RLS and Anxiety/Panic Disorders

Whether new to RLS or new to the site, we welcome you and invite you to share your history and experiences with RLS/WED, introduce yourself, and ask questions. Successful treatment starts with a solid understanding of this disease.

Do you have anxiety and/or panic along with your RLS???

Yes, specific anxiety/panic disorder ongoing unrelated to RLS onset.
Yes, specific anxiety/panic disorder diagnosed since RLS onset.
Yes, tendency toward anxiety ongoing unrelated to the onset of RLS
Yes, tendency toward anxiety since RLS onset.
Nope, no anxiety or panic symptoms or disorders
Total votes: 24


Post by Penguinrocks »

Sara, I wanted to take your poll, but my category isn't stated there.
My panic attacks/extreme anxiety started about 5 years ago. right after my divorce. I was in the mall and started sweating til I was soaked and couldn't breathe, hands were shaking like 60 and my daughter had to lead me out of the mall! Poor kid. I feel so badly for her that she has to be witness to a "weak" Mom. Anyway, I was officially diagnosed with RLS this past January. STILL waiting to see a neurologist for the first time. Got my MRI results back and my "problem" isn't a disk thing, so I guess now it's official that i have RLS. I still cannot go anywhere that is crowded. I feel like everyone is staring at me. Am I really a mental case?

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Post by Sara »

Hey, Penguin--

Seems like you're one of the first two options (can't see the poll here in the reply phase, so excuse me if I'm wrong in this).... your anxiety -- whether it's a specific or "diagnosed" condition, or just an ongoing tendency toward anxiety-- doesn't seem to have any particular relation to the onset of your RLS.

I sure FEEL for you, though, honey, with the experience you explained. Thankfully I have "only" extreme anxiety attacks and generalized anxiety. I've never had true "panic" attacks. Did you go to the doctor for your anxiety ever? When I was officially diagnosed, I had already researched and figured out what I had, and the doc confirmed it. She only wanted to medicate me, so I never went back to her again (she was a very caustic and rude person, too.) But I did learn (through research and through support from others with anxiety/panic) some good skills to live better with my chronic anxiety disorder. :D

I know what you mean about feeling bad for your child seeing you in this crisis. I was fortunate that during my worst years, my kids were younger, and didn't seem to realize what was going on too much. But my older son now shows many of the same traits I had when I first starting experiencing anxiety (at the same age he is now... a fact that just dawned on me, and has been hard to accept.) There IS life with anxiety, but it's not easy, I KNOW!!!! You just hang in there (and PM me if you want, and we can chat more about this, too. :wink: )

I'm sorry that you have RLS and anxiety, honey. But you're among friends here!! :D



Post by Guest »

Thanks Sara. Just seems so wonderful to have people to talk to who are not judging. I went to doc for my panic attacks and of course i'm now on Effexor XR WHICH I don't know whether it's triggered the RLS. I've been to therapy for the anxiety. Outcome=stare at my favorite color and take deep breathes to relieve it. There, just saved y'all a lot of money!
Now I can't get off the Effexor because the withdrawal symptons are a BEAR! I'll need to take a week off and not communicate with or see anyone. Plus it makes me feel like i have the flu.
Anyway, I'm here because I NEED someone, like we all do just to keep our sanity. thank you

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Penguin, there is so much to learn about RLS. You're in the right place, though. If you go to this link http://beta.restlesslegs.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=549 you'll find some great links. Go to the one for the So Cal Support group where you can find out more about meds and RLS. Almost all of the SSRIs can worsen RLS, but check on that site to make sure about Effexor, since Wellbutrin may help some people. You can even write an email to the doctor on the site and ask him a question and he'll respond.


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Post by Penguinrocks »

Thank you Ann, I will do that!
Beware the Penguin

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Post by Sara »

Good luck with the doc on Monday, Penguin!

Sara :D

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Post by Penguinrocks »

Thanks again Sara.
Beware the Penguin


Interesting news

Post by Guest »

I just found this abstract about anxiety and depression. . .

http://www.websciences.org/cftemplate/N ... D=20045550


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Post by Sara »

Hmmm, interesting, Ann. Thanks for posting this.

