Are leg cramps part of RLS?

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Are leg cramps part of RLS?

Post by Bloodheart »

Glad I was pointed to this site, I'm looking for some clarification.

I'm 27 years old and was officially diagnosed as having RLS about two years ago, tests were done to rule out underlying problems and all was clear. Since then the symptoms have progressed rapidly - when diagnosed my symptoms were very hot feet and restless legs, that has now progressed to include painful spasms in legs/feet, some restlessness in my arms, symptoms are now occurring more frequently and during the day rather than just at night.

I'm currently only on 0.5mg of Ropinirole before bed - I was on 1.5mg which was helping enough to let me get to sleep, but still not really helping much and certainly was of no help during the day. I've had problems with my GP giving me the wrong dosage and claiming there's no other medication I can use. I'm working on getting a new GP because all of the GP's at that practice are terrible, but I'm stuck in the mean time!


Now the background stuff is out of the way...I've been experiencing another symptom that I'm fairly certain is related to RLS - leg cramps.

When I first started experiencing RLS symptoms six years ago I would also get horrific cramps in the early hours where my legs would completely lock up and which would seriously limit my walking for a few days as I'd be in the time I thought this was down to calcium deficiency, but now I'm not so sure. I don't get the cramps at night like this any more, however I get cramping during the day.

It will be a feeling deep in the calf muscles of my legs, similar depth and feeling as the feeling when my legs go into spasm or restlessness, but it will go on to feel as though they're being tensed...imagine walking round all day with tensed calf muscles and you'll understand the problem - it makes walking difficult and is sometimes very painful.

This feeling in my calf muscles is definitely related to RLS, when RLS is bad then so is this cramping - I wonder if it is a symptom of RLS or if the cramps and increased RLS symptoms are due to something underlying.

What I'm wondering is this; Are the cramps a possible RLS symptom?

Basically this does effect my mobility, I've heard of others with RLS say it effects their mobility - is this why? With the speed in which my RLS symptoms are progressing I'm worried that if these cramps are another symptom of RLS that it will get worse too.

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Hi Bloodheart,

Leg cramps are not part of RLS. I don't know much about them, just that they're not associated.

Since your RLS is getting worse quickly, please read about augmentation. It's when a dopamine agonist (the Ropinerole in this case) makes the RLS worse.

There is information all over the board about it, but an intro to it is in the 3rd or 4th post in this thread.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by Bloodheart »

ViewsAskew wrote:Leg cramps are not part of RLS. I don't know much about them, just that they're not associated.

It's not leg cramps per-say, but the sensation of the muscles being tensed.

And so how does RLS effect mobility?

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Post by ViewsAskew »

Bloodheart, I've heard of three people with mobility issues. Two are in the same family and one in a different family. The two who've posted here about it have not been here in some time. Hopefully if they see this they would let you know their experience.

I personally am not aware of any mobility issues in the research literature, but I haven't searched on it, either. Nor am aware of muscle tensing (involuntary). There are a lot of sites that say muscle tensing and cramps are part of RLS, but the party line is that this is not RLS. It could be a magnesium deficiency, or something else.

All that said, in all the RLS research, they've come up with at least 4 or 5 different genes that are potentially responsible. My guess is that more than one CAN be associated with RLS. That would mean that different combos give you slightly different symptoms. It may be many years before we have a complete understanding of what it truly means to have RLS.

Unfortunately, the expressions that are the least common are unlikely to be studied (or even maybe attributed) to RLS for some time. Even five years ago, many doctors said pain could not be a component. Yet, we clearly have people with pain. Now, this could be a different disorder that happens with RLS, but somehow it is most likely related in some way.

I guess my rambling point is that I'm not sure you're going to get a definitive answer at this point in time simply because I'm not sure they know.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Post by Neco »

I strongly suggest you look into the possibility of going to The Mayo Clinic.

If you can afford it / or insurance will pay for it
and if you can get an appointment without a very long wait, you should not pass up on the chance to do this.

Mayo is one of the best places to go for official Diagnosis & Treatment of RLS, as well as any other potential underlying issues that may be occuring.

In the mean time, if they are physical (muscle related) leg cramps and not just a "sensation" of cramps then try taking a Magnesium supplement, and also buy some Tonic Water that contains Quinine (Club Soda type stuff).

Both of those have been shown to help in the treatment of leg cramps. Some people saw a few swigs of the Water is enough to calm them down.

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Leg Cramps

Post by sleepdancer »

If it were me, I'd want a thorough medical exam to include bloodwork for nutritional deficiencies. Also, please inquire as to if any meds you might be on could cause this as a side effect. I just haven't read of anything like you describe being a part of RLS - just sounds like it might have an identifiable source if you have a physician willing to do the investigating. Not sure what type of specialist you would need, maybe someone else can contribute to that discussion. Some of this stuff can be quite elusive. I have what I consider to be an excellent doctor, but it took time and persistence to dig deep enough to find answers. Sometimes docs follow the patient's lead as to whether the issue merits continued investigation. I told my doc that what I DON'T have wasn't an answer and I wanted him to not stop until he could tell me what I DO have. A sleep study revealed that my lower leg, hip and back pain was caused by Periodic Limb Movement Disorder, and later studies revealed the effects of augmentation. Just make sure the doctor understands how important this is to you and that you want an answer, not a non-answer.

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