twitching lip - I'm fed up - what next

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Polar Bear
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twitching lip - I'm fed up - what next

Post by Polar Bear »

About 3 weeks ago my upper right lip developed a little occasional twitch, just below my right nostril, not exactly an Elvis lip curl. Now it has become much more frequent, I don't think anyone else can see this, but if I am very quick i.e. when in the car I can quickly look in the mirror, then I can see the twitch as it occurs.

Of course I googled 'lip twitch' (this should be banned) and I see stuff about benign fasciculations which pretty much means 'don't know what it is - live with it'!! but expect it to get worse.
However, at the moment I am feeling a little low, so to google was not a good idea, and so I see that I also prob have something called ALS or Motor Neurone Disease..... I had a cousin died a couple of years ago with MND.

I can recall, a few weeks ago, some threads on these fasciculations, does anyone think it is part of rls, or anything at all to do with requip.

Jeez.. I'm fed up with this, waken since 3 am this morning and it's now 4.30 pm, and I'm feeling pretty wiped... another half hour then home time.

Also, I find I am kinda more emotional, easily upset, and a bit irritable. I wonder is this just not getting decent sleep. God knows, its not hormones, cos I'm 58, and generally a very stable, capable and easy going person, I rarely get riled, few people have ever seen me in a temper but boy - when I lose it.... watch out.

Sorry to vent, just feeling sorry for myself. :(

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Post by KBear »

I used to get an eye twitch very similar to what you describe. It seemed to be aggravated by lack of sleep and high stress. So, just get some sleep, reduce stress and it should be all better. :P (I know, not funny)

My twitch went away when I replaced my high stress job with a much lower stress job. Even with the ongoing sleep issues the twitch hasn't come back so maybe it was all stress induced.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Funny things, all these weird symptoms we get. Most of them are "nuisance" symptoms - annoying but not life threatening.

That said, when you pile them all onto each other, annoying can really erode your life, and the qualify of it.

And, that said, rarely they are more than a nuisance. I hope yours are not, but seeing a doctor is a good idea.

Like Kathy, I had a twitch in my eye that didn't go away for weeks. My DH had one in his eye that lasted over a year. . .both benign, not a problem, but oh-so annoying. My DH had trouble with work - he owned his own company and did the sales. It got so that he would sit sideways so people couldn't see it. Turned out, for him, to be part of the celiac disease. Once it was under control, the twitch was gone. So, you just never know what it may be. Usually, nothing to worry about, but a lot to stress you and make you feel deluged.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by Neco »

Sometimes I have the compelling urge to squint REAL hard.... for no reason.. over and over. Same thing with swallowing motions. I've actually given myself a sore throat from doing that once or twice

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Post by Sojourner »

I had the twitching eye things on a couple of different occassions. I know the opthamologist had a name for it and told me it was quite common and would likely go away in several weeks or so. It did both times. Don't think a cause was ever given so I don't know what brings it on. But, the good news is for me and I guess most people it runs its course and disappears until...

I also developed the fasciculations and the neuro. could not explain them other than to say that they were benign and not a signal of some other disorder. Lo and behold, however, once off klonopin the fasciculations also slowly but steadily disappered. And, have stayed away. So, perhaps there may be a link to some medications.
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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Betty, I agree that googling weird symptoms can be a scary thing. When I developed this tremor I googled "tremor" and also got ALS. Nothing like finding out you have a deadly disease!

That said, twitches are annoying, but almost always just annoying. :? I hope it goes away! It could also be a side effect of meds.


Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Thanks everyone, I'd certainly go along with what you all say about stress!! Thing is... I'm the instigator of my own stress... if there is nothing to worry about.. I'll still find it.
Thanx again. Betty

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Post by ViewsAskew »

You know, it would be interesting to find out if we all have that in could be that because the dopamine in our brains isn't working correctly that other brain chemistry is out of balance in some way. Chemicals that are involved with stress, for example, may be higher than for other people.

It seems to me, and remember I have NO scientific background, that if one chemical is out of whack that the others must be affected in some way. Not sure what ways, but I would imagine that there are some characteristics of our personalities that are affected/shaped by how our brain chemistry is altered by the RLS.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Yes Ann, this sounds very possible. I think some people just have a 'stressed personality', or perhaps an 'over anxious personality'. Don't know if that is just how they are, or cos of rls/lack of sleep etc. I think I am the 'anxious personality', cos even tho I have a great life, a wonderful family, there is always an anxiousness/insecurity which few folk other than myself know about, i.e. I come across and 'so confident and capable' but inside wonder if I am doing OK, does everyone really love me as much as they say!!! and often I am smiling from 'the teeth out' cos I'm worried inside - worried about nothing.

Wonder is this to do with the dopamine ???

Bye for now, Berry

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Sorry - typo - who is 'Berry'
Bye again, Betty

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Post by dogeyed »

I think you should see a neuro about that squint and swallow deal.
I have an eye twitch, on again off again, think it's from lack of sleep. I have a new theory about RLS and other muscle wierdness, that it's a component of pain. I know SOME RLS people do not have pain, but isn't discomfort nearly the same thing? I used to think it was a nerve deal, which they transmit pain. Other docs describe this as a sleep disorder, but I think they've got the cart before the horse. I wonder if MS and MDys people have pain or discomfort. And I've been hearing stuff about unchecked inflammation causing all sorts of stuff, even heart trouble, too. I have a fever all the time. Well, I'm just jabbering now.

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Hi Dogeyed, yeah, lack of sleep upsets everything, so as well as the legs jumping, then there is the lip twitching.. see the picture. I NEVER used to be irritable, now I'm biting my tongue... :x a lot of the time!

What you say about pain/discomfort is interesting, cos the other day I actually found myself wishing I had an actual pain, in just one place, I sorta thought it would be easier to handle,... tho probably not, its a bit like what's worse, an toothache abcess or a migraine headache, guess it depends which one you have at the time. !!!

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Post by hypnotode »

Lord knows we're all a mess. One thing that it could be is hemifacial spasms. They are rare, but I've got 'em. It's caused by irritation of one or more facial nerves. The good news it that they come and go. I take Tegretol for mine (I get a lot of nasty tingling). When the tingling stops, I find I stop with the twitching, too.
Neurontin, Trileptal, Cymbalta, and Flexeril work for me.

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

Strange,... for the last week I've hardly had a lip twitch.....
It has just disappeared.

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Post by Penguinrocks »

one thing that i've found that helps these twitches is drinking something with quinine in it.

like those seltzered waters....perrier, yanno the waters wiff bubbles...

Beware the Penguin

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