
Use this section to discuss your experiences with prescription drugs, iron injections, and other medical interventions that involve the introduction of a drug or medicine into the body. Discuss side effects, successes, failures, published research, information about drug trials, and information about new medications being developed.

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Post by nschirle »

Ok, I've been on Neurontin for 6 days now, (my Dr wanted me to try it) I've been off the methadose for the same amount of days.

The script is for 2 300mg 3 x/day. The first day I took 1, and it did make me feel like I had 1 drink too many. The next day I took 1 2 x's during the day and didn't feel so "woozy". So I took 2 that night and my RLS symptoms woke me up at midnight BIG time. The next day I took 3 3x. Just kind of unmotivated but again RLS bad at about 1:30 a.m. Now after 5 days, RLS starting early in the evening, around 5 p.m., then about 9, I couldn't take it anymore (I'm not going to be a martyr!) I took a tramadol which just took the edge off but still wasn't near relieved. I had to take another Tramadol 40 minutes later and it finally took care of it. I have NEVER had to take 2 to get relief before.

I called the pharmysist and he said it may take some time before it starts working, but then it is also more prescribed for pain....which I do not have.....does anyone know if this is true or how long it may take? Or is as good as it gets? I'm taking 1800mg/day now.

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Post by jumpy »

Take this for what it's worth...because as is said often here "everybody's different".

There are a lot of post about Neurotin on this site. Please look, because this always helps.

I have been on Neurotin and am presently on Lyrica. Neither one works for the nasty urge to move. They might work for pain in some. The "high" goes away after a while. This too varies. You will need to ease into the higher doses over several weeks. For me, I think it took at least 3 to 4 weeks to start feeling 'normal' again. I have been back on the Lyrica for 2 weeks now and am still feeling drunk most of the day. I really hate it. And if I know I will have to pick up a grandchild or go the the store, I just don't take it in the morning. I am experimenting with later in the day. My gp thinks it will stop the pain once it gets well into my system..I don't know .. I can't put my life on hold while I stay high for a month.

Give the Neurotin a chance because Lyrica is very expensive even with my insurance.

Good luck, Pat

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Post by jumpy »

I just re-read your post..That sounds like an awfully high dose to start with. Maybe I'm wrong. But I think my dr started me out with 150 2xday and then upped it to 600 2xday and that was too big a jump. So we went back to 300 2xday for several weeks. You might want to ask he/she if you can start at lower dose...Pat

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Post by ViewsAskew »

I only have one book about RLS and it's by Buchfurer, Hening and Kushida. They discuss each drug and how to use them. That book may be a resource for you. There is also a new book out - I've ordered it, but it's not here yet - by Hening, Buchfurer and Lee. It's written for doctors - primary care. So, it might have info like this, too.

Also, you could write to Dr Buchfurer and ask him - he answers patient's posts at There are many, many pages of responses and you could search on neurontin and see what you find. If there was no response that gives you the answer, there is an email there to ask him. He usually responds within 2 days if he's in town.

I just looked in the first book I mentioned and it says, "Gabapentin...less potent for RLS than dopamine agonists or opioids, and is thus more suited for mild to moderate RLS symptoms. However, some people with sever RLS may prefer this drug to the others.

"Gabapentin can be started at a dose as low as 100 mg 1-2 hours before bedtime. If needed, the dose can be increased by 100 mg ever few days until symptoms are resolved. Most studies indicate thatth average daily effect dose is about 1500 mg but many people benefit from lower doses. The maximum dose is...2700 mg per day."

The authors do not say anything about it taking time to become effective, though it may.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

It is always a great idea to email Dr. B. I have found that he generally responds within a few hours.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by nschirle »

Thanks for the quick replies and help, jumpy & ViewsAskew.

I am just about fed up on this stuff and don't know if I have the patience to try and see if it is going to do something.

At now 1800 mg it has done squat and it just makes me sleepy and unenergitic during the day, then its hard to "fight" off any symptoms when they start in the evening (then throw a 4 year old into the mix!!). In the last 4 days, I have got nothing done or have gone anywhere.

I don't even know if it is worth it at this point. I can't imagine it miraculously going from this to suddenly working.

I think my Dr is just going to have to come to terms (like I already have) the only thing that is going to be effective for me are narcotics....I've already tried everything there is to try.


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Post by SquirmingSusan »

nschirle, do you have the option of going to a pain clinic? They seem to exist to cut through the regulations and superstitions about pain medications. I've been going to one for over a year now and the doctors have no problems prescribing methadone. The only hassle is needing to pick up the prescription every month, and having to go in and pee in a jar for them every 3 months.

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Post by nschirle »

We don't have a pain "clinic" here, but we have 2 Drs who specialize in Pain Management.

My Dr has been giving me a script for 3 years now, but every year or so she pulls the "we need to try something else" stuff, although we already went down the road enough. Now to continue getting scripts for narcotics through her office she has a new "Chronic Pain" form I have to sign and I have to argee to a urine drug screen once a month. I don't mind if by doing so she thinks shes covering her butt enough to continue prescribing me what I need without being paranoid. Like I wrote in another post I have already tried all the typical medications (7 so far) to no avail.


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Post by ViewsAskew »

The once a month peeing seems a bit restrictive. Man, I wish this was easier for us.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by nschirle »

Yeah...makes you feel like a criminal for having a disorder....shame on us.
My Dr is also an hour away. I think she wants to help me...but not at the expense of her licence....I thought the U.S. was more progressive than the rest of the world in the field of medicine.

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Post by SquirmingSusan »

Progressive? LOL. As long as it's about pushing through new medications before they have been proven safe. But old, cheap, reliable medications? are controlled and hard to get. Gee, do I seem cynical?

Yeah, peeing in a jar did make me feel like a criminal for a time. But hey, I pee several times a day anyway, so if it keeps my clinic open and out of trouble with the feds, then I can do it in a jar I guess.


You might just need to sign the contract. Those are pretty standard.

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Post by nschirle »

My thoughts exactly......

If she's trying to "cross all her t's and dot all her i's" just so she can continue writing scripts.....I'll go along.

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