can't sleep

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can't sleep

Post by stitch »

I just said i was not going to post again but here i am not sleeping and i hate my life. i take everything and nothing works.i am losting it again and don't care this time. Jeannie

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Post by Neco »


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Post by sugbrendas »

stitch, isee your 1st post was in the middle of the night. We don't think clearly with no sleep!

ok, here's the thing. My personal experience is

Neurotin made me hyper, i had terrible side affects from the Parkinson's meds.
There is a RLS cocktail out there especially for you!

Here's mine,it took years and years to establish i'm not saying it's yours
all at night- 2-3 mgs of Klonopin, 2 Ultram, a shot of generic Niquil.

You will find yours, you need to keep pushing your Dr.

god luck!
Finally able to sleep on average 9 hours a night!

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Post by fulltimemartins »

It is so horrible to be up all night long walking the floor. I can't even post on my puter when I am like this because I can't sit down to type on it. I know how you feel...depressed, lonely, frustrated, but you know deep in yourself that distancing yourself from people that care and can offer, more important than sympathy, empathy, is not good for you. If you don't post anymore, at least read the boards so you don't feel so alone. I don't post alot, but read every day and it definitely makes me feel better knowing I am not alone in this battle.

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Post by becat »

Hi ya'll,
That is what this board is all about. Honestly, support is key.
FullTime, I don't always like to post them either, at some point I made myself a long time we call that venting.
It's hard to live a secret lifestyle at night, in the dark and quiet (not to wake the sleepers), and alone most of that time.
Hardly any outsider could truly understand.
I'm glad you still read and enjoy your posting when you do.
Stitch, I haven't given up on you. Post, read, or got several of us behind you honey.
It takes a lot out of someone to deal with no pain relief and little to no sleep.
You post as you wish my dear.

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Post by D4 »

RLS and PLMD was driving me crazy and the quality of my life was really depressing me. I went to a psychologist a few weeks ago and talking with him has helped my mental health enough to make it worthwhile. I'm seeing him in a couple days. He's helping me keep my sanity while my neurologist and I try to get my RLS under control.

Maybe that's something you'd want to consider.

I can understand you finding the forums depressing, but they are a savior for me. I can talk with people who understand what I'm going through and that is invaluable to me.

I wish you the best. Diane

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can't sleep

Post by ctravel12 »

Hi Jeannie I am so sorry that you are having a rough time again. What meds are you still taking? I understand where you are coming from when you say "I hate my life" as I felt that way a time or two. Honestly, Jeannie this board has literally saved me. Please keep in contact with us. If you do not want to post all of the time that is fine as sometimes I do not post either.

What Brenda says is so true as there is a cocktail of meds out there for you. I know it probably seems like eternity before you find it. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Please stay with us.

Like fulltimemartins said even if you do not want to post for awhile, please at least read the board. There may be just the right thing on there that will help you.

What our dear sweet Lynne says is so true. We have not nor will give up on you. We are all here for you.

Diane had some good solid advise too.

This is the best place to go to talk, and especially vent. Sometimes just telling someone how you feel helps somewhat.

Jeannie, I will keep you in my prayers and please keep safe. Hang in there we are here for you no matter what.

We all love you. You are family and what families do is take care of each other and that is what we are doing for you.
Taking one day at a time

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Oh, Jeannie, it is so hard! I was in the ER a few weeks ago with such bad depression about this all. And now I'm making some progress with it all. Try to have hope. It's hard.



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Post by ViewsAskew »

Jeannie, is really sounds to me that you need to make an appointment with someone - counselor, religious leader, social worker, or someone else you really trust and can help you through this.

Jeannie, everyone else had offered a lot of great information. RLS can be truly miserable. It makes us feel so frustrated, anxious, and that life will never be OK again. Working to find the right meds requires several things: the right doctor, your knowledge of how things make you feel, and your willingness to both try new things and be honest with your doc. It also requires you to stand up for yourself. If you can't do this, you need to take someone with you to your appointments, so they can do it for you.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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