Talk too much?

Share how living with this disease can and does impact your relationships. How do you cope? What questions to you have?
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Talk too much?

Post by rthom »

Anyone find that they are too open to tell people whatever they ask--sort of, when they are having trouble with sleep loss? Have they had relationship troubles or made bad choices being too open--not do things but just not keep information to themselves that may be problematic later--like cannot forsee a problem?
Communication is a real problem in my life right now--and am trying to figure out why.
Otherwise I thought it might be an interesting thread anyway. :?

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Re: Talk too much?

Post by debbluebird »

Everyone has probably already figured out that I talk too much, and say too much. With that, that's all I'll say ! :D


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Re: Talk too much?

Post by rthom »

lol, lol good for u!

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Re: Talk too much?

Post by ViewsAskew »

I think it's really hard to know how much to say. And most of us have very different ideas. My family is pretty open with each other, and moderately open with others - but I don't think anyone is TOO open! My hubby's family is pretty closed. One of SIL's doesn't even tell her family things that most people would. He often says I say too much, lol. I've learned that there are certain things he doesn't want me to talk about - such as how old he is. I keep quiet about those and we do pretty well.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Talk too much?

Post by rthom »

Must be just me--It is worse when I don't sleep much for days on end, but it's bad enough here that I don't want to answer the phone or talk to any of my clients--I usually say something I shouldn't that will be good for them and bad for us. It's like I have no sense of prospective problems that may arise till well after sometimes days or months later.

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Re: Talk too much?

Post by ViewsAskew »

It very well could be the lack of sleep! It absolutely impairs our thinking. You may not be as cautious as you would be if you were alert - your guard is down, as are your defenses. I usually get emotionally charged when I'm tired, lose ALL patience, and act like I'm about 8 years old. Old enough not to do really crazy things, but young enough that if rattled or upset, I act inappropriately.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Talk too much?

Post by rthom »

ty for that, it's good to hear. I asked a councellor about how/where to learn that he said if I hadn't learned it by now I never would---not much help--Unfortunately for me I learn better by picture or direct explanation when it comes to obscure things like human behavoir or grey concepts.

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Re: Talk too much?

Post by badnights »

I DO reveal too much. I have all my life, it's not related to lack of sleep. I am perhaps a slow learner? but I eventually figured out, maybe in my late 30's, that some things were best left unsaid, and that strangers should not hear my innermost thoughts. I have gotten better, but I'm not cured by a long shot. And like Ann said, it's hard to know where to draw the line. It's different for every social situation and for every subject.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Talk too much?

Post by ViewsAskew »

It's amazing at how differently our brains work. Some of us read others very easily. Some of us don't have it in our skill set. Others of us blurt things and always say the wrong thing; others of us have silver tongues.

rthom, I imagine you could learn some cues that would help . If you have a choice in a counselor, ask to see someone who uses a cognitive-behaviorist approach. They are really good at helping people make those kinds of changes.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Talk too much?

Post by debbluebird »

Seriously, when I'm not getting even less than I get now, then I get really crabby. Also get short tempered sometimes.


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Re: Talk too much?

Post by badnights »

oh yes, me too, deb. lack of sleep really affects my mood, severely. It has ruined me at work.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Talk too much?

Post by ViewsAskew »

In late summer I was working with several colleagues on a research study. I admire these people and want them to think well of me. They did...until the medication caused issues with depression and I was just about crazy in a few meetings. Heck, I can't even get one of them to talk to me now.

I so wish I could explain, but people who haven't had emotional issues caused by lack of sleep, medication, or other reasons, don't understand how hard it is to monitor yourself during those times. I literally wasn't capable of being the "normal" me. Nor was I capable of seeing just how irrational I sounded - until I was feeling better, that is. Now, I see it all too well and keep kicking myself for it.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Talk too much?

Post by badnights »

It hurts.

I guess we just have to accept that we'll never get the opportunity to explain it to some people, and they wouldn;t get it even if we did, and we just have to accept that and move on.
But it hurts.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: Talk too much?

Post by Polar Bear »

Ann, it's so unfair that medications could cause this to happen.
I'm seeing this sort of emotional/relationship issue in a few threads recently and its a part of the disease, or the treatment of the disease, that noone outside the WED community could easily understand.
Betty ... 0/fulltext
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Re: Talk too much?

Post by ViewsAskew »

There are so many factors that contribute to us not being as emotionally content as we could be.
1. Medication and side effects
2. Lack of sleep
3. Effect of disease on brain chemistry
4. Effect of chronic disease on our general well-being and feelings of being whole, complete, true to who we are, etc.

And, I probably missed some!

Last year, a colleague of mine was let go from a job. He wasn't doing a good job, was depressed, was taking a lot about illness, wasn't following through, etc. My guess was that something was going on. While I understand the ramifications at his job - things didn't get done that needed to, it was a highly visible job, etc. - they people around him completely ignored him, talked behind his back, and basically got him fired. I didn't know him well and felt I couldn't approach him about the issue. But, I wish I had.

I was talking to a colleague that I know well (and admire greatly), during this time. She is a long-time friend and colleague of the person above. I mentioned that I thought the above colleague might be on medication, suffering side effects, or need medication. My female friend was so dismissive of the problem and said something like, "Well, it's his responsibility to get help and do what he needs to. You can't go around acting that way."

And, yes it is. But, it's just not always that easy. And, what kind of a society are we if we can't have empathy and help each other?
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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