Neupro Patch

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Neupro Patch

Post by debbluebird »

I would like to hear from anyone who is trying this patch or who is going to try it. My doctor wants me to try it. I'm a little afraid, just going through another trial. Right now I'm on methadone, ativan and gabapentin. Just got off of mirapex among others. DEB

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Re: Neupro Patch

Post by Polar Bear »

I am at present 'considering it'. I haven't spoken with my doc yet.
I take short acting meds throughout a 24 hour period and to have a steady flow of meds with one application sounds so good.
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Re: Neupro Patch

Post by chefws »

I used Neupro in late 07 to the beginning of 08. I had site application rashes, but it worked. I didn't really need the 24 hour dose, so I would remove the patch in the am. I had problems with the heat of the kitchen I worked in emitting more of the dose than it was supposed to, and it would make me very sleepy. Once I fell asleep at a stop light until a motorist came up beside me and blew his horn. That's when I stopped using it. It also seemed to cause leg pain. I talked to a Neupro drug rep about it, and she insisted it was any DA that would do that.
Like all other medicines, you will have to try it out before you know how it affects you. I didn't have any augmentation or rebound, but I was only on it for about 6 months before it got recalled here in the US.
Mind the warnings about exposing the patch to sunlight/heat.
Good Luck!

Edit: The recall happened but I still had doses left and no options for anything else, so I continued to use them until the stop light incident. I wanted to clear that up, as it was confusing to me when I read the post :)
What I say is only what I have experienced with this horrible disorder. Everyone reacts differently to different treatments. Research, Research, Research! And may God bless you with an understanding and knowlegable doctor.

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Re: Neupro Patch

Post by Polar Bear »

Thanks for your info Randy.
Thankfully I haven't had any leg pain or sleepyness issue with my present DA.
I have to admit that although I like the idea of a 24 hour patch, Iam rather afraid of a change that won't work.
A case at present of 'better the devil you know' !!
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Re: Neupro Patch

Post by debbluebird »

Thanks Randy and Polar Bear for your info. I went to the doctor today. Finally got my labs done, iron, ferritin and Vit D. Also decided to add Tramadol, just one in the evening. This is in addtition to my methadone, gabapentin and ativan. Will wait to see labs results and see what I need there. Then I have the option of increasing the Tramadol to three/day. I will see how I do with one, and so on. I decided to do all of this first before I try the patch. I am sooo susceptible to side affects, so that's why I'm doing all of this first. Hopeing to eliminate the ativan. Thanks again, DEB

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Re: Neupro Patch

Post by Polar Bear »

DEB, it will be interesting to hear how much of a difference the one Tramadol will make for you. I hope it helps lots.
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Re: Neupro Patch

Post by debbluebird »

Well, the tramadol helped, at least for last night. I was able to get 2 more hours of sleep from 2 to 4am instead of sitting up. So a total of 4 hours. It seems weird to me that I am only sleeping 2 hours at a time then I'm up. I used to sleep so well. If the next few weeks go as well, I'm going to ask for another one. She said I could go up to 3. But we worked in the yard today and leg started as soon as I sat down to rest, about 1 in the afternoon. The only thing I could think of was to get into a hot tub. Since I was too tired to walk around, couldn't sit, couldn't ly down. This is when it really drives me crazy. Well, I'm able to sit in my chair now thank goodness. I am so tired. I wish I could sleep. DEB

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Re: Neupro Patch

Post by Chipmunk »

Usually things that are delivered via patch have a lower incidence of side effects, because the dose at any one time is lower. So less drowsiness, nausea, etc.

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Re: Neupro Patch

Post by stahlmom5 »

I just started the Neupro patch two weeks ago. I started on the 1mg dose. It helped, but not enough. In the evenings, my legs would be dancing all over the place. The Doc raised my dose to 2mg. I started it yesterday. I was able to enjoy my day WITHOUT my legs driving me crazy. I sat and watched TV, read a book, and slept peacefully. I hope Neupro continues to work! I have been suffering from this for 30 years, since I was 17. I have tried so many different drugs. Most work for a while and then stop, or make it worse.

I hope you can find some relief!

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Re: Neupro Patch

Post by ViewsAskew »

Glad to hear it!
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Neupro Patch

Post by Polar Bear »

Excellent news that the patch is working for you.
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Re: Neupro Patch

Post by jakesmom »

I am up to 6mg of Neupro patch. Having nausea and elevated heart rate. Is anyone elso on Neupro experiencing this?

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Re: Neupro Patch

Post by rthom »

My heart rate never came down below 130 so I cannot take them

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Re: Neupro Patch

Post by EeFall »

jakesmom wrote:I am up to 6mg of Neupro patch. Having nausea and elevated heart rate. Is anyone elso on Neupro experiencing this?

When they tried me on it I thought it was only available in 1mg, 2mg, and 3mg? They started me on 2mg and they ended up cutting it in half because it was too strong. 6mg sounds like an extremely powerful dose to me, that doesn't sound good at all. It would probably be better to have a drug cocktail of several different meds like I usually take Methadone, Mirapex, Lyrica, and Clonidine for severe RLS (I couldn't take Neupro, it had bad side effects for me).

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Re: Neupro Patch

Post by stahlmom5 »

Debbluebird- I just got your message. For some reason, I can't message you back. I started taking Neupro in Sept. of last year, and it worked for a few days. I lost my insurance and was not able to keep taking it. I just started back on it last week. Started with the 2mg dose, and it worked okay during the day, but in the evening, still had the restlessness in my legs. The Dr just upped my dose today. He has me taking 4mg. It's 8:12pm, and my legs have not given me a problem. I hope I don't jinx it by typing this. LOL! I'll let you know in a few days how it's going for me. I hope you can find something that works for you. We all know that it's horrible to suffer from this. Let me know how you are doing!

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