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Post by doety »

What do you do?? The last couple of days I was stuck in a car, no way around it, a passenger as my husband drove us a long way trying to reach my daughter who was having surgery. Thought I would die or kill someone. I hadn't been able to exercise that day, which usually helps. Sometimes I turn over, let the seat down, and sort of lay on my stomach and that can make it tolerable. Not yesterday or today. I know this happens to everyone -- besides stopping the car, which I often do, got any solutions??

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Post by Neco »

The only real solution I know is to take some kind of opiate or other medication that you know you respond to. Not sure what you're prescribed or can take, but if RLS is bothering you in the car, its most assuredly not giving you enough relief or lasting long enough to make a difference.

I'd go nuts if I was stuck like that... yuck

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Agreed that exercise DOES help me when it's regular and moderate.

Agreed that not much worse than being stuck in the car with RLS.

I think Zach is right - it's medication or not being in the car! I have always worried about taking methadone more than once a day because I have a feeling given how hard it was for me to get off Klonopin that stopping a physical dependence to methadone would really suck. Since a couple docs have assured me that it's much less problematic when taken every 24 hours, I stuck to that for 3 years.

But, recently, I couldn't hack that anymore. Dependence be damned, I needed more help. So, I started breaking up my dose. It really helped things a lot. What it helped most for me was the actual feeling of withdrawal that happened every afternoon. I couldn't do anything because of how awful I felt. So, I'm sure I'm sunk regarding dependence....but at least I can function now.

Another option is to use a different drug like Tramadol during the day. It's pretty fast, it doesn't zonk you out at alll - in fact is energizing.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by dogeyed »

You could try one of those electric vibrating seats that go in the car, helps the legs in general on long trips. Also, some truck drivers use those bead seat liners that tie on, they roll around and thus massage. One of the most helpful ideas is to wear support stockings, and there are diabetic socks, both of which compress the legs, which I use just to get to sleep sometimes. Also, get you a heating pad of some kind and sit on it or lay it over your legs. And get a bunch of pillows and stack them up in the floorboard of the car, so you can put your legs up. And just before you get in the car and at rest stops, stretch out your calves and buttocks real good, minimal help but helps relax the muscles somewhat. But I agree with everybody else, you gotta get some medicine that dulls the symptoms of RLS, becuz riding in a car or on an airplane is one of the significant problems for people with this disorder.
"It's not how old you are; it's how awful you feel."

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Post by doety »

Thanks for the tips. Anne: how do you space it out? I think we take about the same amount? And then at bedtime, what's your routine -- take 5 mg? I would love to think I could actually work more during the day.

I had to fill a RX for Methadone when we were recently in Tempe. I had the hard copy, but still expected the third degree. But they were nice. The pharmacist did ask me a couple of times if I'd used it before, and I told him yes. He said: "well, there's only one higher dosage. This is enough to put a horse down." Hmm. I certainly hadn't thought that.
I didn't get into why I was taking it, just didn't have time, but I never feel like I'm being knocked out.

I'll also look into Tramadol. Do you think it's addictive?

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Post by Neco »

I don't think that pharmacist really knew what he was talking about.

Sure.. 15 or 20mg might kill a horse or a person that has never had opiates (or maybe not, I dunno) but we take our meds every day and are pretty tolerant.. I don't know if Methadone comes above 5mg pills myself, but doses of 50 - 100mg + are typical in Methadone Clinics, so I guess it all goes back to the whole point of people being ignorant of Methadone and other strong medications and unfounded preconceptions, etc.

Tramadol is potentially addictive just like any other medication, but I think it may be a little less addivtive than similar strength opiates like Codeine and Hydrocodone.. Tramadol in particular can have anti-depressant/anxiety type effects and make you a bit more social and energetic but you generally come down off it easily. If you take a high enough dose you can go through withdrawal just like everything else, because it does still bind to some of the opiate receptors.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

I am spacing mine for different reasons than you, but here's what I'm doing.

I take 5 mg at 6 PM, then the remaining 15 mg 1 hour before bed.

I used to take all 20 mg at 8 PM. I would go to sleep somewhere between 2 AM and 6 AM. I'd awaken and feel horrible every single day. I finally realized that what I was feeling was very similar to how I felt when in withdrawals from Klonopin. I figured if I took it later, I'd feel better when I awakened. And I do. The dose at 6 PM takes the edge off the headache and cranky feeling. Definitely dependence. <sigh>

I think Zach splits his dose, too. You might have to play with it to get it to work. I've thought about taking the majority of it earlier in the day - because it does awaken me slightly - and the minority right before bed. I am not sure it would cover the RLS while sleeping, though, so I haven't tried it.

Dr B would be a good resource, too.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by Neco »

I don't usually split, unless its an odd situation.. I think I am different from you guys though, because I'm taking it not just for RLS, but to manage my addiction.

I prefer to stagger, and it works well no matter what time of the morning I start.. I usually start later if I've had an extra pill the night before though. Typically my dosing looks something like this.. time are arbitrary examples.

8am: 5mg
8 - 9am : tablespoon of cough syrup
9am: 5mg and some more syrup; that really starts to help at this point.

10 - 10:30: final 5mgs is taken at some point during this period. And a couple more sips of syrup if I feel like it.

I wake up and have a cigarette or two, which usually gets my RLS going, if it didn't wake me up in the first place.. So with the staggering I get a nice gradual climb up to my medium for the day, and usually I'm mellow by the afternoon and good until the next morning, unless its a rough night and I ask for an extra pill. On those nights I tend to sleep a little more heavily and might sleep in until 9 or 10 am from time to time, with no RLS issues inbetween. Which is nice because then I can start my meds around that time and be pretty mellow by the evening and not really need a pill that night either.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

I think my "split" and your "staggering" are the same...I simply meant you take your doses at different times during the day.
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Post by waterloo2 »


I usually sit on the back seet and put my legs up hopefully nod off if its a longgggg journey..........


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Post by Angela H »

On a day when I know that I will be cooped up in a car/airplane, I get up and walk at least 30 minutes. There is also a foam wedge that you can buy that helps when you get to your destination to stretch out the achilles tendon. I often get on that wedge several times a day before I travel. My husband bought it at a store with things to help people with bad backs and feet problems.

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Post by DrWass2 »

any of you guys ever try the compression stockings? Just a thought.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

I know I've replied before that I have tried them and that they make my RLS worse. Not sure of the others, of course.
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Post by Alan »

RLS often tells me that I am getting too sleepy to drive--I tend to get this in my shoulders and neck--this is the only good thing RLS does for me. I might suggest a simple, non pharmaceutical thing that works for me--point the air conditioning vents directly at you and turn the temp down. this often really helps me in the car.

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Post by zookeeper »

I use the full length compression stockings a lot. I keep them on for naps or if my legs start up while I'm sitting and I put them on two hours before bedtime most nights, taking them off just as I go to bed. This is in addition to taking hydrocodone ( 7.5 mg) 3 or 4 times a dayand a muscle relaxant, meurontin and 2.5 mg of Zanax a couple hours befire I try to sleep. I do have back problems as well so the muscle relaxant and hydrocodone help that too. I've also found that if I sit with my legs crossed in sort of yoga style, my legs are less likely to flare up.
Summer time is the worst as I can't get my AC cold enough to really help. I sleep with open windows and my feet outside the covers when the temp is as low as 30 degrees F outside. Right now I sleep with the AC on, and both an overhead fan and a table fan pointed right at my feet. Now if I could just teach the 15 lb cat NOT to try to sleep on my feet!
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