RLS and Plantar faciatis

RLS occurs more frequently in certain populations, including people with end-stage renal disease, women during pregnancy, and people with iron deficiency. Also, RLS/WED in the elderly and children brings other challenges. Sharing your experiences may be extraordinarily helpful to others.
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Rls and Plantar Faciatis

Post by ctravel12 »

Hi Jocinda do not remember if I welcomed you to the board, if not welcome and if I did well welcome again. I do have rls but not the plantar faciatis so can relate to this post to the rls.

Have a wonderful time in Arkansas and Virginia seeing family and have a safe trip.

When you get back, please keep us posted on what your new dr says.

This is just food for thought, but do not know where in Washington you live, but have you checked out to see if they have any support groups for rls. I am a support group leader where I live and the people are so appreciative and you learn from each other.
Taking one day at a time

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Post by jocinda »

Charlene: thanks for the warm welcome. there is a support group near here. i called a number on a flyer shortly after i discovered the mirapex had been the source of my gambling conpulsion, but my call wasn't returned. since then the flyer is down. i need to locate them again, i may have written the wrong number down. that was not a good week for me. rest well everyone. cindy

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Cindy, if you go to the main RLS.org site, you can find a list of support groups and phone numbers. That's probably the fastest way unless you are in Dallas, Az, or Mo - support group leaders from those places are members here. I know we've got one from somewhere else, too, just can't remember the somewhere!
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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