How many mg of Pramipexole do you take daily

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How many mg of Pramipexole do you take daily

Post by pamndorr »

I have been reading through some posts about Pramipexole and see the doses that people take. I am now wondering if I am on a very high dose of this crappy medicine. I am taking 2.5 mg a day. I start with .25mg at 7am and 3pm. Then take 1.5mg at 7pm and .5mg at 11pm. I was taking Clonidine 2mg at bedtime along with 50mg of Tramadole. I stopped the Clonidine because my blood pressure was dropping low. I stopped that a week or so ago.
I have been on this drug for 2 years now and I think it is causing more problems then it is worth. I know I have to have it...I tried to cut it back a few nights ago and I paid for it. The last time I had augmentation was summer of 2010..that was my last drug holiday. My dose started out much lower...but she just kept increasing it until it has gotten this far up.
All I know is now I am sick to stomach all the time. I eat all the time and gain weight. I am moody, I cry..alot. I fight going to the casino every waking hour of every day...I live to go to the second hand stores just to walk around and see if there is anything that I can't live without. I can fall asleep sitting in a chair but just long enough for my head to drop then I am jolted back wide awake. I sleep about 4 hours a night and that is on a good night.
I just wonder if this dose is a ok dose to take. I have made an appointment to see a new doctor. He is an internist. He is younger...been practicing for 11 years now. My thinking is that maybe he would know a bit more about this disease then some of the older doctors. I don't know if that is true or not...but so far I am not having much luck finding a doctor that knows anything about this.
I just want to go to sleep for 8 hours waking up..just sleep and I want to feel like living again. This is getting old real fast.

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Re: How many mg of Pramipexole do you take daily

Post by ViewsAskew »

The 1.5 mg at night is a bit high. Not too high as it will really hurts you, but you have side effects that seem pretty awful.

I used to take .25 at night and that covered pretty severe WED - though I think we all respond to the drugs differently. And, why did I quit? I was depressed, tired, suicidal. Not a good thing! Sounds like you are in a similar place.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: How many mg of Pramipexole do you take daily

Post by Polar Bear »

You definitely need your doctor to help you through this. I hope the new younger doc is willing to learn if necessary and will be willing to take on board any relevant information you can show him.
I found a big difference when tramadol was added to my ropinerole.
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Re: How many mg of Pramipexole do you take daily

Post by debbluebird »

I started out on .125 mg at 5pm and .125 mg at 9 pm with Mirapex. As my WED got worse the doctor increased it to .5 mg and .5 mg. As it turned out it was way too much. The weight gain, the emotional roller coaster, and augmetation, etc. I had to take several other drugs in place of it to get off of it. It was a night mare, but I could never just wean off. Later I went back on Mirapex just .125 mg and .125 mg (the lower dose) and again had augentation. Again replaced it with another drug, this time Gabapentin, added Tramadol. Throughout this time I also was on Methadone, which replaced a lot of the drugs from the first time of getting off Mirapex. I had tried to wean off Mirapex several times without adding a new drug and it never worked. Now that I looked back, it was awful to go through getting off Mirapex, but is was worth it. I'm now loosing weight, which is better for my heart, blood pressure, etc. Good luck. DEB

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Re: How many mg of Pramipexole do you take daily

Post by pamndorr »

Thank you all for the input. I know I have to get off this drug. It makes me feel better that it appears it isn't all in my head...I say that because the last time I told the dr. I was having problems with memory and emotions she said it wasnt the drug and referred me to a neurophyschologist for evaluation. I didnt go because of the cost for one thing and I knew it wasn't in my head....well it may be in my head but it is because of the drugs.
Desperate for sleep the other night so husband talked me into taking a methadone....left over from the drug holiday in 2010. That drug is like poison in my body. When I was on it before at 5mg a day I was vomiting all the time.....I had never been that sick. So this time I took 1/2 of that and no vomiting but my stomach has been so sick...but I have slept. Now it is just giving my insides a chance to feel better. As my husband said I may as well start getting ready for the next drug holiday,..which means methadone and vomiting...but then I can get on the least that is what I am hoping for.
Thanks again just helps to know that I am not all alone.

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Re: How many mg of Pramipexole do you take daily

Post by TimG »

I'm sorry to read about all the problems you are having with pramipexole. I started on 0.125 mg at bedtime and am now taking 0.25 mg daily. It's been less than a year since I was diagnosed with restless legs. I have experienced weight gain (5-7 lbs), but no other side effects. As I've written here before, I consider myself lucky that the medication works pretty well to provide me with a good night's sleep. I know that others here have gone through hell trying to manage RLS/WED. This is a complex disease and it pays to find a knowledgeable physician and to get support throught a discussion board like this one.

Take care and hang in there!

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Re: How many mg of Pramipexole do you take daily

Post by Polar Bear »

Pamndorr - none of us are all alone while we have this discussion board :)
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: How many mg of Pramipexole do you take daily

Post by debbluebird »

When I first started Methadone I had very bad nausea with only occasional vomiting. I cut back and it finally went away, but I didn't totally stop it. Now after a year I increased it a little and it's ok. I guess I'm used to it now. I started with 5 mg, went to 10 mg divided doses. On rare occasions I will take a third 5 mg, but I don't plan on doing that on a regular basis. I won't increase it even if my WED gets worse again. I will add another drug instead. Again, everyone is different. DEB

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Re: How many mg of Pramipexole do you take daily

Post by cmooreinthepines »

Sadly...I know how you feel. I hate that we have to go through this. It wears us down mentally and physically. I wish I had advice for you but I am in the same boat. Words like "we" and "us" on the discussion board are tremendously uplifting and I appreciate them every time I read them!!! I am here for you and I share your pain. You are not alone!
"When I find myself in times of trouble"...."There will be an answer, let it be, let it be." (The Fab Four)

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Re: How many mg of Pramipexole do you take daily

Post by badnights »

This is an old thread now but I do hope pamndorr you are off the pramipxole for GOOD, it gave you Impulse Control Disorder and no one should be on that drug when it does that to them. No one. There are MANY alternatives.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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