want to throw something at him!!
While I think he understands, sometimes I wonder if he really does.
Unless people actually see and go through what we do they do not understand. I would glady trade places with any one.
My dad resently had 4 bi passes done. He is 66 and I stayed at the hospital all night long. We did not know he was going to have to have this done when we went to see the DR that day. I had no meds and I was absoutly walking the floors of that hospital all night long. I only could see dad every hour on the hours for 3 minutes so I had all nigh to walk. The ladies that were there were worried about me. I was ready to climb the walls.
I had rode with my sis and I called mu hubby the next morning and told him you have to come get me my legs are giving me fits he said I will be there as soon as I can get there and I will bring your meds. It was a 2 hour drive home so he knew I would be miserable so he wanted the meds down me as soon as possible. My sis had forgot her meds to so I could not get one from her. She was able to sleep that night but not me
I am so glad to have found this place!!

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Post by Rubyslipper »

Maybe this isn't an option for those who kick their partners or move so much they keep them awake, but this works for friends of mine. Mike was in a car wreck at 18 and is paralyzed from the waist down. He has to have a hospital bed with special arm slings to get in and out. Mary is a light sleeper so whenever Mike has to turn over (a major production) he wakes Mary up. Now they have switched to twin beds; one specialized for Mike and a plain one for Mary. They don't match, they have different mattresses and even comforters on them but they allow Mary and Mike to sleep "together". Their beds are about 6-8 inches apart. Just enough so movement doesn't bother either one but close enough that they can reach out and touch each other. Mary says that she loves to look at those beautifully decorated bedrooms in magazines but that she would rather have a mismatched bedroom that allows them to stay together. Again, this may not work for anyone else but it's just an idea to try out. As for partners not understanding, how can they? Even the most understanding of partners will eventually make a stupid remark because they don't live with this like we do. We have to try to be understanding of their faults during those times yet remain firm when we need support. Vent here when you can't at home. (Which is most of the time!)
You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself! (Glinda of Oz)

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Two twins can be put completely together -they make a king - or as Ruby said, just a few inches away from each other. Even when you put them together, it helps tremendously because the movements on one mattress do not transfer to the other. That, with a body pillow inbetween, prevents most movements and kicks to the other party.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

Opinions presented by Discussion Board Moderators are personal in nature and do not, in any way, represent the opinion of the RLS Foundation, and are not medical advice.

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