I agree that RLS symptoms probably put people at an increased risk of depression and perhaps some sorts of anxiety. I'm not sure I get that connection for panic, and GAD, in my case, at least, has not corresponded with my RLS looking back over long-term patterns.

I personally still wonder about general biochemical "sensitivity" being an issue in some brain and body chemistiry syndromes and disorders. Not a medical opinion, just a gut feeling based on the histories of sufferers I know with anxiety, RLS, autoimmunes, etc.

Sara :D

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Hi Penguin

Post by jan3213 »

It's Jan

I just happened upon this thread and noticed that you're taking Effexor XR. My doctor put me on that when he dxed me with fibro. It not only exacerbated my RLS (I had it in my arms so badly one night, I could have hit a punching bag all night long), I had severe mood swings and hives for seven weeks. And, even though I withdrew from Effexor slowly, just as your are supposed to, I had moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms. Just thought I'd mention my experience.

Sara, it's interesting that you mention biochemical "sensitivity" being an issue in some brain and body chemistry syndromes and disorders. As you know, I was dxed with fibro in early November 2004, and since then, I have become extremely sensitive to medications, noise, light, touch, and food. I break out in hives all the time and and things that didn't used to bother me at all, certainly do now. I'm your case in point.

Have a good night everyone!

No one is alone who had friends.

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ok I need real words

Post by becat »

Hi to all,
Welcome back Home Ann? Or are you still on vacation? Hope it was/is calming and wonderful.
I'm sorry I'm having a real dyslexic day and I know what it says BUT.
Tonight my brain won't absorb this......I need real words for some this article says. Please translate this for me in English.....my first lang. by the way........
"Causal attributions of patients suggest that a considerable proportion of the excess morbidity for depression and panic disorder might be due to RLS symptomatology."

Are they saying that because of RLS we suffer with Anxiety and depression more or that our having these symptoms make us more prone to RLS?

Sorry, I need it phrased differently to get it to stick. Help!

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Post by Sara »

MY take was that the symptoms of RLS made them prone to depression and panic, not the other way around. And who would doubt that? At least the depressed part. Chronic diseases OFTEN cause accompanying depression/anxiety problems. My dad has a non-lethal chronic disease that they say that a common "symptom" of is attempted suicide. :cry: That was a sobering thing to find out in our initial research.

But I don't read medical-speak all that well either. :P :wink: :lol:

E-mail on the way, Becat!

Sara :D

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I didn't read the article when I first posted and

Post by jan3213 »

I didn't get it either, Becat----------I just noticed that Penguin was taking Effexor and noticed Sara's comment about sensitivity.

Hi, it's Jan

I need it 'splained to me, too, please........................


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Post by Sara »

Hi, Jannie--

Those of us who love you always knew you were sensitive... but don't take it to extremes!!! :wink:

Is ANY of it getting any better lately?????

Hugs-- Sara :D

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You're so funny!

Post by jan3213 »

Hi you! It's -- uh Guess Who?

Well, actually, Any new medication they try to give me lately either causes me to break out in those lovely hives or I swell up like a balloon! Lovely picture, huh? hehe And, one new thing I've noticed. I've suddenly becoe allergic to peanuts--not deathly allergic--but--yep, you guessed it--HIVES! This one is gonna kill you--My eyeballs get HOT--How weird is that? That's when I get out in the sun. Now, that could be because of some of the meds I'm on. On the good side, I've lost 10 lbs. in 3 weeks. That doesn't mean I'll keep losing at that rate, but I'm back on Topamax. They are now using that for fibro AND rls, did you know that? It helps with the pain, a little bit. And, it has that every lovely side effect of weight loss for me. I absolutely cannot stand loud noise and I am not kidding you. I have this constant ringing in my ears. That's probably why. See, honey, I'm not kidding. All of this is very familiar to my fibro buddies.

BTW, how are you? I'm sorry I haven't sent you one of my newsy emails lately. I promise I will tomorrow!


Love ya
No one is alone who had friends.

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