not true:), you're right to try it. The side effects are different, and a person's propensity to augment is different too, meaning you might not augment on one, even though you've augmented on the other. Or, you might not augment as fast. However, the danger in starting DA#2 before you've gotten over the withdrawals of DA#1 is that you'll start too high a dose on DA#2, that is, you'll be treating withdrawals, instead of your baseline symptoms. Higher doses, and possibly even just doses that are higher than you need, make you more likely to augment.once any DA doesn't work...others won't either.
To get into a sleep clinic, when answering their questionnaires, you have to convince them that the effects of your disease are deathly serious. eg. They will get you in faster if you have fallen asleep while driving. too bad in a way that WED patients rarely do, because we're assaulted with hyper-vigilance along with the dreadful sensations. Unfortunately, the sleep clinics don't have a question that gauges the devastation of chronic sleep loss on all other areas of life...
I think it's great that you've set aside some of your precious energy to raise awareness. Go for it!