rls in shoulders

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rls in shoulders

Post by SUGAR »

I am just curious to see who might have RLS in their shoulders as well as legs. I have it in both legs and from the middle of my shoulder blades down to my fingers. I notice it gets way worse when I lay down. Does anyone else have this? How annoying can this get?

Thanks guys
Love Sugs

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Hey IT's Sugar........

Post by becat »

Hey Sugar...... :D
Yup got it but it from the sockets down. My arms are different than my legs. It's more of a buzz in my arms, like they are just about to fall asleep. I have to say that my arms bug me worse than my legs......I've gotten to know the leg thing well in my lifetime. This new thing in my shoulders has only been in the last yr. or maybe year &1/2.
Annoying scale? pretty darn annoying.
Hugs and good thoughts to ya.

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Post by SUGAR »

I am trying to take my Mirapex at lunch time and again at bedtime to see if that helps. I just can't stand it. I can take the legs because I can move them around and stretch and stuff, but in my shoulders?? It feels like it's in my bones. But yah it does feel like they are going to sleep... I wish I could.

Luv ya

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Post by becat »

Totally Ironic isn't it. If only it were in a good way.
I think it was Jumpyowl that said it is better to spread out the medication, such as Mirapex. Sounds like a good idea to me, I did that too.
I do hope your finding a bit better relief that way.

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Hi, hope you don't mind me barging in

Post by jan3213 »

It's Jan

Well, I have it ALL OVER! Legs, arms, trunk of body, shoulders--It's enough to make you want to S C R E A M!

My arms feel exactly the same as my legs--creepy crawly--and I have to move them constantly. So, it looks like I'm fighting someone imaginary.
I take Mirapex, too, Sugar, and I now take 3 mgs. at night. But, I have
spread it around, also. Right now, this seems to work best for me. The doc has me on 5 mg., but as long as I can feel fine on 3, that's what I'm going to take. I'm starting to develope sensitivies to drugs, much more so that, say, a few years ago.

Good luck, Sug. I sure hope you get some rest. My doc finally gave me a script for sleeping pills (10 mg. Sonanta). I slept 7 hours straight through the other night--an almost unheard of feat.

Hang in there. I'm sitting here falling asleep, so I'm going to go.
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Post by ViewsAskew »

Jan, did you get more than 4 days worth!!!???? I hope so. What a nice thing to sleep 7 hours. I hope it continues to work.


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Way to GO Jan

Post by becat »

Jan that is awesome ......7 hours. wow. Yeah forward movement in the sleep area.....lets work on the pain now.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Hey Jan, I was at dinner tonight with friend and she mentioned that Guaifenesin was being used to treat fibro. You probably already know that, but I didn't! Heck, it's a common ingredient in cough syrup. Just found it interesting.


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Post by jan3213 »

It's Jan

A SLEEPING Jan. I can finally say that I know what it's like to sleep soundly at night. I did wake up last night for a bit, but I'm on the tale end of the flu and a bad cough woke me up. However, I went back to sleep, and, folks, I don't remember dreaming! I just remember that warm feeling flooding over me--you know, the one I USED to know that made me snuggle down in the covers and forget about my day--just SLEEP, BLESSED SLEEP!

My itchies are better, still popping out a tad bit when I get overheated or, perhaps, a tad bit anxious or angry. BUT, it's so much better. My hubby is making sure I'm taking the rest of my meds (doc gave me 2 week supply of Prednisone and hubby wants me to be sure to take all of it so maybe the hives won't come back for awhile).

Ann, Guaifenesin is used to treat fibro, but it's a whole regimen--diet, taking toxic substances out of your system including makeup, etc. Way too complicated for my pea brain. Some people, so I've read, get sick on it at first. I don't think I could do it. But, it seems to help a lot of people.

Thanks for always leting me know what you've heard or read, Ann. You never know what might help.

Hey Becat, GREAT TALKING TO YOU TONIGHT! I forgot to tell you about the sleep meds. As you can see, Newbies, this Jan isn't crazy like the other, ITCHY, sleep deprived Jan! Seriously, I thought I was going crazy--I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy! I'm still not sure what caused my hives; perhaps my new neuro will have a clue?

Have a great night, everyone.

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Post by bradyferguson »

Last edited by bradyferguson on Thu Mar 17, 2005 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Post by cornelia »

Yes! Sugar, I have it in arms and shoulders too. 24/7 isn't that nice?

I have a question: my arms are getting more and more limitations. Like not being able to put my left arm behind my back, difficulties (un)dressing pullovers etc and not being able to get them as high in the air as I used to.
Do you have these problems too?


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Post by SUGAR »

corrie, I did notice that I can't move around the way I used to. I used to be in three different dance classes and could do anything. But I got a Yoga/Pilates tape to try to get some movement back, I can't even grab my ankles like I should, I can't stretch my arms above my head with my fingers together like they do... Definately some lost range of motion there. I never really noticed it before I got the video.. Strange huh?

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oh yah

Post by SUGAR »

And trying to hook my bra!!!!! Give me a break here!

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