Having Hip Surgery

Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
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Re: Having Hip Surgery

Post by EeFall »

I hope all is well and you guys made it through the pass and are reading this from your hospital high-tech tablet. :)

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Re: Having Hip Surgery

Post by debbluebird »

It's now Friday. Came back home today. We made it through the pass ok and the surgery. For the most part I have done fine. They had me practice getting into a car and that hurt like hell. Getting into our car at the hospital today was horrible. Plus I'm stiff from sitting in the car for two hours. They wanted me to get out of the car after an hour, on the way home, but I just couldn't face that. I didn't have much pain while I just laid in bed at the hospital. But I took the pain pills regularly.
Something interesting happened last night. My right leg jerked three times around 2 am. I had been lying flat in the bed. That position stretches my new hip/leg. So then I raised the head of the bed as well as the feet just a little. The jerks stopped. I was able to go to sleep without getting up. My leg only jerked one more time after that. I was able to go back to sleep again. That has never happened to me before. It matches with when I am in bed at home and get up to the recliner and the jerks go away. Of course I had pain pills, my methadone, ted hose, leg compression machine going and a heating pad.
That's all for now. I'm really tired.

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Re: Having Hip Surgery

Post by ViewsAskew »

I bet you are tired. Heck, you just had surgery!!!!!! Yikes they get you out of there fast these days.

Hope the pain decreases quickly. Even with pain meds, it's no fun to feel that way.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Having Hip Surgery

Post by EeFall »

Glad you made it back home again where you can get better and start planning for your marathon training! (j/k)

We are going over a mountain pass ourselves tomorrow morning. I can't drive for 48 hours after surgery so my wife will be doing all the driving. We have about a 300 mile journey to make to see some of her relatives. I didn't want to go but I doubt going on a trip would be any worse than sitting at home in pain, at least it will keep my mind off my elbow and stomach a bit.

Take care of yourself and don't do :lol: any somersaults, cartwheels, or jumping jacks until you see the doctor again. Also keep dancing to a minimum. My attempt at being funny. It would be like me playing tennis with my left hand today, not likely.

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Re: Having Hip Surgery

Post by debbluebird »

Each day, I seem to feel a little better. I'll just be glad when I'm a couple more weeks out. There is one thing I wanted to tell everyone. On the day of my surgery, the anesthesiologist came to see me like they do before surgery. I don't remember if I mentioned the WED or he brought it up. This is what he said. He said that WED is genetic. He said there is an amino acid that is missing in our DNA. He used this analogy, it's like the part of a house foundation that is missing. He said there is no way to replace it. My husband said that I had heard this before, but I didn't remember. If I heard this before it was probably on this site. I was just impressed that he knew so much.

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