Left Shoulder

Anything on your mind that isn't about RLS? It's nice to realize that there is life beyond this disease and have an opportunity to get to know our online family in a different context.
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Re: Left Shoulder

Post by debbluebird »

I am pretty much on track with getting everything done before Thursday. We had to go to town today for shopping. That's an all afternoon affair. My husband wants to make another trip maybe Wednesday, further, over to Cheyenne. That's an all day affair. Thursday we go for the preop stuff. That's an all day affair too. Two hour drive one way. Then Surgery is Friday. I don't think we are staying overnight Thursday night. We will probably come home and go back the next day. Then I will only have one night in the hospital. I realized that I only have one shirt that is button down the front. All of my shirts are pull overs. It's going to be a long five weeks, of not using that arm. My poor husband will have so much to do. Thank goodness for him.
I'm in my sleeping well cycle. About nine hours at night with a couple bathroom breaks. Then I'm still sleepy during the day. Taking naps. I never feel totally rested.

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Re: Left Shoulder

Post by Polar Bear »

Could you get away with hubby's shirts ??

You are sounding positive and busy.
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Re: Left Shoulder

Post by debbluebird »

I just might have to do that. :D

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Re: Left Shoulder

Post by ViewsAskew »

Glad you're sleeping well, even if you don't feel rested - it makes me feel better, somehow, knowing that I slept, even if I don't feel much better than when I didn't - weird.

Here's hoping it goes well and your recovery is fast.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Left Shoulder

Post by debbluebird »

I just woke up from a three hour nap. It just seems so weird that I sleep all night plus naps during the day. I never know how long each cycle will last.

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Re: Left Shoulder

Post by ViewsAskew »

debbluebird wrote:I just woke up from a three hour nap. It just seems so weird that I sleep all night plus naps during the day. I never know how long each cycle will last.

I hear you. Mine seem to be a bit more haphazard - 1 week OK, 2 nights not, 4 days OK, 1 night not, 1 night OK, 3 nights not....except for the week prior to my period - that's ALWAYS miserable.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Left Shoulder

Post by debbluebird »

Did the pre op stuff today. Surgery moved up to 10 am tomorrow, from 11 am. Have to be there by 7:30 am. So that means we live home by 5 am. Have to get up at 4 am for antiseptic shower. Will be home Saturday.

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Re: Left Shoulder

Post by Polar Bear »

It will soon be over. You can do this. :)
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Re: Left Shoulder

Post by ViewsAskew »

When I log in tomorrow, I''ll likely see a post from you - if you can type, that is. Maybe we won't see one so soon.

Whenever you get back, hope to hear how things are going.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Left Shoulder

Post by debbluebird »

Typing with one hand. Surgery went well. Doctor confirmed no cartilage. Total replacement. If a person does not have rotator cuff, then it is called a reversal with total replacement. They put a nerve block in my neck. No pain until it started to wear off 24 hrs later. They kept giving me heavy pain meds, oxycontin while in hosp. Block started to wear off about the time of going home. Did not have to take any methadone for WED. Oxycontin covered it. Only sent me home with Norco (like vicoden with less Tylenol) I took that last time with methadone for hip surgeries. It took 3 hrs to get home. Pain was horrible. My husband finaly got pain under control today with the help of oxycodone (his). I will wean down to Norco and methadone. Interestingly I discovered that I do not itch when leaving off methadone while taking oxycodone. Sleeping in recliner. I can put my CPAP on with one hand. Exercises to do 6 times a day.
I hope I do not have to do the other shoulder ever. Worst pain ever. I guess doc thought that my methadone would cover it. I could tell it would not.

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Re: Left Shoulder

Post by Sojourner »

debbluebird wrote:Typing with one hand. Surgery went well. Doctor confirmed no cartilage. Total replacement. If a person does not have rotator cuff, then it is called a reversal with total replacement. They put a nerve block in my neck. No pain until it started to wear off 24 hrs later. They kept giving me heavy pain meds, oxycontin while in hosp. Block started to wear off about the time of going home. Did not have to take any methadone for WED. Oxycontin covered it. Only sent me home with Norco (like vicoden with less Tylenol) I took that last time with methadone for hip surgeries. It took 3 hrs to get home. Pain was horrible. My husband finaly got pain under control today with the help of oxycodone (his). I will wean down to Norco and methadone. Interestingly I discovered that I do not itch when leaving off methadone while taking oxycodone. Sleeping in recliner. I can put my CPAP on with one hand. Exercises to do 6 times a day.
I hope I do not have to do the other shoulder ever. Worst pain ever. I guess doc thought that my methadone would cover it. I could tell it would not.

Glad to see you're back on the air. Wishing you a speedy recovery and successful rehab.
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Re: Left Shoulder

Post by ViewsAskew »

Golly, not sure you managed to type that! it sounds very painful. Hope it heals very, very fast.
Ann - Take what you need, leave the rest

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Re: Left Shoulder

Post by debbluebird »

Feel much better today. In fact each day is getting better. The first two days were pretty bad. I don't know how I would have gotten by without hubbys oxycodone. He was able to get my pain under control. I'm now starting to wean down. WED has not been an issue. Enough drugs in me. The only night in the hospital, they would wake me up every two hours, the WED would start after I would try to go back to sleep. Then I would have to call them back, sit up on the edge of the bed for a few min. or walk, then back to bed and it would be gone. I'm starting to move my hand and arm at the elbow, more. To get off the sling for exercises I lean forward, let my arm hang. That's how I will dress too for now. It will be this way for five weeks. It's going to be long.

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Re: Left Shoulder

Post by Polar Bear »

Yes, it's going to be long..... but the surgery is over and you are on the mend :D
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Re: Left Shoulder

Post by debbluebird »

Feeling awful this evening. Took less pain meds today. During the day it seemed ok. Now, not so much. Restarted methadone.

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