Folic Acid

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Folic Acid

Post by Sleuth »

Someone I know who was diagnosed with RLS tried therapeutic amounts of folic acid. She said that took away 90% of the pain. She never used any other medications.

She said she would wake up with her legs and feet on fire. Walking around would sometimes calm them down enough for her to go back to sleep. Otherwise, she would have to fill the tub with ice water and put her feet in them.

Now she will get a dull ache in her legs from time to time before going to sleep, but not that intense pain.

Has anyone ever heard of this folic acid treatment?


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Post by ViewsAskew »

If any of us are low in vitamins, particular B's, it can cause RLS. But, if you are not low, it won't help. Or that appears to be what the researchers are finding. When they try vitamin therapy, it doesn't work. But, since it does work for some, it's either placebo effect or they were low in the first place.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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