vicadon or tramadol?

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vicadon or tramadol?

Post by peanut1 »

I am seeing my doctor next week (I'm on vacation now) and want to get a prescription for either vicadon or tramadol. Any of you recommend one over the other? I have used vicadon in the past and it worked well with the WED, no side affects, no worsening of symptoms when I got off etc. I feel most comfortable with the opiate class or the benzodiazamine (spelling?) class. Both of these classes I had no problems with, no worsening getting off them, not even any side affects.

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Re: vicadon or tramadol?

Post by dayandnight »

Tramadal makes me very nauseated plus it never did the job that a true opiat can do. But that's just me.

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Re: vicadon or tramadol?

Post by Polar Bear »

I have WED 24/7 and use ropinerole + tramadol. But in the evening that isn't sufficient and I have to also add a 30/500 cocodamol.
Nausea has never been an issue for me.
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Re: vicadon or tramadol?

Post by debbluebird »

Vicodin contains tylenol. If that doesn't matter to you, that's ok. I never used vicodin. I went straight to an oxycodone then to methadone. Also took tramadol. I don't think the tramadol did much. But if you are using it just to add to your treatment, then it's ok. I think vicodin might be better.

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Re: vicadon or tramadol?

Post by peanut1 »

Thanks for your feedback. I'll ask for the vicodon then. It has worked in the past for me.

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Re: vicadon or tramadol?

Post by Sandya4746 »

I use tramadol very successfully. When I was on Vicodin it worked faster and would control the symptoms even if they started before I took the med. With tramadol, it takes 1-2 hours to work and it is best to take it before the sensations start. The tramadol I take (100mg) totally controls my symptoms and I sleep through the night. It has been a blessing. I have very low ferritin so nothing else has worked so well. Good luck to you

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Re: vicadon or tramadol?

Post by ViewsAskew »

peanut1 wrote:Thanks for your feedback. I'll ask for the vicodon then. It has worked in the past for me.

I'd not ask for it because it has acetaminophen in it. You don't need that in your body. If you are not using it regularly, it's not a big issue. But, if you are using it regularly, it isn't something that is good for you.
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Re: vicadon or tramadol?

Post by debbluebird »

You can't get Hdrocodone (vicodin) without Tylenol in it but is is stronger. Oxycodone (Percocet), you can get it with out Tylenol. If you look at the label of vicodin you will see 5/500. The 5 mg is the narcotic and the 500 mg is the Tylenol.
I think Oxycodone works better than Tramadol, it's a stronger narcotic.

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Re: vicadon or tramadol?

Post by ViewsAskew »

debbluebird wrote:You can't get Hdrocodone (vicodin) without Tylenol in it but is is stronger. Oxycodone (Percocet), you can get it with out Tylenol. If you look at the label of vicodin you will see 5/500. The 5 mg is the narcotic and the 500 mg is the Tylenol.
I think Oxycodone works better than Tramadol, it's a stronger narcotic.

Thanks for helping people understand about the acetaminophen, brand name Tylenol.

My two cents about using oxycodone. It's absolutely stronger. If you need it, it would be an option (there are several high-potency opioids to choose from). I'd encourage everyone to use the lightest-weight opioid they can, for as long as they can, if they must use them. If tramadol works, use it first. One day you may need something like oxycodone (brand name Percocet in the US).
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Re: vicadon or tramadol?

Post by badnights »

And a reminder, that the lowest-potency opioid that does the trick is the one that is recommended. Hydocodone if available by itself (it is, isn't it, just not common?) so if vicodin worked, no sense going to a higher potentcu drug.
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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