Myofascial trigger points - I HATE them!

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Myofascial trigger points - I HATE them!

Post by ViewsAskew »

I'd be surprised if not more people than me here had these darn things. They masquerade at migraines, frozen shoulder, repetitive stress injuries, and many other things. Once I figured out what they were (I'd been diagnosed with torticollis, pinched nerve, and piriformis syndrome in the past), it because a bit easier to treat. But, they never completely go away. And, that is horrible.

Trigger points are thought to be a knot in the muscle. The pain from this irritated part of the muscle is sometimes referred to another place, such as with a migraine - the trigger point is often in the shoulder or neck, but refers pain to the head. Or the pain can exist exactly where the trigger point is. I have both kinds.

I can go months without nary a flare. Then, without warning, up to 30 of them can crop up at the same time. Right now my neck is frozen in place because if I try to move it to either direction, I have intense pain. I've found about 7 trigger points and have tried treating the darn things with the tools I have, but it just isn't relenting. This is day 5 and I'm really tired of it - I might be missing one or more of them. I awakened last night every 10-20 minutes because of the pain. At least I got about 2 or 3 hours sleep before it started. And, at least my buttock/hip doesn't have one at this time, nor my shoulder.

OK, done complaining. In case anyone else thinks they may have these, this is a good link to learn about them:
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Myofascial trigger points - I HATE them!

Post by Rustsmith »

I know what you mean. As an experienced distance runner, I cannot count the number of times that friends have asked me to show them how to properly do a piriformis stretch because they have sciatic pain and the piriformis trigger point is almost impossible to access. I also remind all the guys that if they keep their wallets in their back pocket while seated, that this aggravates the problem rather than resolving it.

I also had a shoulder problem a number of years ago. My orthopedist insisted that I go through six months of weekly physical therapy before he finally agreed to give me an injection to resolve the problem (noted that your referenced calls that using a bazooka, but it worked :D.

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Re: Myofascial trigger points - I HATE them!

Post by ViewsAskew »

I didn't think of that, but I bet a lot of guys have issues because of the wallet. For women, it's the purse (and probably things like high heels). Wearing that heavy weight on your shoulder can cause many problems. I switched to a backpack style after problems, then started using a teeny purse that weighs about a 1/2 pound total and includes only my keys, a chapstick, and a very small wallet - I can wear it cross-body when needed.

My ortho did the exact opposite - went for the injection first, lol. And, I needed the PT instead. Glad the injection worked for you - 6 months of PT seems a bit much for something that wasn't helping! That said, of the 5 PTs I've had for my knee, only one of them did work that resolved it. I wonder how much of it is finding the PT who can read your body the best, who listens to you, watches how you move and what you do, and so on, vs the one who goes by the book.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Myofascial trigger points - I HATE them!

Post by lynncomb »

There is an amazing book that has helped me tremendously. I have been using it for almost 12 years, and it really works. My husband and daughter also use it, they have chronic pain from back problems. I am able to find any trigger point because the diagrams in this book are so good and very complete. I started it because of the fibromyalgia and it works for any pain issue. I don't know if I am allowed to recommend books, but I will and you can tell me if I have been a bad girl. LOL The book is called "The Trigger point Therapy Workbook", by Clair Davis. It also helps to find a anatomy book and get copies of all the muscles, it helps you to know how many muscles we have and how many layers of muscles. My husbands back requires massage the third layer of muscles. The facial massage protocol is a great pick me upper.
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Re: Myofascial trigger points - I HATE them!

Post by Rustsmith »

lynncomb, yes you are allowed to recommend books. We are frequently recommending "Clinical Management of Restless Legs Syndrome". You just cannot try to push the book if you are one of the authors :D.
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Re: Myofascial trigger points - I HATE them!

Post by ViewsAskew »

I have the same book lynncomb! I find it very helpful, too.
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Re: Myofascial trigger points - I HATE them!

Post by Madmom02 »

Just added the Trigger Point book to my Amazon wishlist along with the Clinical Management of RLS book. Thanks for the book tips!

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Re: Myofascial trigger points - I HATE them!

Post by ViewsAskew »

The best "book" on these was the tutorial I referenced above. You pay for it, as you would a book, and then I copied the PDF so i could reference it later. It was the most helpful primer on the topic.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Myofascial trigger points - I HATE them!

Post by Madmom02 »

I missed the link but I've got it bookmarked now. Thank you! I'm not sure I actually have real trigger points but I had trigger point massage therapy in another state years ago and it was incredibly helpful in loosening me up so I could walk more freely/easily. Could just be spasticity. I've always been a spaz according to my siblings. :roll:

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