WED and menopause

RLS occurs more frequently in certain populations, including people with end-stage renal disease, women during pregnancy, and people with iron deficiency. Also, RLS/WED in the elderly and children brings other challenges. Sharing your experiences may be extraordinarily helpful to others.
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WED and menopause

Post by peanut1 »

I just got diagnosed with sleep apnea and trying to get used to the CPAP and now the hot flashes are kicking in the WED something fierce!!! I'm getting between 0 and 2 hours a night unless I'm medicated which makes me feel like a zombie all day. So I'm alternating nights between taking meds (600 mg Gabapentin and 3 mg Lunesta) and only getting 6-7 hours of sleep and waking up in the middle of the night as well with the CPAP. In just 1 week I needed to add 1 mg of Lunesta which concerns me since I'm only taking the meds part time.

I know the hot flashes are contributing GREATLY to the WED since I was managing the apnea (with or without the CPAP) on 4-5 hours a night during the week and 6 hours on the weekend. Last night when I started to go to sleep for a few minutes and woke up due to apnea, but was still sleepy. I felt a hot flash and afterward felt like I drank a pot of coffee. Needless to say, I've to an OBGYN appointment for Wednesday to see if I can get on birth control or SOMETHING to help the menopause stuff (also I'm 51.5 years old right in the menopause age range.) I NEED TO GET MORE SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: WED and menopause

Post by badnights »

peanut how horrible to have to live on such little sleep. Are there no other meds that help? Do you need to take iron?

woke up due to apnea, but was still sleepy. I felt a hot flash and afterward felt like I drank a pot of coffee.
I used to get like that minus the apnea and hot flash. I would wake up from an exhausted sleep feeling totally alert; no sensory symptoms, just the awakeness. I wonder if the link - whatever it might be - between "female" hormones and WED has to do with this hyperalertness...
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: WED and menopause

Post by ViewsAskew »

Peanut, any relief yet?
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Re: WED and menopause

Post by peanut1 »

Not really. GYN doc put me on hormone replacement therapy which worked for all of a week. Hot flashes are gone, but I'm only getting 2 hours a night vs. one hour or less. I do take meds 3-4 days a week since I acclimate to them so quickly. I'm going to try and get in to see an endocrinologist and then if that doesn't work see the doc in Houston that was recommended to get on a better drug regiment. It scares me that I'm acclimating so quickly to the meds as I've known other people with WED that were able to take their meds every day for year or more. Is this normal?

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Re: WED and menopause

Post by ViewsAskew »

Some of us have issues with drugs - not sure why. Maybe there is always a subset of the population that does. I see a lot of people here that do - maybe it's just because we are the ones posting - the ones that don't have trouble don't have a need to post.

Are you going to see a WED doc in Houston? Dr Ondo is there and is a very good WED doc.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: WED and menopause

Post by peanut1 »

I called the GYN and she wants to wait 2 weeks to see if the HRT starts to work more regularly. I do remember you mentioning Dr. Ono before. I was managing my meds with a sleep neuro, but I'm scared I'm going to run out of options soon. Also, they are funny about not prescribing things like Vicodin and all. I thought I would see how the next few weeks go and change to Horizant if I need to and if all that doesn't work I will need to find someone a bit more savvy about WED like Dr. Ono or Dr. B. I know I've expressed many times my hesitancy about heavy meds, but I damn sure am not going to live on 2 hours a night every night i.e. I'm pretty much at the point, I'll do what I need to do!!!

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Re: WED and menopause

Post by peanut1 »


Forgot to mention: interesting concept with the hyperalertness and the menopause symptoms. I also think that study with glutamine should prove HIGHLY interesting.

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Re: WED and menopause

Post by peanut1 »

Great news! Dr. ondo is on my insurance--wooowho!!

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Re: WED and menopause

Post by ViewsAskew »

Very good news!!!!
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Re: WED and menopause

Post by badnights »

great news, peanut
Beth - Wishing you a restful sleep tonight
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Re: WED and menopause

Post by Polar Bear »

:clap: :clap: :clap:
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Re: WED and menopause

Post by peanut1 »

For some odd reason my sleep seems to have gotten quite a bit better lately. The ONLY thing I can guess is that I've quit my hot baths which I assume negated the effects of the HRT patch that I'm on. But I'll wait a while and see. Too many times something seems to work out and later it doesn't work anymore.

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Re: WED and menopause

Post by ViewsAskew »

peanut1 wrote:... But I'll wait a while and see. Too many times something seems to work out and later it doesn't work anymore.

Isn't that the truth!
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: WED and menopause

Post by peanut1 »

Had a couple of bad nights and I know I am worried about needing to get a roommate since I don't want to get one, but need to. So I'm not sure how much is the HRT and how much is the anxiety level.

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Re: WED and menopause

Post by neoleopard »

Research DHEA (regular and kept versions together) for the flashes. Sleep supplements for the insomnia. Keep a food diary to see what your triggers are. All the above helped me in a big way ") Blessings

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