
Share how living with this disease can and does impact your relationships. How do you cope? What questions to you have?
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Post by helenjamieson1965 »

Yes, relationships are a challenge to say the least. Colin and I have been together for 3 years, I have had RLS for the last two. I had to admit defeat and we now sleep in separate bedrooms so that at least he can sleep even if I can't. He is very understanding, but it the RLS does affect his life too. The whole thing just breaks my heart.

Polar Bear
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Post by Polar Bear »

I to go bed as normal with my husband and if my symptoms are too bad during the night I get up. I may stay up for a while or I my go into the spare room but generally I try and go back to our own bed before hubby gets up. This way he can get some uninterrupted sleep.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Post by Betty/WV »

WED/rls affects EVERY part of our lives. Our relationships with our mate, our children, our social life, our jobs and on and on. We only had 1 daughter and when she entered school my WED/rls was very bad. I would be up all night, it was horrible. And around 5 am I would fall asleep. So when she had to get up to get ready for school, I would be a zombie, after the dreadful night I had just experienced. So when she really needed me to get her day at school headed in the right direction---I wasn't there for her like I should have been. That has alway broke my heart as I look back.

I am just very very tired and wore down after 40 years of this night mare.

Thanks to, I have learned so much about my condition. I have received encouragement from my friends here. This is a site I can come to when I am up most of the night, and I vent, and know those who read my messages understand

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Post by sleepdancer »

Just thinking, you say you've been married 3 years and have had RLS for 2 so is there something that has changed to cause this fairly recent onset? Hopefully you have had iron studies as well as made sure you are nutritionally sound. Also, be sure you're not on any meds known to cause or exacerbate RLS.

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Post by helenjamieson1965 »

Sleepdancer, my Ferratin levels are very low, they were initially measured at 13, then went even further down to 11. The reason for this was a gynaecological problem not being addressed. I have started tackling this problem too, and my Ferratin levels are now up to a great big(??) 27!! Long way to go, but at least it's going up and not down now. I dread the nights as the Ropinirole only works until the wee small hours, and I don't want to increase the dosage any more because of the Augmentation I've beeen having. I feel my life is totally not in my control. I miss the person I was 2 years ago, I liked her..

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Re: relationships

Post by ViewsAskew »

helenjamieson1965 wrote:I feel my life is totally not in my control. I miss the person I was 2 years ago, I liked her..

Oh, how many times have I felt that way????? More than I care to remember. And how I wish I never would have to hear that from anyone else ever again. It's just so heartbreaking.

Hang in there, Helen. It can get better. That's the good news about me saying that I've felt that way before - I don't now. I probably will again in the future, but I'll gladly take anytime feeling better than I can get.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

Managing Your RLS

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Post by badnights »

The ferritin going up is a positive sign, too. You shouldn't ever have been given ropinirole with such low ferritin, since (admittedly recent) research sugggests that people with low ferritin are more likely to augment on that type of drug.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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